Thysanoptera: Thrips of Guam Author Moulton, Dudley text 1942 1942-12-31 Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin Insects of Guam I 7 16 book chapter 9c8d5683-76c1-4938-aede-b7ad5391b6b2 3634035 17. Mesothrips swezeyi , new species . Holotype female (?): head, thorax and fore legs blackish brown, abdomen, middle and hind legs black with joints of legs lighter. Antennae uniformly blackish brown; prominent spines light yellow, almost clear. Wings light brown; forewings with a median dark streak that ends in a broadened cloudy area at about two thirds length of wing. Head almost twice longer than width at eyes, where it is broadest, with cheeks almost straight and narrowed toward base; cheeks with several moderately short stout spines; eyes semiovate. Antenna with segments 3 and 4 elongate clavate, with 4 somewhat larger; 8 slightly constricted at base, clearly separated from 7. Anterior margin of prothorax almost straight; prothorax with a median, full-length thickening; postangular spines alone prominent, others small, all with pointed tips. Fore femora greatly enlarged, each fore tarsus armed with a stout, broad-seated tooth. Wings long, somewhat narrowed in the middle, fore pair with 32 double fringe hairs. Spines on sides of abdomen becoming very long and prominent on segments 6 to 9. Tube almost as long as head, more than four times longer than width at base. Total body length 2.87 mm .; head length 0.485 mm ., width across eyes 0.264 mm ., near posterior margin 0.220 111111 . Prothorax length 0.264 mm ., width not includiQg coxae 0.47 mm .; tube length 0.44 mm ., width at base 0.102 mm . Fore femora length 0.47 mm ., width at middle 0.19 mm . Antenna! segments length (width): II, 80 (43); III, 106 (46); IV, 126 (50); V , 113 (46); VI , 96 (33); VII, 80 (30); VIII , 56; total 690 microns. Upi , May 5 , under bark of Hibiscus tiliaceus , holotype female (?), Swezey ( 5465 ). This species may be separated from jordani by its uniformly blackish brown antennae, in jordani antenna! segments three to eight are yellowish brown. In jordani also there is a thickened ring at base of head while this is wanting in swezeyi .