Two new species of the mirine plant bug genus Adelphocorisella (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae: Mirinae: Mirini) from central Thailand Author Yasunaga, Tomohide Author Shishido, Takayuki Author Yamada, Kazutaka text Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 2016 2016-08-19 64 250 256 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.4504366 2345-7600 4504366 048868C8-8F1B-4202-9991-F8FA0E2B5CE4 Adelphocorisella adelphocoroides , new species ( Figs. 1 D−F, 2A, 3) Type material. Holotype : male, THAILAND : Nakhon Ratchasima , Wang Nam Khieo , Sakaerat Environmental Research Station ( SERS ), N14°30’27” E101°55’39” , 410 m alt., UV light trap, coll. T . Yasunaga, TB . Shishido , 25 December 2012 ( AMNH _ PBI 00380437 ) ( DOA ). Diagnosis. Distinguished readily from known congeners by its coffee brown dorsum with very sparsely distributed, reclining, sericeous setae; moderately oblique head; shiny fuscous antennal segment I; long labium reaching abdominal sternum VII; somewhat shiny pronotum; and shape of parameres and endosoma. Description. Holotype Male : Body elongate oval; dorsal surface generally coffee brown, weakly shining, with uniformly distributed, pale brown, semierect simple setae and very sparsely distributed, reclining sericeous setae ( Fig. 1D ). Head whitish brown ( Fig. 1E ), but chestnut brown ventrally ( Fig. 2A ), oblique, a little porrect; vertex rather wide, about 1.5 times as wide as an eye in dorsal view, with a faint, narrow, longitudinal, mesal sulcus; frons shallowly and obliquely striolate. Antenna longer than body; segment I shiny fuscous, somewhat clavate; segments II−IV completely yellow, linear ( Fig. 2A ). Labium shiny dark brown, long, thick, reaching posterior margin of abdominal sternum VII ( Fig. 2A ). Pronotum somewhat shining, widely pale brown, narrowly darkened posteriorly, with yellowish white collar and posterior margin ( Fig. 1D, F ); pleura widely darkened and pruinosed, with creamy yellow ostiolar peritreme; mesoscutum yellowish brown, matte; scutellum dark brown, matte, with irregular, yellow basal striae; shallowly and roughly rugose ( Fig. 1D ). Hemelytron matte; corium and anterior part of clavus mottled with brown; apical half of cuneus yellowish brown; membrane smoky brown. Coxa generally dark brown, silverily pruinosed, except for metacoxa grayish brown ( Figs 1F , 2A ); leg pale brown; all femora and tibiae with small, brown or reddish brown spots; apical half of metafemur darkened; tibial spines fuscous. Abdomen pale brown; ventral median part irregularly darkened; ventral lateral part mottled with reddish spots ( Fig. 2A ). Male genitalia ( Fig. 3 ): Left paramere with rather developed hypophysis; right paramere slender, tapered apicad. Apex of phallotheca simple, rounded. Endosoma composed of wide membranous area, with well developed spiculum and sclerite ‘b’, and relatively broad sclerite ‘a’. Female : Unknown. Measurements. Male: Total body length 6.0; width of head across eyes 1.10; width of vertex 0.44; lengths of antennal segments I−IV 0.86, 2.84, 2.23, 1.10; length of labium 3.71; basal width of pronotum 1.84; maximum width across hemelytron 2.16; and length of metafemur, tibia and tarsus 2.70, 4.26, 0.64. Etymology. From the mirine generic name, Adelphocoris Reuter , with which the new species can be confused. Biology. Unknown; only a single male was collected using UV light trap.