Revision of the family Cyclocoelidae Stossich, 1902 with the proposal of two new subfamilies and the description of a new species of Morishitium Witenberg, 1928 from the common snipe, Gallinago gallinago, from Texas, U. S. A. Author Dronen, Norman O. text Zootaxa 2007 1563 55 68 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.178396 e5621e42-967b-49bc-b405-d9733ae497be 1175-5326 178396 Morishitium texanense n. sp. ( Figs. 7–9 ) Type host: Scolopacidae : Gallinago gallinago (Linnaeus. 1758) ; common snipe. Type locality: Lake Bryan, Brazos County, Texas, U.S.A. , 30° 24’ N latitude, 96° 13’ W longitude. Site of infection: Air sacs of lungs. Prevalence: 50% (2 of 4 birds). Mean intensity: 3 ( 2 in one bird and 4 in a second). Specimens deposited: Holotype HWML 48564; paratypes ( 2 specimens ) 48565; vouchers ( 3 specimens ) HWML 48566. Etymology: The species designation reflects the general geographical region from which the host bird was collected, Texas, U.S.A. FIGURES 7–9. Morishitium texanense n. sp. from the common snipe, Gallinago gallinago . 7. Morishitium texanense n. sp. , ventral view of adult. 8. Morishitium texanense n. sp. , composite drawing of the anterior end, ventral view. 9. Morishitium texanense n. sp. , composite drawing of female reproductive system, ventral view. Abbreviations: AT, anterior testis; C, Cecum; M, Mehlis’ glands of ootype; OV, ovary; P, Pharynx; SV, seminal vesicle; T, testes; U, uterus; V, vitelline duct; VF, vitelline field. Description: Based on 6 specimens . With characteristics of the genus. Body large, relatively narrow, tapered anteriorly, 10.6 (9.3–11.0) mm long by 2.0 (1.9–2.3) mm wide at widest point. Oral sucker and acetabulum absent. Mouth slightly subterminal; prepharynx 175 (150–220) long; pharynx well developed, 278 (250–270) long by 220 (210–230) wide; esophagus longer than prepharynx, 460 (350–600) long. Ratio of length of prepharynx to length of esophagus 1:2.6. Ceca with irregular inner margins forming numerous, small, blister-like pouches in most specimens (not figured), uniting near posterior extremity to form cyclocoel. Testes smooth, spherical to subspherical, occasionally lobed, tandem to somewhat diagonal, in intercecal region of posterior 1/3 of body. Anterior testis 528 (460–630) long by 452 (370–550) wide. Posterior testis 578 (410–690) long by 454 (350–550) wide. Intertesticular space 1,090 (650–1,370, or approximately 10% of body length). Posttesticular space relatively small, 550 (450–670, or approximately 5% of body length). Cirrus sac 510 (400–750 [approximately 5% of body length]) long by 158 (150–180) wide, enclosing bipartite seminal vesicle. Genital pore postpharyngeal, at level of posterior 1/3 of pharynx, near midline of body. Ovary smooth, oval, situated intertesticularly, in line with, or nearly in line, with testes, 255 (220–280) long by 248 (210–300) wide. Ratio of width of ovary to mean width of testes 1:1.8. Uterine seminal receptacle absent. Laurer’s canal absent. Vitelline follicles distributed along ceca from level of pharynx to posterior extremity, not confluent posteriorly. In some specimens, one side may be less extensive, reaching anteriorly only to level of cecal bifurcation, longer extent not consistently on left or right. Uterus extensive, intercecal, proximal end filled with sperm. Eggs 140 (130–155) long (n=40) by 72 (60–80) wide in anterior aspect of uterus; miracidia oculate. Excretory vesicle Y-shaped. Excretory pore nearly terminal on dorsal surface of body. Remarks. This species has an intertesticular ovary that forms a straight line with the tandem testes and is assigned to Hyptiasminae. The new species is assigned to Morishitium because it has a genital pore that is postpharyngeal and the vitelline fields are not confluent posterior. Of the 10 species that can currently be assigned to Morishitium , M . distomatum ( Morishita, 1924 ) , M . sinhaldripa , M . taiwanense , and M . vagum have both an oral sucker and an acetabulum, while M . bivesiculatum , M. dollfusi , M . dumetellae , M . petrowi , and M . straightum have only an oral sucker. Morishitium raushi is the only previously described species that is like Morishitium texanense n. sp. in that it lacks both an oral sucker and an acetabulum. The new species also differs from M . raushi by having a smaller body size ( 10.6 mm long by 2.0 mm wide compared to 21.9 by 3.6), a somewhat smaller pharynx (220 wide compared to 300), a shorter esophagus (460 compared to 1,520), a smaller ovary (248 wide compared to 520), smaller testes (453 mean width compared to 1,875), a smaller cirrus sac (510 long by 158 wide compared to 1,000 by 460), a smaller posttesticular space (550 long compared to 750), larger eggs (135–155 long by 60–80 wide compared to 110–140 by 50–60), and by lacking a true uterine seminal receptacle.