New species, a new combination, and a new country record in American Clytini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae)
Botero, Juan Pablo
Santos-Silva, Antonio
Wappes, James E.
Insecta Mundi
journal article
Megacyllene giesberti
Botero, Santos-Silva and Wappes
new species
Fig. 5–8
Description of female.
Integument mostly black; mouthparts, antennae, femora, and part of coxae reddish-brown; pro- and mesotibiae orangish-brown; metatibiae reddish-brown basally, gradually orangish-brown toward apex; tarsi orangish-brown. Yellowish-white pubescence whiter or yellower depending on light intensity; long, erect setae brownish or brownish-yellow depending on light intensity.
Frons moderately finely, abundantly punctate; with dense yellowish-white pubescence obscuring integument, connecting with similar band surrounding eyes, with long, erect setae interspersed laterally. Area between antennal tubercles finely, abundantly punctate; glabrous in area closer to frons, except for sparse, short, erect brownish setae; remaining surface of vertex moderately finely, abundantly punctate; area between middle of antennal tubercles and anterior margin of upper eye lobes with transverse, wide yellowish-white pubescent band obscuring integument, connected with band surrounding eyes, with long, erect setae interspersed; area between upper eye lobes with very short, inconspicuous brownish pubescence with long, erect setae interspersed; area closer to prothoracic margin with dense yellowishwhite pubescent band obscuring integument, gradually wider toward center, nearly connected to similar band surrounding lower eye lobes. Area behind upper eye lobes moderately finely, abundantly punctate; with very short, slightly conspicuous brownish pubescence with long, erect setae interspersed close to eye, with dense pubescent band close to prothoracic margin; area behind lower eye lobes with dense yellowish-white pubescent band close to eye, glabrous close to prothoracic margin; with sparse, long, erect setae in pubescent area. Genae, except glabrous apex, with dense yellowish-white pubescence obscuring integument. Antennal tubercles with sculpturing and setae as in area between them, with glabrous apex smooth, and posterior area with a few short, decumbent brownish setae. Median groove distinct from clypeus to prothoracic margin. Postclypeus with dense yellowish-white pubescence in wide central area close to frons, sparser in wide central area close to anteclypeus (bristly, yellower centrally), glabrous laterally; with long, erect setae on sides of wide central area. Labrum coplanar with anteclypeus at posterior 2/3, inclined at anterior third; with long, moderately abundant golden setae directed forward in coplanar area; anterior margin with fringe of short golden setae. Gulamentum smooth, glabrous in posterior half; slightly depressed, finely, abundantly punctate in anterior half, with moderately bristly, short setae not obscuring integument, with long, erect setae interspersed. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.76 times length of scape; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.93 times length of scape. Antennae 0.9 times elytral length, slightly surpassing midlength of elytra. Scape finely, abundantly punctate except apex smooth; with short, decumbent, moderately abundant yellowish setae except in glabrous smooth area. Pedicel and antennomeres with short setae as on scape, gradually shorter, less conspicuous toward antennomere XI; pedicel and antennomeres III–VIII with long, erect setae ventrally and on apex, distinctly sparser toward VII; antennomeres I–X with sparse, short, erect brownish setae on apex. Antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III: scape = 1.27; pedicel = 0.37; IV = 0.97; V = 1.23; VI = 1.20; VII = 1.17; VIII = 0.90; IX = 0.80; X = 0.70; XI = 0.98.
Prothorax distinctly narrower than humeral width of elytra. Pronotum finely, densely punctate; with three wide yellowish-white transverse bands, one along anterior and posterior margins, and one (the widest) centrally; area between bands with inconspicuous yellowish-brown pubescence, not obscuring integument; with sparse, long, erect setae laterally, and sparse, thick, nearly decumbent black setae centrally. Sides of prothorax with sculpturing as on pronotum; with three yellowish-white pubescent bands in continuation of those on pronotum, apical and distal ones connected with wide yellowish-white transverse pubescent band close to prosternum (central one just short of connecting with it). Prosternum slightly rugose-punctate; with moderately dense yellowish-white pubescence in posterior half, nearly obscuring integument, sparser in anterior half (sparser in area close to posterior half); with long, erect, sparse setae. Prosternal process with yellowish-white pubescence gradually sparser toward apex, with long, erect setae interspersed (longer and more abundant toward apex). Mesoventrite with moderately abundant yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, finer, slightly denser laterally, except sides of anterior half nearly glabrous. Mesoventral process with anterior margin abruptly elevated; with moderately abundant yellowish-white pubescence laterally, sparser, slightly yellower centrally. Mesanepisternum with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument in area close to prothorax, yellowish-white, dense, obscuring integument in area close to mesepimeron; mesepimeron with yellowishbrown pubescence not obscuring integument. Metanepisternum with two large, dense yellowish-white pubescent maculae obscuring integument, one covering nearly all of basal half, another in posterior half, not reaching apex and margin close to metaventrite. Metaventrite with two wide yellowish-white transverse bands on each side, posterior ones denser; area along central discrimen glabrous; area between transverse bands with moderately sparse yellowish-white and yellowish-brown pubescence, near glabrous area; remaining surface with yellowish-brown pubescence distinctly not obscuring integument; with sparse, long, erect setae. Scutellum with dense yellowish-white pubescence obscuring integument.
