Revision of the genus Coeligetes from Malaysia and Indonesia, and description of Coeligetoides gen. nov. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) Author Bezděk, Jan text Zootaxa 2016 2016-03-04 4085 4 journal volume 31425 10.11646/zootaxa.4085.4.3 67846749-8510-4ff2-85c1-d9a684cf72a8 1175-5326 1052741 39DEC898-B737-4ABC-A03C-BEF9DE2E4FC6 GenUS Coeligetes Jacoby, 1884 Coeligetes Jacoby, 1884 : 227 (type species Coeligetes submetallica Jacoby, 1884 , by monotypy); Mohamedsaid, 1994 : 86 ; Wilcox, 1973 : 447 (catalogue); Seeno & Wilcox, 1982 , 111 (catalogue); Mohamedsaid, 2004 : 101 (catalogue). Coeligethes [sic!]: Jacoby, 1893 : 102 . Description. Body length: males 7.3–11.5 mm , females: 8.5–13.5 mm . Coloration: body pale brown to orange, elytra can be metallic or pale with black or metallic margins. Antennae completely pale or terminal antennomeres black. Legs pale, rarely with infuscate or darkened tibiae and tarsi. Body elongate oval, moderately to strongly convex, semiopaque to lustrous, dorsally glabrous. Male. Head almost glabrous, except several long pale setae along anterior margin and lateraly along antennal insertions and one setigerous pore with long pale seta placed behind inner posterior eye margin. Labrum transverse, with 6–8 pores in transverse row bearing pale seta. Anterior part of head semiopaque to lustrous, impunctate or finely punctate, surface distinctly convex. Interantennal space 0.80-1.00 times as wide as transverse diameter of antennal socket. Eyes large, interocular space narrow, 0.90-1.21 time as wide as transverse diameter of eye. Frontal tubercles large, with anterior tips divergent, surface impunctate. Vertex distinctly impressed behind frontal tubercles, surface glabrous, covered with fine punctures, medially with or without narrow impunctate line. Antennae thin, 0.75–0.85 as long as body, antennomeres I–II lustrous, covered with sparse setae, antennomeres III– XI dull, covered with dense setae. Pronotum transverse, lustrous, 1.85-2.35 times as broad as long, widest in posterior half, moderately convex, surface covered with fine or double punctures. Anterior margin widely concave, lateral margins parallel in posterior half, posterior margin widely rounded. All margins distinctly bordered. All angles with setigerous pores bearing long pale seta. Scutellum subtriangular, with rounded apex, glabrous. Elytra 1.75–1.83 times as long as wide and 0.71–0.75 times as long as body, almost glabrous (usually with almost indistinct very scarse short pale setae on lateral and apical slopes), widest at 2/3 of its lenght, densely covered with fine small confused punctures. Humeral calli well developed. Epipleura wide basally, gradually narrowing posteriorly and disappearing before apex. Macropterous. Anterior coxal cavities closed or nearly closed posteriorly. Last abdominal ventrite with two narrow and deep incisions, median lobe with elongate impression. Legs slender. All tibiae without apical spur. Protarsomere I subtriangular or elongate triangular, metatarsomere I subequal to II and III combined. Claws appendiculate. Aedeagus small, dorsal proces with large tuft of setae. Female. Eyes smaller, interocular space wider, 1.45-2.22 time as wide as transverse diameter of eye. Antennae filiform, slightly thinner and shorter than in male, 0.55-0.73 times as long as body. posterior margin of last ventrite with small to large U or V shaped incision in middle. Pygidium with posterior margin straight or shallowly widely concave. Vaginal sclerite present. Spermatheca with C-shaped cornu, well delimited nodulus and proximal spermathecal duct widened in basal part. Differential diagnosis. Coeligetes species differ from other genera in this group by the absence of apical spurs in all tibiae of both males and females. The genus Luperogala differs from Coeligetes in the presence of a large long sword-like process from posterior margin of abdominal ventrite IV directed posteriorly (see Bezděk et al 2014 ), which is missing not only in Coeligetes but in all genera in this group. Coeligetes can be differentiated from Luperogala also by strongly transverse pronotum, 1.85-2.35 times as wide as long (1.6-1.8 times in Luperogala ). The genera Liroetis , Zangia and Siemssenius are now under ongoing revision. They differ from Coeligetes with anterior coxal cavities open (closed in Coeligetes ) and the presence of tibial spurs (absent in Coeligetes ). Also aedeagi of Liroetis , Zangia and Siemssenius are comparatively longer with small tuft of setae (large tuft in Coeligetes ). The representatives of the genus Liroetoides share closed anterior coxal cavities with Coeligetes . But Liroetoides differs in having unbordered anterior margin of pronotum (bordered in Coeligetes ), pronotum approx. 1.70-1.80 times as wide as long ( 1.85-2.35 in Coeligetes ), abdominal ventrite V in male transversely concave or with two transverse cavities, posterior margin with three more or less developed subtriangular processes (with two incisions well developed on posterior margin and surface with shallow, longitudinal groove in Coeligetes ), aedeagus relatively long and narrow, with dorsal plate narrow, simple, ending a little beyond the centre of aedeagus (aedeagus relatively short with dorsal process with a brush of hairs in Coeligetes ). To distinguish Coeligetes from Coeligetoides gen. nov. see the description of the new genus below. Distribution. Continental Malaysia , Sumatra , Java , Borneo, the Philippines .