A new species of whiptail stingray of the genus Dasyatis Rafinesque, 1810 from the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean (Chondrichthyes: Myliobatiformes: Dasyatidae) Author Santos, Hugo Ricardo Secioso Author Gomes, Ulisses Leite Author Charvet-Almeida, Patrícia text Zootaxa 2004 492 1 12 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.157371 2cfbd9b1-3637-4729-b74f-768ead0726e1 1175­5326 157371 014FFEF7-4937-401D-8C46-5E4104444056 Dasyatis colarensis n. sp. ( Figures 1–6 , Tables I and II) Holotype MNRJ 25179, mature male, 2070 mm TL, 630 mm DW, Marajó Bay, close to Colares Island, district of Colares, Pará State, Brazil , 00° 54’ 39’’ S , 48° 17’21’’ W , approximately 6 meters deep, water temperature 28.6°C, salinity 4 ppt, collector, P. Charvet­Almeida, 05/ XII/ 2001 . Paratypes UERJ 2006, subadult male, 1810 mm TL, 530 mm DW, Marajó Bay, close to Colares Islands, district of Colares, Pará State, Brazil , collector P. Charvet­ Almeida, 05/ XI/ 2003 ; MCP 34811, juvenile male, 1260 mm TL, 330 mm DW, same locality and collector as the other paratype , 0 4 / XI / 2003 . Diagnosis Dasyatis colarensis n. sp. is distinguished by the combination of the following characters: a diamond­shaped (rhomboid) disc and an elongate snout (preorbital distance ranging from 35.7 to 37.7 % in DW); presence of a dark and well defined band outlining the lower lips; row of small tubercles along midline of disc from shoulder region to base of tail, tubercles somewhat randomly distributed; posterior margins of pectoral fins uniformly rounded; triangular­shaped pelvic fins with posterior margin almost straight or slightly sinuous, pelvic fin tips exceeding posterior margins of disc; dorsal caudal keel absent in the holotype , but vestigial in both paratypes . Description Proportional dimensions as percentages of DW and meristic data are given respectively in tables I and II. Snout long (preorbital length 35.7 to 37.7 % of DW) and acutely pointed. Maximum anterior angle in front of spiracles (snout angle) about 95° to 100°. Anterior margins of disc slightly concave with posterior margins convex. Disc width about equal to disc length (from 100.7 to 103.3 %). Eyes small, horizontal eye diameter 18.9 to 24.2 % in interorbital width. Spiracles well developed (horizontal eye diameter 35.5 to 47.0% of spiracle length). Posterior margins of pectoral fins perfectly rounded. Corners of nasal curtain rounded; nasal curtain with fringed posterior margin and with a median hiatus. Mouth arched, with a straight and dark band outlining the lower lips. Median portion of lower jaw (symphysial region) slightly concave. Teeth in a pavement pattern; cusps pointed and curved backwards in the holotype . Subadult specimen with teeth near symphysis almost pointed. Dental formulae: 43–45/45–60. Three to four papillae in transverse series on mouth floor. In the holotype , the central papilla is curved forward, the two lateral ones show a singular bifurcated tip ( paratypes have no bifurcated papillae). Gill slit apertures sinuous. TABLE I: Proportional morphometrics of holotype and paratypes of D. colarensis n. sp. (in mm and as % of DW). SD = standard deviation.
