Feather mites of the genus Passeroptes Fain (Acariformes: Dermationidae) from passerines (Aves: Passeriformes) of China Author Mu, Ning Author Kuang, Xi-Jun Author Liu, Huai Author Wang, Zi-Ying text Zootaxa 2015 3985 1 53 68 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3985.1.3 5153f82a-7477-4e7d-b0e8-b4357d0aae81 1175-5326 289050 FDA4478F-836A-4C67-A37E-824935816F1B Passeroptes cyanodermae sp. nov. ( Figs. 5 , 6 , 9 H, 12I-L) MALE ( holotype ). Body 215 long ( 190–215 in 9 paratypes ) and 160 wide (135–155). Idiosomal shields devoid of ornamentation, soft idiosomal cuticle striated, without scales or tubercles. Dorsum . Distance between propodonotal and hysteronotal shields 24 (16–23). Propodonotal shield 46 long (43–52) and 59 wide (54–67), its posterolateral extensions encompassing bases of setae se and si . Posterior margin of propodonotal shield straight. Setae se long, beyond anterior margin of hysteronotal shield, 52 long (47–59), se–se 51 (47–51). Hysteronotal shield transversely separated at level of femora IV; its anterior part 46 long (50–53) and 83 wide (63–100), its posterior part paired, 92 long (77–96) and 38 wide (31–33). Maximal distance between posterior hysteronotal shields 37. Setae d2 present, about 37 long. Humeral shields without bent extension. Terminal cleft 66 long (53–66). Opisthosomal lobes about 67 long and 33 wide, interlobar membranes not overlapping, maximum distance about 13 wide. Venter . Coxal apodemes I to IV free, apodeme IIIa with two extending of sclerotizations. Genital arch a wide inverted V, 11 long and 18 wide. Aedeagus 17 long (16–18). Adanal shields about 23 long and 3 wide, symmetric to each other; coxal apodeme IVa about 19 long and 2 wide, shorter than adanal shield. Diameter of adanal suckers 7 (6–9). Cupules ih situated posterolateral to adanal suckers. Legs . Legs III and IV subequal in length, about 140 long, leg IV 1.5–2 times wider than leg III. Femora III with 1 dorsal and 1 ventral moderately developed retrorse processes, genus III with small dorsal process. Other processes on legs III and IV absent. Solenidion ω 1 I absent. Setae ba I, II absent. Tarsi IV curved. Lengths of setae: cp 145 (125–155), c3 50 (39–48), h2 170 (155–180), h3 about 78, ps1 22 (29– 37), ps2 38 (33–45), d II 75 (67–82), d III 95 (77–89), ω3 about 17, ω 1 II 21 (19–23), φ I 38 (32–36), φ II about 50, φ III about 4, φ IV about 12, σ 1 I about 33, σ II about 7. Distance between setae: g–g 5, ps3–ps3 37, g–ps3 46 (40– 47), ps1–ps1 42, h3–h3 60 (44–55), ps2–ps2 72 (56–70), h2–h2 64 (53–66), ih–ih 52, 4 a–4a 59 (57–63), 4b–4b 87 (74–86). FEMALE (8 paratypes ). Body 190–220 long and 140–155 wide. Idiosomal shields without ornamentation, soft idiosomal cuticle without scales or tubercles. Dorsum . Distance between propodonotal and hysteronotal shields 21–28. Propodonotal shield 49–56 long and 59–68 wide, posterolateral extensions encompassing bases of setae se and si . Posterior margin of propodonotal shield straight. Setae se 51–55 long, se–se 49–51. Hysteronotal shield 82– 95 long and 68–70 wide, its posterior margin concave. Setae d2 present, about 21 long. Humeral shields well developed, with bent extension. Venter . Coxal apodemes II to IV free, apodeme IIIa with some extending of sclerotizations; adanal shields well developed, separated from each other encompassing setae h2 , h3 , ps1 , ps2 , and ps3 . Legs . Legs III and IV subequal, 115–135 long. Femora III and IV each with 1 dorsal and 1 ventral moderately developed retrorse processes. Other processes on legs III and IV absent, tarsi IV curved. Solenidion ω 1 I absent. Setae ba I, II absent. Lengths of setae: cp 115–130, c3 34–47, h2 155–170, h3 41–56, ps 2 20–30, d II 62 –69, d III 78 –92, ω 3 13–16, ω 1 II 17–20, φ I 32 –37, φ II about 36, σ 1 I about 32, σ II about 5. Distances between setae: se–se 52–55, g–g 67–72, ps3–ps 3 13–14, g–ps3 66–79, ps1–ps 1 12–15, h3–h 3 22–25, ps2–ps2 33–42, h2–h2 38–41, 4 a– 4a 28–30, 4 b–4b 26–35. FIGURE 5 . Passeroptes cyanodermae sp. nov. , male. A—dorsal view, B—ventral view. Type material . Holotype male [IOZ(E) 227741], 9 male and 8 female paratypes ex Cyanoderma ruficeps Blyth ( Passeriformes : Timaliidae ), CHINA : Sichuan, Dujiangyan, 31°03'38.35'' N , 103°33'21.84'' E , 23 April 2014 , coll. N. Mu. Etymology . The specific epithet derives from the generic name of the host. Differential diagnosis . The new species is closest to Passeroptes eulabis Fain, 1965 from Gracula religiosa Linnaeus ( Passeriformes : Sturnidae ) and P . lamprocolii Fain, 1965 from Lamprotornis chloropterus Swainson ( Passeriformes : Sturnidae ). In these species, setae d2 are present and tarsi IV are curved; in males, the hysteronotal shield is transversely separated, the opisthosomal lobes are not overlapping, only femora III have retrorse processes, coxal apodeme IVa are smaller than the adanal shield, the aedeagus is long, extending beyond genital arch, and leg IV is slightly stronger than leg III; in females, femora III and IV each bear one dorsal and one ventral moderately developed retrorse process. The new species differs from P . eulabis and P . lamprocolii by the following features. In both sexes of P . cyanodermae sp. nov. , setae se are about five times longer than si and setae d2 are 21–37 long and situated on the hysteronotal shield; in males, the margins of opisthosomal lobes are smooth, without any emarginate, coxal apodemes I to IV are free, coxal fields III are opened and have some small sclerotized patches in the anterior third, genua III have a small process, tarsi IV are curved, without apices, the adanal shields are about 23 long and 3 wide, and coxal apodeme IVa are about 19 long and 2 wide and shorter than the adanal shield; in females, coxal apodemes II to IV are free, apodeme IIIa has some extending of sclerotizations, the humeral shields have a bent extension, and the adanal shields are well developed, separated from each other and encompass setae ps3 . FIGURE 6 . Passeroptes cyanodermae sp. nov. , female. A—dorsal view, B—ventral view. In both sexes of P . eulabis , setae se are about twice longer than si and setae d2 are only 10–15 long; in males, the margin of the opisthosomal lobes are not round, emarginate, coxal fields III are opened only in the anterior third, tarsi IV are curved medially and their apex produced, and genua III lack a small process; in females, coxal fields III are closed, the humeral shields lack a bent extension, the adanal shields are developed and connected together, and setae ps3 are situated off the adanal shields. In both sexes of P . lamprocolii , setae se are about twice longer than si and setae d2 are situated off the hysteronotal shield, in males, the margins of the opisthosomal lobes are not round, emarginate, genua III lack a small process, tarsi IV are curved, with two apices, and the adanal shields are well developed, about 10 times longer than coxal apodeme IVa; in female, coxal fields III are closed.