The green lacewings of Pakistan (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae): a faunal review with new records of genera and species Author Hassan, Muhammad Asghar 0000-0003-2590-5781 Author Liu, Xingyue text Zootaxa 2022 2022-09-01 5180 1 1 83 journal article 53256720-2b2c-4dc2-9876-0a3b163e869d 1175-5326 7040828 B6D071D8-6D56-46FD-B1B6-250394D9D6F7 Apertochrysa sp. 3 ( Figs 20 , 55 ) Diagnosis Apertochrysa sp. 3 can be distinguished by the presence of distinctive dark brown markings on frons and vertex, the absence of basal dilation of pretarsal claws, and the following prominent black crossveins in forewing: m-cu2, crossveins of intracubital cell, proximal crossvein of im2 cell, distal branches of A1 and A2 veins ( Fig. 20F ). Description Measurements ( n=1). Forewing: length 14.5 mm , width 4.3 mm ; hindwing: length 14.0 mm, width 4.3 mm ; body length: 7.5 mm . Head ( Figs 20A–B, E ). Vertex moderately raised, with a pair of median longitudinal dark brown stripes, lateral margins with two pairs of dark brown spots ( Fig. 20E ). Postorbital sclerite unmarked. Frons with a narrow median rounded yellow spot. Clypeus with proximal and lateral margins dark brown. Antennal toruli yellow. Interantennal spot indistinct. Genae yellow, with a median dark brown stripe. Maxillary palpi brownish yellow, covered with short yellow setae. Labial palpi brownish yellow, covered with short yellow setae. Antennae pale yellow; scape dorsally with longitudinal dark brown stripe; pedicel brownish, covered with short pale setae. Thorax ( Fig. 20E ). Pronotum slightly wider than long (length 0.62 mm , width 1.09 mm ), with dark brown markings, covered with short black setae. Meso- and metanotum with dispersing brownish markings at sublateral margins, sparsely covered with dark brown setae. Legs ( Fig. 20C ). Pale unmarked, covered with short black setae. Pretarsal claws without basal dilation, quadrate at base ( Fig. 20D ). Wings ( Fig. 20C ). Forewing: Costal area relatively narrow, slightly wider at the longest subcostal veinlets (4–10). Longitudinal veins pale. Subostal veinlets (cv) dark brown. Subcostal area with basal subcostal crossvein (bsx) dark brown, proximal four crossveins below pterostigma brownish yellow. Pterostigma pale. Branches of anal vein dark brown, proximally pale yellow. 10 radial cells; radial crossveins straight, dark brown. Branches of Rs pale yellow, proximal 1/3 dark brown; proximal three to four branches and marginal forks dark brown. Three Banksian cells (b cell), four lower Banksian cells (b’ cell). Two series of gradates; six inner gradates (ig); six outer (og) gradates; dark brown. Third intracubital cell (icu3) without dark spot. Basal crossvein between Rs and M (rm 1 ) meets at subdistal margin of im cell. Median arculus (m-cu2) dark brown. Pseudomedia (Psm) pale yellow, branches dark brown. Pseudocubitus (Psc) pale yellow, branches dark brown with a median yellow band. Two intramedian cells; first intramedian cell (im1) ovate. Second median cell (m2) slightly shorter than third median cell (m3). First intracubital cell (icu1) slightly shorter than second intracubital cell (icu2). Hindwing: Costal area narrow. Longitudinal veins pale. Subostal veinlets dark brown. Subcostal area with four brownish crossveins below pterostigma. Pterostigma pale. Three b cells (including the small basal cell); four b’ cells. Nine radial cells; radial crossveins black, except median yellow streaks. Branches of Rs pale yellow, proximal 1/3 dark brown. Two series of gradates; four inner gradates; five outer gradates; dark brown. Pseudomedia (Psm) pale yellow, branches dark brown with a median yellow band. Pseudocubitus (Psc) pale yellow, branches pale yellow, but proximally dark brown. Anal veins pale yellow. Abdomen ( Fig. 20C ). Tergum dark brown, each pregenital segment distally with a narrow yellow stripe. Sternum brownish yellow, covered with short yellow setae.