New euophryine jumping spiders from Papua New Guinea (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryinae) 3491 Author Zhang, Jun-Xia Author Maddison, Wayne P. text Zootaxa 2012 2012-09-20 3491 1 74 journal article 1175­5334 6C5A73BD-5322-4D44-BD4A-04886A4911A3 Xenocytaea albomaculata sp. nov. Figs 297–302 Type material. Holotype : male, PAPUA NEW GUINEA : New Britain : Nakanai Mts , Camp 1, Lamas , 5.614° S , 151.408° E , elev. 200 m , 3–8 April 2009 , coll. I. Agnarsson ( UBC-SEM AR00113 ) . Paratypes : 4 males in three vials, same data as holotype . Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the white markings on the carapace and abdomen. Diagnosis. Can be easily distinguished from other species by the short and thick embolus and the shape of the retrolateral tibial apophysis of the male palp ( Figs 300–301 ). Description. Male ( holotype , UBC-SEM AR00113). Carapace length 1.4 (variation 1.4–1.5, n=5); abdomen length 1.2. Chelicera ( Fig. 302 ): dark yellow brown; with two promarginal teeth and one unident retromarginal tooth. Palp ( Figs 300–301 ): light yellow. Embolus wide and short, slightly coiled; sperm duct with a loop at the proximal side of bulb, retrolateral sperm duct loop absent; proximal tegular lobe absent. Retrolateral tibial apophysis finger-like, with tip beak-like. First pair of legs with three pairs of ventral macrosetae on tibia. Measurements of legs: I 2.8, II 2.6, III 3.5, IV 3.3. Color in alcohol ( Fig. 299 ): carapace dark brown with two white patches before PLEs and a white patch around fovea composed of white scales; lateral margins with white stripes composed of white scales too; abdomen dark, anterior margin covered with white scales, and with a pair of posterior markings composed of white scales; first pair of legs light yellow on metatarsi and tarsi, other segments brown or dark brown, other legs light yellow to gray brown with dark stripes. Natural history. Specimens were collected by beating foliage in forest.