The Hymenoptera (Chalcidoidea, Ichneumonoidea, Platygastroidea) described by Vittorio Delucchi: an annotated catalogue Author Baur, Hannes text Journal of Natural History 2001 2001-01-31 35 1 55 125 journal article 10.1080/002229301447899 1464-5262 5275865 Lamprotatus kerrichi Delucchi (Pteromalidae) Lamprotatus kerrichi Delucchi, 1953a: 203 . Holotype m, Germany (NMW [examined]). Material . HOLOTYPE m (cr, left antenna, right scape, right fore wing, left mesotarsus, and right mesotarsus partly lacking, head, right pedicel with ¯agellum, right hind wing, and fore legs glued beside rest of body) labelled`Coll. FoÈrster, don. Mayr.; GITOGNATHUS [ sic ] kerrichi n. V. Delucchi det.; TYPE [red]’. One slide (sc) labelled`21; Lamprotatus kerrichi n. sp. antenna m DIS’ with left antenna ( Delucchi, 1955a: 70 , ®gure 96) and one slide (sc) labelled`22; Lamprotatus kerrichi n. sp. ala. m DIS’ with right fore wing (1955a: 70, ®gure 95) of holotype . Remarks . Delucchi described the female and stated`Type im Nat. Museum in Wien .’ but did not specify the number of specimens he had. Holotype badly damaged during shipment and subsequently remounted by me. It is a specimen from the FoÈrster collection. Delucchi (1955a: 68) separated kerrichi from all other species of Sphaeripalpus [sub Gitognathus ] mainly by the presence of a rather abrupt edge delimiting anteriorly the reticulate part of the petiole. Re-examination of the holotype , however, revealed that kerrichi undoubtedly belongs to S. viridis FoÈrster. Investigations on many females and males from Northern and Central Europe ( BMNH , ETHZ , LUZM , MG , MHNG , NMBE , RA , VD ) showed that an edge is, to a varying degree, also present in the latter species. The variation ranges from a weak elevation to a very distinct and rather sharp edge, with many intermediate states. Since the holotype of kerrichi ®ts the diagnosis of viridis also in other respects, it can have no separate status. Status . Junior synonym of Sphaeripalpus viridis FoÈrster syn. n.