A revision of the Chilean Brachyglutini - Part 6. Revision of Achilia Reitter, 1890: A. grandiceps, A. valdiviensis, and A. bicornis species groups (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) Author Sabella, Giorgio Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche, Geologiche ed Ambientali dell’Università - sezione Biologia Animale, via Author Cuccodoro, Giulio Muséum d’histoire naturelle, CP 6434, CH- 1211 Genève 6, Switzerland. Author Kurbatov, Sergey A. Museum of Entomology, All-Russian Plant Quarantine Center, Pogranichnaya 32, Bykovo 140150, Russia. E-mail: text Revue suisse de Zoologie 2020 2020-06-04 127 1 129 156 http://dx.doi.org/10.35929/rsz.0013 journal article 117406 10.35929/RSZ.0013 8458d5d1-44ea-4c33-b453-b746ddaa2534 0035-418 5743391 Achilia franzi n. sp. Figs 4 , 14 , 25, 33 , 47-48 , 63-66 , 83 Holotype : MHNG (# MHNG-ENTO-81580); 1 ♂ ; SOUTHERN CHILE : Región Los Lagos : Llanquihue prov. : Alerce Andino National Park , Laguna Triángulo ; 41° 40’S 72° 35’W ; 550 m ; 05-06.I.1993 ; sclerophyll rainforest, site 38b, sifting of moss on tree trunks and forest floor , and of vegetational debris; D. Burckhardt . Paratypes ( 96 ex . ): SOUTHERN CHILE : Región Los Lagos : Llanquihue prov .: MHNG (# MHNG- ENTO-81581-672); 51 ♂ and 40 ♀ ; same data as holotype . MNHS ; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀ , same data. Osorno prov. : UNHC ; 1 ♂ ; Puyehue National Park , Antillanca road; 690 m ; 18-24.XII.1982 ; site 661, valdivian rainforest , window trap ; A. Newton & M. Thayer . FMNH ; 1 ♂ ; same data . MHNG (# MHNG- ENTO-81673); 1 ♂ ; Puyehue National Park , Antillanca road; 500-1000 m ; 18-20.XII.1984 ; car netting ; S. & J. Peck . Description: Body 1.45-1.60 mm long, dark brown with reddish elytra; antennae and legs reddish, palpi yellowish. Pronotum with disc moderately convex; posterior portion of lateral margins subparallel. First abdominal tergite with diverging basal striae extending to about one-fourth of paratergal length, and separated at base by more than one-third of tergal width. Male : Head as in Figs 63-66 , with occipital region and basal half of frons raised with V-shaped median notch; lateral arms of notch densely pubescent apically; anterior portion of frons deeply excavated; median apophysis curved and directed backwards, originating from very large median sub-basal clypeal hump, tip in dorsal view fusiform; sub-basal clypeal hump sparsely pubescent. Antennal tubercles very prominent. Antennae ( Fig. 14 ) with scape and pedicel distinctly longer than wide; antennomeres III and V distinctly longer than wide; antennomeres IV and VI-VIII wider than long; antennomere IX wider than long with protruding mesal margin pointed at distal angle; antennomere X wider than long, with protruding mesal margin; antennomere XI elongate, slightly longer than VII-X combined, with denticulate margins. Metaventrite with distal half pubescent, raised at middle for two thirds of its distal portion, this surface entirely divided by median sulcus. Protrochanters ( Fig. 25 ) bearing one long seta; profemora slightly enlarged at middle and slightly hollowed medially near ventral margin; mesotrochanters ( Fig. 33 ) with ventral margin forming spine at basal third; mesofemora ( Fig. 33 ) with basal third of ventral margin covered by broad, short and thick setae, very similar to mesofemora of A. jeanneli n. sp. ; mesotibiae with medial margin bearing recurved setae ( Fig. 48 ), or not recurved ( Fig. 47 ) and forming very short and rounded apical spine; apical margin denticulate. Aedeagus ( Fig. 4 ) 0.27- 0.29 mm long; similar to that of A. grandiceps except parameres wider with larger outer lobe, and copulatory pieces with lateral sclerites wider, longer, pointed and apically bent outwards. Female : Similar to male except: head not modified, but frons flattened behind frontal sulcus, which is well impressed, anterior margin of the frontal lobe pointed in the middle. Collecting data: Collected from December to January in sclerophyll or valdivian rainforest, at elevations ranging from 550 m to 1000 m . The specimens came from sifted samples of moss and vegetational debris, windows traps, and car netting. Distribution: Achilia franzi n. sp. is known only from southern Chile ( Fig. 83 : squares edged in fuchsia) in Llanquihue and Osorno provinces (Región Los Lagos). Etymology: This species is dedicated to the Austrian entomologist H. Franz. Comments: Within the A. grandiceps group, the males of A. franzi n. sp. are easily distinguished from the other species by the peculiar shape of their head ( Figs 63-66 ) and antennae ( Fig. 14 ). The females of this species are characterized by antennomeres wider than long, or at most as wide as long, the frontal sulcus well-impressed, the anterior margin of frontal lobe distinctly pointed in middle, and the frons flattened behind the frontal sulcus.