Very finely, densely punctate; apex obliquely truncate, with outer and sutural angles slightly, somewhat roundly projected. Pubescence as follows: dense yellowish-white pubescent band basally, reaching scutellum and nearly reaching epipleural margin, widened, projected backward in lateral inclined area; dense yellowish-white pubescent band in anterior seventh, arched, not reaching suture, nearly attaining middle of lateral inclined area; dense, yellowish-white semicircular pubescent spot along suture in anterior 2/7; dense yellowish-white pubescent band in about apex of anterior 2/7, slightly arched, not reaching suture, barely reaching lateral inclined area; dense yellowish-white pubescent spot in anterior 2/7 of inclined area; dense yellowish-white sinuous pubescent band near midlength, not reaching epipleural margin, projected forward and backward along suture; dense yellowish-white oblique band just after midlength, reaching about middle of inclined and dorsal areas; short, dense arched yellowishwhite pubescent band close to suture just after the former band, almost reaching middle of dorsal area; dense distinctly curved backward yellowish-white transverse pubescent band in about apex of posterior 6/7, not reaching epipleural margin or suture; dense yellowish-white oblique pubescent macula near apex; remaining surface with slightly conspicuous yellowish-brown pubescence (appearing to be darker due to the integumental color). Surface with both, short and long, erect brownish setae distally.
Femora and tibiae with short, moderately abundant yellowish-brown setae (more whitish depending on light intensity), distinctly not obscuring integument, bristlier on tibiae; metatarsomere I almost twice length of II–III together.
Last tergite densely covered in yellowish-white pubescence. Ventrites very finely, densely punctate laterally, finely, sparsely punctate centrally, except posterocentral area of ventrites I–IV; ven- trites I–IV with large, dense yellowish-white pubescent macula on each side of posterior half, gradually smaller toward IV; ventrite I centrally with inverted V-shape of moderately abundant, short, decumbent, thick yellowish-white setae, sparser distally, except surrounding glabrous smooth areas with a few long, erect yellowish-brown setae interspersed; ventrite II with smaller central area of sparse, short, decumbent, thick yellowish-white setae somewhat bordered by glabrous smooth areas, and sparse, long, erect yellowish-brown setae throughout, longer and more abundant laterally; ventrite III and IV with very sparse, short, decumbent, thick yellowish-white setae centrally, except in glabrous smooth area, and long, erect, sparse yellowish-brown setae throughout, also lacking in glabrous smooth area, longer and more abundant laterally; sides of ventrites I–IV, between anterior margin and dense pubescent macula, with very short yellowish-brown setae not obscuring integument, and remaining surface of II–IV with sparse, decumbent yellowish-brown setae; sides of ventrite V with very short yellowish-brown setae not obscuring integument, and remaining surface with sparse, short, decumbent yellowish-brown setae, with long, erect yellowish-brown setae interspersed, centrobasal area glabrous; ventrite V with apex rounded.
Dimensions (mm).
Total length, 21.10; prothoracic length, 3.70; anterior prothoracic width, 3.00; posterior prothoracic width, 3.50; maximum prothoracic width, 4.20; humeral width, 5.85; elytral length, 14.75.
Type material.
female from
28 km
Las Varas
E. Giesbert
col. (
Megacyllene giesberti
new species
is unusual among its congeners in its slim appearance and evenly rounded pronotum (without basal constrictions) which is visibly much narrower than the elytra. Combined with the west-central distribution in
) it should not be confused with any other species.
Megacyllene giesberti
new species
can be included in the alternative of couplet “30” from
Martins and Galileo (2011)
. The alternative of couplet “30” encompasses a mistake, since
M. neblinosa
Di Iorio, 1995
was considered as having the second pubescent band transverse, but it is actually V-shaped. Accordingly, only
M. multiguttata
(Burmeister, 1865)
M. giesberti
can be included in the alternative of couplet “30”.
30(29). First elytral pubescent band does not extend laterally across base (not reaching anterior curvature); area close to apex not covered with dense yellowish-white pubescence.
M. multiguttata
(Burmeister, 1865)
— First elytral pubescent band does extend laterally across base (reaching anterior curvature); area close to apex covered with dense yellowish-white pubescence.
M. giesberti
new species
Named to honor Edmund Giesbert (collector of the
) for his many published accomplishments in the taxonomy of American