New euophryine jumping spiders from Papua New Guinea (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryinae) 3491 Author Zhang, Jun-Xia Author Maddison, Wayne P. text Zootaxa 2012 2012-09-20 3491 1 74 journal article 1175­5334 6C5A73BD-5322-4D44-BD4A-04886A4911A3 Zabkattus richardsi sp. nov. Figs 325–330 Type material. Holotype : male, PAPUA NEW GUINEA : Eastern Highlands Province : Goroka , 6.07° S , 145.40° E , elev. 1650 m a.s.l. , 31 July–1 August 2008 , coll. W. Maddison , WPM#08-024 ( UBC-SEM AR00118 ) . Paratype : 1 male , same data as holotype . Etymology. The specific epithet is a patronym in honor of Dr. S. Richards, who designed and executed the successful expeditions to Papua New Guinea , during which this species was first found. Diagnosis. Resembles Zabkattus furcatus in male palp, but can be easily distinguished by the body form and the color pattern ( Figs 325–327 ), the big and hooked cheliceral protrusion on the front surface ( Fig. 328 ), and the pointed distal end of the retrolateral tibial apophysis of the male palp ( Fig. 330 ). Description. Male ( holotype , UBC-SEM AR00118). Carapace length 2.0 (variation 1.8–2.0, n=2); abdomen length 1.7. Chelicera ( Fig. 328 ): red brown; front surface with a hooked protrusion at the distal end laterally. Palp ( Figs 329–330 ): light yellow with gray markings. Proximal tegular lobe big and round. Embolus long and coiled for about one circle. Retrolateral tibial apophysis short with distal end pointed. Tibia of first leg with three pairs of ventral macrosetae; first metatarsus with two pairs. Measurements of legs: I 4.4, II 3.7, III 4.0, IV 3.8. Color in alcohol ( Fig. 327 ): carapace dark brown, covered with orange and white scales; abdomen gray brown, without distinct markings; legs dark brown, with light yellow annuli. Natural history. Specimens were found on leaf litter in forest.