A checklist of the water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) of India, with new records and description of one new species Author Pešić, Vladimir Author Chatterjee, Tapas Author Bordoloi, Sabitry text Zootaxa 2010 2617 1 54 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.197964 92b8222c-9e7a-4036-bbba-d741bf871912 1175-5326 197964 Hydryphantes ( Papilloporus ) incertus Koenike, 1893 New records: India , Assam State: Kamrup district, SW of Guwahati city, Deeper Beel wetland, between the water hyacinth Eichhornia corniculata , 26.10903N 91.68359E , 37 m asl., 8. xii. 2009 , leg. Das & Bordoloi, 0/1/1; Basistha stream, leg. Bordoloi, 0/1/0. Remarks: New for the fauna of India . Habitat: Ponds, pools of streams. Distribution. Africa, SE Asia.