Freshwater Halacarid Mites (Acari: Halacaridae) From Madagascar. New Records And The Description Of A New Species Author Bartsch, I. text Acarologia 2013 2013-03-29 53 1 77 87 journal article 10.1051/acarologia/20132080 2107-7207 5392049 Lobohalacarus weberi (Romijn and Viets, 1924) Material examined — One female (slide), ZMH , one female (in ethanol) ZMH ; northern Madagascar , Antisiranana , Andapa , right affluent River Ambendrana downstream, large cascade, 600 m ; 11 Nov. 2001 ; coll. R . Gerecke and T . Goldschmidt. Two deutonymphs (in ethanol) ZMH ; Center of Madagascar , Antanarivo , Anjazarobe , River Ranonisoanavola (stream east from main mountain stream), 1200 m ; 23 Jul. 2001 ; coll. R . Gerecke and T . Goldschmidt. One deutonymph (in ethanol) ZMH ; south central Madagascar , Fianarantsoa , Ionilahy , small stream crossing the railroad east of village, 200 m ; 15 Aug. 2001 ; coll. R . Gerecke and T . Goldschmidt . Diagnosis (female, Madagascar individuals) — Length 284 – 304 µm. With frontal spine. Dorsal plates uniformly foveate. Genital sclerites with two and three acetabula, genital area with five pairs of perigenital setae. Telofemora III and IV with 2/0 dorsal/ventral setae. Ventral flank of genu I on one leg with spur and seta, on other leg with two spurs; each ventral flank of tibiae II to IV with one smooth and two pectinate setae, tarsi III with 4/1 dorsal/ventral setae, and tarsi IV with 3/1 setae. Length of deutonymphs 234 – 244 µm. Remarks — In Lobohalacarus weberi in general, character states are known to vary in individuals from different localities but also within a population (cf. Bartsch 2007b , 2011b ). From Madagascar only two adults were available for study. Distribution — Cosmopolitan with records from Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia , New Zealand , North and South America, and Oceanic Islands ( Bartsch 2008a : fig. 1; Peši´c et al. 2010 ).