Five new species of Tetranychidae (Acarina, Prostigmata) from south Tunisian oasis areas Author Auger, Philippe Author Chaaban, Samah Ben Author Grissa, Kaouthar Lebdi Author Khoualdia, Othman Author Flechtmann, Carlos H. W. text Zootaxa 2009 2232 29 49 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.190324 c5199c92-c9a3-4ddf-87aa-29df1711065e 1175-5326 190324 C9759639-474C-469E-86DF-425735FC194A Bryobia alveolata sp. nov. Auger & Flechtmann (Figures 1–13) Type-specimens. Holotype (female), 4 female paratypes on 5 microscopic preparations from Atriplex sp., ( Chenopodiaceae ), M'Rha Lahouara, Gouvernorat de Tozeur, Tunisia , 05/06/2005 , coll. P. Auger. Holotype and 3 female paratypes deposited in the collection of the Centre de Biologie et de Gestion des Populations (CBGP), 34988 Montferrier-sur-Lez, France . One female paratype deposited in the type collection of the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris (MNHN). Diagnosis . This species is distinctive from other members of the genus by the presence on its opisthosoma of seven more or less large oval-shaped depressions or dimples with rounded reticulations. Description . Female : Holotype 654 µm long (excluding gnathosoma) gnathosoma 196 µm long (measured to the tip of palps), width 396 µm. Four paratypes measured, 552–622 µm long, gnathosoma 185– 208 µm long, width 370–390 µm. Dorsum – Prodorsum with four pairs of setae and with quite well developed lobes. Outer propodosomal lobes less developed than inner lobes and more or less triangular with broad bases. Incision between the outer and anteromedian lobes wide and not deep; incision between median lobes also relatively shallow. A horizontal line joining tip of v 2 setae crosses the bases of v 1 setae. Dorsal body setae palmate, serrate and subequal in length (length of holotype and variations of four paratypes ): v 1 24 (22–24); v 2 27 (26–28); sc 1 26 (25– 26); sc 2 23 (20–23); c 1 27 (21–24); c 2 25 (23–24); c 3 23 (23–26); d 1 26 (22–26); d 2 23 (22–26); d 3 22 (19–23); e 1 26 (22–25); e 2 23 (22–25); e 3 21 (21–22); f 1 23 (23–27); f 2 23 (21–23); h 1 21 (21–23). Distance between bases of d 1 and e 1 about two-thirds that between c 1 and d 1. Propodosoma covered with rough elongate reticulate elements medially and more or less rounded elements laterally. Opisthosoma bears folds with a pattern mostly transverse and arched posteriorly to d 1 setae. Seven large oval-shaped dimple-like depressions with rounded reticulations present. With 12 pairs of setae. Gnathosoma – Stylophore rounded, longer than wide. Tibial claw of palpus bidentate. Palptarsus elongate and bears seven setae and a solenidion. Peritreme anastomosed distally in a relatively long and slender enlargement. Venter – Area immediately anterior to genital flap irregularly longitudinal. Sacculus of spermatheca circular. Three anal and two para-anal setae are present. Legs – Length inferior to body length, leg I 553 (486–520) µm long (length of holotype and variations of two paratypes ). Leg chaetotaxy as follows: I 2 − 1 −14 − 6 − 13 + (1) − 18 + (6) [(5)] + 2 duplexes; II 1 − 1 − 9 − 5 − 9 − 13 + (4) + 1 duplex; III 1 − 1 − 7 − 6 − 9 − 13+ 1 duplex; IV 1 − 1 − 4 − 7 − 9 − 14+ (1). Tarsus III associated setae serrate and approximate with solenidion, about equal in size; tarsus IV with solenidion well-separated from tactile, proximal, and about half length of tactile seta. True claws uncinate, with one pair of tenent hairs (leg I) or two pairs of tenent hairs (legs II, III, IV). Empodial pads each bears two rows of tenent hairs and almost as long as claws. Male : Unknown FIGURES 1, 2. Bryobia alveolata sp. nov. , female. 1, dorsal aspect; 2, dorsal sc 1 seta. Etymology. The species alveolata is named after the oval shaped depressions with rounded reticulations present on the dorsal part of the hysterosoma.