The Hymenoptera (Chalcidoidea, Ichneumonoidea, Platygastroidea) described by Vittorio Delucchi: an annotated catalogue Author Baur, Hannes text Journal of Natural History 2001 2001-01-31 35 1 55 125 journal article 10.1080/002229301447899 1464-5262 5275865 Stictomischus groschkei Delucchi (Pteromalidae) Stictomischus groschkei Delucchi, 1953a: 212 . Lectotype m, Germany : Bayern , Berchtesgaden , Preisberg , here designated (VD [examined]). Material . LECTOTYPE m (cp, right clava, left wings, and right hind leg beyond trochanter lacking, head glued below to a card point) labelled` LAMPROTATUS [ sic ] groschkei n. sp. V. Delucchi det.; ex puppen von Phytomyz a aconitophila Hend.; Preisberg b. Berchtesgaden 17.IX.51; TYPE [red]’ (body illustrated, 1953a: 211, ®gure 12; Delucchi, 1955a: 80 , ®gure 112; Delucchi, 1960 : pl. 4 [in colour!]). One slide (?scx) labelled`32; STICTOMISCHUS [black underlined] groschkei [red underlined] ala m; Stictomischus groschkei n. sp. 36.5/... [illegible] Ala Groschke A [circled] [pasted over by former label]’ with left wings (stigma of fore wing illustrated, 1955a: 78, ®gure 109). As judged from the points of fracture, the measurements, and the labels, these parts undoubtedly belong to the lectotype . PARALECTOTYPES , VD : 1 m , 2 ll(mp), labelled as follows: 1 l` LAMPROTATUS [ sic ] groschkei n. sp. V. Delucchi det.; TYPE [red]’, 1 l`446; ex Ph. aconitoph. 17.IX.1951 V. Delucchi leg.’, and 1 m `644’. Remarks . Delucchi described both sexes and stated` Type in meiner Sammlung.’ but did not specify the number of specimens he had. A female (cp) under groschkei in Delucchi’s collection and two females (cp) with original identi®cation labels in the NMW are not considered as part of the type series, since their data (`ThuÈringen’ or`Weyer’) were not mentioned by Delucchi. Of the four species Stictomischus cumatilis Delucchi , maculatus Delucchi , miniatus Delucchi , and groschkei only the last has been recognized in the past (e.g. by Graham, 1969 but also Huang, 1990a ). Examination of the extensive material at hand demonstrated the di culty in separating these species. They were therefore made the subject of a detailed morphological analysis. Status. Stictomischus groschkei Delucchi.