A catalog of the Sciomyzidae of Chile, with a key to genera (Diptera: Sciomyzoidea) Author Murphy, William L. 0000-0002-0085-6998 Research Collaborator, Department of Entomology, Smithsonian Institution, 7835 Tufton Street, Fishers, Indiana 46038, USA. murph 3000 @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 0085 - 6998 murph3000@gmail.com Author González, Christian R. 0000-0003-2582-6071 Instituto de Entomología, Facultad de Ciencias Básicas, Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación, Santiago, Chile. christian. gonzalez @ umce. cl; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 2582 - 6071 christian.gonzalez@umce.cl Author Elgueta, Mario Área de Entomología, Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Santiago, Chile. text Zootaxa 2022 2022-02-11 5099 2 261 278 journal article 20682 10.11646/zootaxa.5099.2.6 193eee09-5400-464b-b87b-97f6c1f3db36 1175-5326 6048580 2D8C2C0A-A6F2-4DAD-9BCE-818D0596E656 meridionalis Zuska in Kaczynski et al ., 1969: 577–578 , fig. 5 Holotype . Male ( CUIC ), Chile Santiago Pr., Baños Morales. Distribution. Argentina : Río Negro Province (Río Villegas), Chubut Province (El Maitén 24 km S), Santa Cruz Province (no precise locality). Chile : Región de Atacama : Copiapó Province (Río Copiapó, Vegas de San Andrés), Huasco Province (Canto del Agua); Región de Coquimbo : Limarí Province (National Park Fray Jorge), Choapa Province (Hacienda Illapel, Illapel, Ñague); Región de Valparaíso : Marga Marga Province (Limache), Valparaíso Province (Archipiélago de Juan Fernández); Región Metropolitana de Santiago : Chacabuco Province (Caleu), Santiago Province (Peñalolen), Cordillera Province (Baños Morales 4 km W, Valle Los Piuquenes); Región del Biobío : Biobío Province (Mulchén, Salto del Laja); Región de Los Lagos : Llanquihue Province (Casa Pangue); Región de Aysén : Aysén Province (Chile Chico). References. Kaczynski et al . 1969: 574 (fig. 5 male postabdomen), 575 (fig. 9 male postabdomen), 577 (key), 579 (fig. 10 geographic distribution), 581 (figs. 20–28 mouthparts larva), 583 (figs. 35– 40 larva ), 588 (figs. 49– 56 pupa ); Abercrombie 1970: 160 (key to larvae), 162 (key to puparia); Knutson et al . 1976: 11 (catalog); Marinoni 1995: 140 (list); Marinoni & Mathis 2000: 165 (table 1 character states); 172 (fig. 17 antenna); 179, 183, 188, 194 (figs. 81, 128, 171, 232 male terminalia); Knutson & Vala 2011: 56 , 113, 169, 187 (biology), 246 (fig. 14.40b cephalopharyngeal skeleton, fig. 14.40f, g L3), 298 (key to adults), 372 (geographic distribution), 456 (table 21.1 world checklist); Williams et al . 2013: 106–107 (habitat).