A checklist of the water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) of India, with new records and description of one new species Author Pešić, Vladimir Author Chatterjee, Tapas Author Bordoloi, Sabitry text Zootaxa 2010 2617 1 54 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.197964 92b8222c-9e7a-4036-bbba-d741bf871912 1175-5326 197964 Monatractides angulatus ( Walter, 1928 ) Records from the study area: West Bengal, Punjab—“ Atractides angulata Walter (1928) ; “ Torrenticola angulatus Prasad (1974) . Material compared: NHMB : 3302 Atractides angulatus Walter, Ƥ , labelled as " Typus " XX/89, Vorder-Indien, coll. Chappuis; 3304 Atractides angulatus Walter, Ƥ, Dardjiling ?, coll. Chappuis? XX/ X/18. Remarks: This species belongs to the Monatractides macroporus ( K. Viets, 1935 ) species-complex, characterized by the presence of an anteriorly slender and elongated Cx-1, a relatively short medial suture line of Cx-2+ 3 in both sexes, and a narrower capitular bay (for a discussion on the M. macroporus speciescomplex, see Pešić & Smit 2009b ). Monatractides angulatus is known from a single female specimen, and differs in the shape of capitular bay which proximal end is rectangular ( Lundblad 1969 ). However, at the present state of knowledge, females of this species-complex cannot be identified. Understanding the taxonomic position of this is not possible without finding male and additional material from the locus typicus area. Habitat: Mountain streams. Distribution: India .