Revision of the genus Coeligetes from Malaysia and Indonesia, and description of Coeligetoides gen. nov. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) Author Bezděk, Jan text Zootaxa 2016 2016-03-04 4085 4 journal volume 31425 10.11646/zootaxa.4085.4.3 67846749-8510-4ff2-85c1-d9a684cf72a8 1175-5326 1052741 39DEC898-B737-4ABC-A03C-BEF9DE2E4FC6 Coeligetes unicolor Jacoby, 1895 ( Figs 24–25 , 28–34 ) Coeligethes [sic!] unicolor Jacoby, 1895 : 80 (original description). Coeligetes unicolor : Wilcox, 1973 : 447 (catalogue). (see also Coeligetes howardi sp. nov. ) Type locality. Java ”. Type material examined. Syntypes : 1 ♂ ( BMNH ), “ Type / H. T. [round white label with red collar, p] // Java / Fruhst [w, h] // Jacoby Coll. / 1909-28 a [w, p] // Coeligetes / unicolor Jac. [b, h]”; 1 ♀ ( BMNH ), “ Java / Fruhst [w, h] // Jacoby Coll. / 1909-28 a [w, p] // SYN- / TYPE [round white label with pale blue collar, p]”; 1 ♀ ( MCZ , examined photo available at, “ Java / Fruhstorf [w, h] // 2nd Jacoby / Coll. [w, p] // Type [p] / 18360 [r, h] // unicolor Jac. [w, h]”. Additional material examined. 5 specimens INDONESIA : Java : 1 ♀ , Kudus env., 1 km N of Gunung Muria , 1050–1200 m , 21.–23.i.1998 , R. Červenka leg. ( JBCB ); 1 ♀ , Bogor env., ii.1991 , R. Čermák leg. ( JBCB ); 1 ♂ , G. Tjerimai , Drescher leg. [NHRS-JKLB 000023116] ( NHRS ); 1 ♀ , Buitenzorg , Kemner leg. [NHRS-JKLB 000023102] ( NHRS ); 1 ♀ , Thianysana , withou additional data ( NMPC ). Redescription . Measurements. Males: 7.8–8.4 mm , females: 8.5–11.3 mm . Body completely yellow to pale brown, except apices of mandibles black and last three antennomeres darkened. Male ( Fig. 24 ). Labrum transverse, three times as wide as long, anterior margin straight, anterior angles rounded, surface subopaque, with 6 pale setae in transverse row. Anterior part of head impunctate, subopaque, with several long pale setae along anterior margin and lateraly along antennal insertions. Interantennal space 0.80 times as wide as transverse diameter of antennal socket. Eyes large, interocular space narrow, 1.20 time as wide as transverse diameter of eye. Frontal tubercles subquadrangular, transverse, with anterior tips divergent, surface impunctate, subopaque. Vertex subopaque, distinctly impressed behind frontal tubercles, surface glabrous, covered with fine punctures. One setigerous pore with long pale seta placed behind inner posterior eye margin. Antennae thin, 0.75 times as long as body, length ratio of antennomeres equals 19-10-22-30 -28-28-28-28-26-25-30. Pronotum transverse, 1.85 times as broad as long, lustrous, moderately convex, widest in posterior half, covered with fine punctures. Anterior margin widely concave, lateral margins parallel in posterior half, convergent and rounded anteriorly, posterior margin widely rounded. All margins distinctly bordered, lateral borders, particularly posteriorly, wider. All angles swollen, with setigerous pores bearing long pale seta. Scutellum subtriangular, with rounded tip, glabrous, covered with fine punctures. FIGURES 24–27. Habitus of Coeligetes . 24— C. unicolor (male, 8.0 mm); 25— C. unicolor (female, 11.5 mm); 26— C. howardi sp. nov. (paratype, male, 8.8 mm); 27— C. howardi sp. nov. (paratype, female, 12.1 mm). FIGURES 28–34. Details of Coeligetes unicolor . 28—aedeagus (dorsal, lateral and ventral views); 29—last two abdominal ventrites of male; 30—female last abdominal ventrite; 31—female pygidium and tergite VIII; 32—vaginal sclerite; 33— spermatheca; 34—sternite VIII and tignum. Scale bars: 0.5 mm for Figs 28 and 32–34, 1 mm for Figs 29–31. Elytra 1.87 times as long as wide and 0.75 times as long as body, glabrous, covered with dense confused punctures. Humeral calli well developed. Epipleura wide basally, gradually narrowing posteriorly and disappearing before apex. Anterior coxal cavities closed posteriorly. Last ventrite with two deep incisions, median lobe with elongate oval impression, anteriorly slightly widened, penultimate ventrite with slightly oblique middle of posterior margin, surface with shallow median longitudinal impression in middle surrounded by two hook-like processes ( Fig. 29 ). Protarsomeres I elongate triangular, 1.77 times as long as wide, protarsomere II subtriangular, length ratio of protarsomeres I–IV equals 8-5-6-8. Metatarsomere I long and narrow, length ratio of metatarsomeres I–IV equals 14-6-7-8. Claws appendiculate. Aedeagus narrow, gradually narrowing to apex. Dorsal process with two hook-like processes laterally ( Fig. 28 ). Female ( Fig. 25 ). Eyes smaller, interocular space wider, 1.45 time as wide as transverse diameter of eye. Antennae filiform, slightly thinner, shorter than in male, 0.60 times as long as body. Last abdominal ventrite with posterior margin shallowly concave ( Fig. 30 ). Pygidium with posterior margin shallowly concave, tergite VIII regularly rounded ( Fig. 31 ). Sternite VIII with widely rounded posterior margin, with short pale setae cummulated along posterior margin, tignum as long as sternite VIII ( Fig. 34 ). Vaginal sclerite with darker apical parts ( Fig. 32 ). Spermatheca as in Fig. 33 . Distribution. Indonesia : Java . The records from Borneo ( Mohamedsaid 1994 , 1997a , b , 1998b , 2000 ) refer to Coeligetes howardi sp. nov. Two specimens from Pahang and Perak published by Mohamedsaid (1994) as C. unicolor are females which cannot be assigned correctly to any species. Differential diagnosis. Having completely yellow dorsum, Coeligetes unicolor is similar to C. howardi sp. nov. Both species can be distinguished by the structure of aedeagus and its dorsal process—aedeagus is narrowly subtriangular in apical half and dorsal process has two small lateral teeth in C. unicolor , while aedeagus of C. howardi sp. nov. is wide with widely subtriangular apex and dorsal process is extremely bulbous with two flat processes anteriorly ( Figs 28 , 35 ). Penultimate abdominal ventrite in males of C. unicolor is longitudinally impressed with two sharp teeth, but with only shallow semicircular impression in middle of its basal half in C. howardi sp. nov. ( Figs 29 , 39 ). Females of Coeligetes unicolor have posterior margin of last abdominal ventrite widely shallowly concave (with deep U-shaped incision in C. howardi sp. nov. ) ( Figs 30 , 37 ), rhomboidal sternite VIII covered by setae only in the apical quarter (in the apical half in C. howardi sp. nov. ) ( Figs 34 , 40 ), and vaginal sclerite darkened only in apices (with two longitudinal stripes in C. howardi sp. nov. ) ( Figs 32 , 41 ).