Parameters HOLOTYPE MNRJ 25179 mm % of DW PARATYPE UERJ 2006 mm % of DW PARATYPE AV E ­ SD M C P 3 4 8 11 RAGE mm % of DW
total length 2070 328.5 1810 341.5 1260 381.8 350.6 27.7
disc width 630 100 530 100 330 100 100 0
disc length 635 100.7 548 103.3 335 101.5 101.9 1.3
internal disc length 561 89.4 460 86.7 290 87.8 87.9 1.1
precloacal length 530 84.1 470 88.6 285 86.3 86.3 2.2
cloaca­ sting length 235 37.3 220 41.5 135 40.9 39.9 2.2
caudal length 1494 237 1111 209.6 970 296.3 247.7 44.3
caudal diameter 14 2.2 11 2.0 9 2.7 2.3 0.3
height of ventral finfold 4 0.6 3 0.5 2 2.1 1.1 0.8
length of ventral finfold 235 37.3 240 45.2 170 51.5 44.6 7.1
horizontal eye diameter 12.8 2.0 11 2.0 8 2.4 2.1 0.2
orbit length 16 2.53 17 3.2 11 3.33 2.8 0.4
interorbital width 61 9.6 58 10.9 33 11.3 10.2 0.6
spiracle length 36 5.7 28 5.2 17 5.1 5.3 5.3
interspiracular length 90 14.2 73 13.7 50 15.1 14.4 0.6
preoral length 220 34.9 195 36.7 115 34.8 35.5 1.1
preorbital length 225 35.7 200 37.7 120 36.6 36.6 1.0
1st and 5st gill slit distance 70 11.1 55 10.3 36 10.9 10.7 0.3
1st gill slits distance 105 16.6 90 16.9 56 16.9 16.8 0.1
mouth width 48 7.6 44 8.3 31 9.3 8.4 8.4
internasal width 64 10.1 57 10.7 36 10.9 10.6 0.3
pelvic fin width 124 19.6 120 22.6 77 23.3 21.8 1.9
pelvic fin length 135 21.4 110 20.7 66 20 20.7 0.7
base of pelvic fin 96 15.2 80 15.0 41 12.4 14.2 1.5
anterior margin of pelvic fin 14 2.2 125 26.0 86 26.6 23.9 1.9
posterior margin of pelvic fin 25 3.9 100 23.3 77 23.3 27.9 10.9
width of pelvic fin girdle 82 13.0 68 13.3 41 13.3 12.9 0.1
clasper inner length 140 22.2 100 18.8 20 6.0 15.7 8.5
clasper outer length 85 13.4 75 13.7 12 3.6 10.3 5.7
clasper glans 44 31.4 38 35.0 7 38 7.0 2.8
snout­ sting length 797 126.5 200 132.0 420 127.2 128.6 3.0
prenasal length 186 29.5 170 32.0 100 30.3 30.6 30.6
caudal base­sting 220 34.9 200 37.7 125 37.8 36.8 1.6
FIGURES 1–2. Dasyatis colarensis n. sp, MNRJ 25179, holotype, male, 630 DW. 1, dorsal view; 2, ventral view. FIGURE 3 : Dasyatis colarensis n. sp. , UERJ 2006, paratype, male, 530 DW. Dorsal view. FIGURE 4 : Dasyatis colarensis n. sp. Schematic drawing of oral papillae from the holotype. FIGURE 5 : Dasyatis colarensis n. sp. , UERJ 2006, paratype. Detail of mouth showing the coloration of the lower lip margin. Pelvic fins triangular, with posterior margin almost straight or slightly sinuous. Tip of pelvic fin sharp, exceeding the limits of the posterior margin of disc. Well developed claspers in the holotype (with residual traces of sperm at the moment of capture). Medial margin of clasper groove slightly serrated at the glans. Tail (which seems complete) more than twice disc width (209.6 to 296.3%). Dorsal caudal keel absent in holotype but present in both paratypes as a low vestigial keel. Ventral finfold not high, its maximum height less than one third of caudal diameter at sting level (from 22.2 to 28.5%). TABLE II : Meristic data of holotype and paratypes of Dasyatis colarensis n. sp. Holotype Paratype Paratype Countings MNRJ 25179 UERJ 2006 MCP 34811 Central upper surface of disc covered with small, widespread, and flattened tubercles in a band along midline from level of orbits to base of tail. Tubercles also on rostral, preorbital and interorbital regions. Margin of disc naked. Dorsal thorn counts: 6 to 9 nuchals, 1 to 2 scapulars, 2 to 3 suprascapulars on the left side and 1 to 3 on the right, 12 to 17 median dorsals, and 6 to 9 median caudals. Ventral finfold, pelvic fins, claspers and ventral surface of the disc smooth. Sting missing in holotype (probably removed, original groove present). Counts of lateral sting barbs: 42 (left) and 48 (right) in juvenile paratype , 69 (left) and 70 (right) in subadult specimen.
teeth (superior jaw) 43 43 45
teeth (inferior jaw) 60 51 45
vellum papillae 41 damaged 41
pelvic radials (left / right) 26 / 26 ­ ­
pre­sting vertebral centra 127 ­ ­
monospondylic vertebral centra 46 ­ ­
nuchalspines 9 9 6
scapulars thorns 1 2 1
suprascapular thorns (left / right) 3 / 3 2 / 2 3 / 1
mediodorsal thorns 12 17 16
mediocaudal thorns 9 8 6
oral papillae 3 4 3
pelvic fin fringes 18 17 17
snout angle 96° 95° 100°
FIGURE 6 : Dasyatis colarensis n. sp. Schematic drawing of the right clasper of holotype in dorsal view. Abbreviations: mts, medial terminal margin serrae; hyp, hypopyle; pe, pent. Coloration in life very similar to that in preservative. Dorsal surface of the disc light brown; ventral surface whitish­gray with margins of pectoral fins and posterior margins of pelvic fins darker. Anterior margin of pelvic fin whitish to yellowish. Claspers and caudal ventral finfold dark brown.
