The Hymenoptera (Chalcidoidea, Ichneumonoidea, Platygastroidea) described by Vittorio Delucchi: an annotated catalogue Author Baur, Hannes text Journal of Natural History 2001 2001-01-31 35 1 55 125 journal article 10.1080/002229301447899 1464-5262 5275865 Lamprotatus niger Delucchi (Pteromalidae) Lamprotatus niger Delucchi, 1953a: 205 . Holotype m, Austria : NiederoÈsterreich , Wienerwald , Puchberg (NMW [examined]). Material . HOLOTYPE m (cp, left ¯agellum beyond second segment, right antenna, and right mesotarsus partly lacking) labelled`13.8.15 Puchberg; TYPE [red]; TELEPSOGOS [ sic ] niger n. V. Delucchi det.’. One slide (sc) labelled`5; TELEPSOGOS [ sic , black underlined] niger [red underlined] antenna m; L. niger n. sp. DIS [pasted over by former label]’ with right antenna ( Delucchi, 1955a: 37 , ®gure 41) of holotype . Remarks . Delucchi described the female and stated` Type im Nat. Museum in Wien .’ but did not specify the number of specimens he had. Examination of the relevant name-bearing types and 22 females , 18 males from the Italian and Swiss Alps ( MZL , NMBE ) showed that niger is very close to Seladerma genale (Thomson) . The female is separated from the latter mainly by the longer marginal vein which is 1.27±1.42 times as long as the stigmal vein (1.15 in the holotype of genale ). Moreover, the hypostomal carinae are farther apart and more curving outwards than in Graham’s ®gure of the head of genale (1969: 184, ®gure 148, from holotype ?). Unfortunately, the holotype of genale now also lacks the head (see also Graham, 1969: 197 ), thus this characters could not be veri®ed. No additional material of genale from Northern Europe was available. The status of niger should be reconsidered in a more comprehensive study. Status . Seladerma nigrum (Delucchi) ( Fitton et al ., 1978: 76 ) .