Description of a new species in the genus Nephrotoma (Diptera: Tipuloidea: Tipulidae) from China, with redescriptions of hypopygiums of six species Author Men, Qiulei School of Life Sciences, the Belt and Road Model International Science and Technology Cooperation Base for Biodiversity Conservation and Utilization in Basins of Anhui Province; Provincial Key Laboratory of the Biodiversity Study and Ecology Conservation in Southwest Anhui Province, Anqing Normal University, Anqing, Anhui 246011, P. R. China; E-mail: menqiulei 888 @ 126. com Author Yu, Dong School of Life Sciences, the Belt and Road Model International Science and Technology Cooperation Base for Biodiversity Conservation and Utilization in Basins of Anhui Province; Provincial Key Laboratory of the Biodiversity Study and Ecology Conservation in Southwest Anhui Province, Anqing Normal University, Anqing, Anhui 246011, P. R. China; E-mail: menqiulei 888 @ 126. com Author Sun, Mengwei Library of Anqing Normal University, Anqing Normal University, Anqing, Anhui 246011, China text Zoological Systematics 2023 48 3 249 263 journal article 10.11865/zs.2023304 2095-6827 10941824 C3ABBC3E-DB48-4D8F-B57E-3B8177E8B683 Nephrotoma zhuolonggouensis Men , sp. nov. ( Figs 1–10 ) Diagnosis. Occiput and vertex brown, basally with an olive-shaped black mark. Prescutum and presutural scutum brownish with three black longitudinal stripes. Wing light brown, stigma dark brown with many black setae. Basal five abdominal segments brownish, rest segments including hypopygium black. Ventral portion of tergite ninth with a pair of bifurcated extensions. Description. Male ( n = 20) ( Fig. 1 ). Body length 9.0–9.2 mm, wing length 12.7–13.0mm, antenna length 4.6–4.8 mm. Head. Rostrum brown with brown setae. Nasus dark brown with brown setae. Occiput and vertex brown with an olive black mark at base. Antenna relatively long, if bent backward reaching base of first abdominal segment; scape dark brown, cylindrical, slightly expanded at apex; pedicel dark brown, oval; flagellum entirely dark brown, flagellomere first longest, slightly longer than pedical and scape together, flagellomeres second to fifth almost same length to each other, remaining flagellomeres progressively shortened and thinned, last flagellomere oval, flagellomeres second to tenth enlarged at both ends, with five black verticils at base, longest one subequal in length to its corresponding flagellomere, surface of each flagellomere densely covered with short brown setae. Palpus dark brown. Thorax. Pronotum brownish. Prescutum and presutural scutum brownish with three black longitudinal stripes, media stripe with widest front end two times wider than narrowest basal part, lateral margins straight. Lateral stripes slightly longer than mid-length of media stripe, outer margins arched. Scutum brownish, scutal lobes each with two dark brown spots, lower one quadrilateral, distinctly bigger than triangular upper one. Scutellum and mediotergite brownish and unmarked. Pleura brownish ( Fig. 1 ). Leg with coxa and trochanter brownish; femur brownish at basal half, gradually changing into dark brown; tibial and tarsal segments dark brown. Wing light brown, cell c not darker than ground color, stigma dark brown with many black setae ( Fig. 1 ). Wing venation. R 3 distinctly shorter than R 2+3+4 , almost same length to Rs; base of R 5 more than three times longer than r-m; discal cell narrow with dorsal margin and base of M 3 almost parallel; petiole of cell m 1 very short or absent, M 1 more than 1.6 times as long as discal cell; m-cu slightly longer than base of M 3 ( Figs 1–2 ). Abdomen. Abdomen with basal five segments brownish, rest segments including hypopygium black ( Fig. 1 ). Hypopygium with tergite ninth and sternite ninth separated totally ( Fig. 3 ). Tergite ninth rounded at lateral corners, deeply V-shaped concaved at posterior margin; tergite ninth with paired posterior extensions (postr et) divided by a V-shaped notch, each extension bifurcated, equipped with many small black teeth ( Fig. 4 ). Sternite eighth shallowly emarginated at posterior margin, medially with a lobe being triangular in lateral view (med lb) ( Figs 3, 5 ). Sternite ninth with lateral surface divided by a crack into two parts, dorsal part truncated apically, ventral part elongated, obtuse at tip; posterior margin of sternite ninth deeply concaved medially ( Figs 3, 5 ). Outer gonostylus narrowed and elongated, obtuse apically, widened at basal one third ( Fig. 6 ). Inner gonostylus with apical beak relatively sharp, strongly sclerotized, with a raised ridge at its lower margin, basal beak obtuse, strongly sclerotized, dorsal crest small, dorsal corner rounded, posterolateral part (postr lat pt) appearing as black finger-shaped lobe ( Fig. 7 ). Aedeagal guide acute at apex, curved ventrad in lateral view, gonapophyses elongated, appearing as a pair of narrowed lobe, curved medially, its ventral appendage enlarged and wrinkled ( Fig. 8 ). Semen pump with ejaculatory apodeme fan-shaped, with a small V-shaped notch dividing ejaculatory apodeme into two lobes, each lobe with a strongly raised ridge ( Fig. 9 ). Anterior immovable apodeme acute apically in lateral view. Posterior immovable apodeme distinctly shorter than ejaculatory apodeme, dorsally curved ( Fig. 10 ). Figure 2. Nephrotoma zhuolonggouensis Men , sp. nov. , male, wing. Scale bar= 1.0 mm. Figures 3–10. Nephrotoma zhuolonggouensis Men , sp. nov. , male. 3. Hypopygium, lateral view. 4. Tergite ninth, dorsal view. 5. Hypopygium, ventral view. 6. Outer gonostylus, lateral view. 7. Inner gonostylus, lateral view. 8. Aedeagal guide, dorsal view. 9. Ejaculatory apodeme, dorsal view. 10. Semen pump, lateral view. Scale bars= 0.2 mm. Holotype . , China , Xizang , Bomi , Zhuolonggou , 29°48'N , 95°45'E , 31.V.2019 , leg. Qiulei Men. Paratypes . 19♂ , same data as holotype . Figures 11–16. Nephrotoma aculeata (Loew, 1871) . 11. Hypopygium, lateral view. 12. Aedeagal guide, dorsal view. 13. Aedeagal guide, lateral view. 14. Ejaculatory apodeme, dorsal view. 15. Semen pump, dorsal view. 16. Semen pump, lateral view. Scale bars = 0.2 mm. Comparative material examined. Nephrotoma aculeata (Loew, 1871) : 1♂ , China , Heilongjiang , Baoquanling , 7.V.2019 , leg. Yixin Huang. Distribution. China ( Xizang ). Etymology. The specific epithet is a noun ‘ zhuolonggou ’ with Latin suffix ‘ ensis ’, referring to the distribution of the new species. Remarks. The new species is closest to N. aculeata (Loew, 1871) , distributed in Palaearctic Region, including northern China , based on the shape of posterior extension of tergite ninth and wing venation, but differs from the latter by the narrowed and elongated outer gonostylus (widened in relative species) ( Fig. 11 ), the median lobe of sternite eighth triangular in lateral view (rod-shaped in relative species) ( Fig. 11 ), the aedeagal guide with gonapophyses not enlarged at apex (gonapophyses strongly enlarged at apex in relative species) ( Figs 12–13 ), and the semen pump with ejaculatory apodeme having strongly raised ridge (without such ridge in relative species) ( Figs 14–16 ).