Etymology The specific name was selected for the geographic location of holotype , from the proximities of Colares Island, district of Colares (Pará State, Brazil ). Discussion Dasyatis colarensis resembles the diamond shaped, long snouted Dasyatis species group of Compagno and Roberts (1982 , 1984 ), Nishida and Nakaya (1990) and Rosenberger (2001) . According to Rosenberger (2001) , in the western Atlantic this species group is represented by Dasyatis geijskesi , D . guttata , and D . sabina , which have preorbital snout lengths exceeding 25% of DW. The other western Atlantic species of Dasyatis , D . americana , D . centroura , D . marianae , and D . say either have or lack diamond shaped discs but all have snouts that are less than 25% of disc width. The shape of the disc, which is laterally rounded, promptly differentiates D. sabina from D. colarensis , which has angular pectoral fin edges. In D. sabina the horizontal eye diameter is more developed (53% to 88% of spiracle length), whereas in D. colarensis this proportion is 35.5 to 47.0 %. In D. sabina the upper surface of tail has a definite and high finfold, and the ventral finfold is larger than the caudal height. In D. colarensis the dorsal finfold is absent ( holotype ) or vestigial ( paratypes ) and the height of the ventral finfold does not reach one­half of tail. The snout of D. sabina is shorter than in D. colarensis ; horizontal eye diameter is 5.6 to 6.9% of preoral length in D. colarensis , and the preoral length is 34.8 to 36.7 % of DW. In D. sabina these percentages are, respectively, 14% to 22% and 27. 7 % to 26.4%. D. colarensis resembles D guttata in possessing a rough patch of small tubercles at the midline dorsal area and on the elongated snout. The dorsal patch of tubercles of the disc in mature D. guttata forms a more or less defined band, while in D. colarensis the dorsal tubercles present a random arrangement. The snout of D. guttata is shorter than in D. colarensis . The horizontal eye diameter is 10% to 39% in preoral length in D. guttata whereas in D. colarensis it is 5.6 to 6.9 %. In addition, the preoral length is 21.5 to 25.5% of DW in D. guttata , and 34.9% to 36.7% in D. colarensis . The posterior margins of pectoral fins are perfectly rounded in D. colarensis and angular in D. guttata . The posterior margins of the pelvic fins are rounded in D. guttata and pointed in D. colarensis . Dasyatis geijskesi differs from D. colarensis in possessing a very long preorbital snout length (40 to 50% of DW vs. 35.7 to 37.7% in D. coloarensis ), very long prenasal snout length (37 to 45% of DW vs. 29.5 to 32.7%), very broad pelvic fins (38 to 42.9% of DW vs. 19.6 to 23.3%), and narrow pelvic fin base length (79.3 to 91.1% of internasal length vs. 119.2 to 124.2%). With respect to Dasyatis from other regions, D. colarensis resembles D. zugei (Müller & Henle, 1841) from China , Pakistan , Indonesia and the Sea of Japan , D. navarrae (Steindachner, 1892) and D. bennetti (Müller & Henle, 1841) from southeast Asia, and D. acutirostra (Nishida and Nakaya, 1988) from the Sea of Japan and the East China Sea, in having an elongated snout which reaches more than 25% of disc length ( Chen, 1948 ; Chu & Wen, 1982 ; Monkolprasit, 1984 ; Nishida & Nakaya,1990 ). The pale­edged stingray D. zugei and the blackish stingray D. navarrae differ from D. colarensis by presenting a well developed upper finfold in the former, and vestigial or absent finfold in the latter. The frilltail stingray D. bennetti lacks a patch of tubercles on the back of the disc (present in D. colarensis ), its ventral finfold length is 60% to 67% of DW (37.3 to 51.5% in D. colarensis ), its preoral length ranges from 25.7% to 27.4% of DW (34.8 to 36.7% in D. colarensis ), its pelvic radials range from 21 to 24 ( 26 in D. colarensis ), and it has 119 pre­sting vertebral centra ( 127 in D. colarensis ). The smalltooth stingray D . rudis possesses the entire dorsal surface of disc rough with minute and dense asperities and no middorsal row of spines ( D. colarensis presents small tubercles only at disc centre and a middorsal row of spines). The sharpnose stingray D. acutirostra presents a ventral finfold length ranging from 15.0% to 22.9% of DW (37.3 to 51.5% in D. colarensis ), a preoral length ranging from 37.9% to 44.2% of DW (34.8 to 36.7% in D. colarensis ), lacks a dorsal patch of tubercles and suprascapular thorns (both present in D. colarensis ), and lacks oral papillae (three to four well developed papillae in D. colarensis ).