Four new species of Penottus Distant (Hemiptera: Tingidae) from China Author Dang, Kai Author Li, Chuanren Author Bu, Wenjun text Zootaxa 2012 3346 29 42 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.281507 87ad0179-8146-4986-b3cb-0f735cf18f02 1175-5326 281507 Penottus bisinuatus sp. n. ( Figs. 1 A, 3A, 4A, 5C, 6B, 7A) Description. Body relatively large, brownish. Head fuscous, covered with white pruinosity, eyes black. Paranota blackish brown but areolae ridges brown; posterior process of pronotum brown with apex pale. Hemelytra brown; costal area with a very broad fuscous fascia mingled with pale marking at widest portion; apical portion fuscous. Ventral side of body blackish brown. Body length ( N = 1 male , 1 female ): male, 4.85; female, damaged; width (across hemelytra): male, 2.18; female, 2.38. Head long, preocular part more than twice as long as longitudinal length of eye (0.37/0.16) in lateral view. Frontal and median spines short, stout, erect, tuberculiform; occipital spines long, appressed. Antenniferous tubercles short, apex bent downwards; antennal segmental measurements: male, I, 0.26; II, 0.17; III, 2.05; IV, 0.69; female, I, 0.25; II, 0.17; III, 2.05; IV, 0.65. Bucculae narrow, mostly uniseriate and narrower anteriorly, not joined in front. Rostral sulcus narrow, uniseriate distinctly, widely open behind. Rostrum reaching 5 th abdominal sternite. Pronotum: anterior margin of collar sinuate, median portion distinctly convex anteriorly. Hood of collar low, longer than wide, five areolae long. Median carina raised along pronotum, uniseriate, distinctly sinuate; anterior lateral carinae concealed by paranota greatly bisinuate and raised, with a few short spines on each ridge, as illustrated in Fig. 6 B. Paranota inflated ( Fig. 4 A), cystiform, somewhat spherical but flattened on its meeting side, longer than high (l/h: 1.24/1.08), higher than broad (h/w: 1.08/0.90), areolae large, polygonal; paranota covering most of pronotum except posterior process, entire median carina, hood and collar, with outer margins not touching median carina; width across paranota little shorter than length of pronotum (2.0/2.25), paranota three times as high as length between base of paranota and inner-lateral margin of propleuron (1.08/0.33); area of paranota large in dorsal view ( Fig. 7 A), area laterad of LAMP is larger than area mediad of LAMP. Apical part of pronotal posterior process somewhat roof-like, elevated medially where median carina placed. Scent gland ostioles elongate ( Fig. 5 C). Hemelytra large, widest a little anteriad of apex of pronotal process. Costal area mostly triseriate, areolae rarely arranged in a transverse row, irregular. Subcostal area narrower than costal area, divided into two areas by a longitudinal vein; outer part erect, uniseriate, inner part triseriate, areolae small. Discoidal area approximately three-fifths as long as hemelytra, eight to nine areolae broad at widest part, with an oblique, darker veinlet at middle, outer margin sinuate. Sutural area large, greatly depressed, thirteen areolae broad at widest part, areolae small. FIGURE 1. Photographs in dorsal view. A. Penottus bisinuatus sp. n. (male); B. P. fujianensis sp. n. (female); C–D. P. cassideus sp. n. ( C : male; D : female). Each scale 1.0 mm. FIGURE 2. Photographs in dorsal view. A–B . Penottus tuberculiformis sp. n. ( A : male; B : female); C . P. tibetanus Drake and Maa (female: left fore and hind wings lost); D. P. monticollis (Walker) (female). Each scale 1.0 mm. FIGURE 3. Photographs of heads and paranota in lateral view. A. Penottus bisinuatus sp. n. ; B. P. fujianensis sp. n. ; C . P. cassideus sp. n. ; D . P. tuberculiformis sp. n. ; E . P. tibetanus Drake and Maa ; F. P. monticollis (Walker) . Each scale 1.0 mm. Etymology. The specific name, bisinuatus , is derived from the Latin prefix bi- (= two) and the Latin adjective sinuatus (= sinuate), referring to its lateral pronotal carinae concealed by paranota being greatly bisinuate ( Fig. 6 B). Material examined. Holotype : male, China , Guanxi Province, Napo County, Defu Township, 18. VI. 2000 , 1350 m, Jian Yao leg. Paratype : 1 female , same data as holotype , Wengui Li leg. Remarks. The rostrum of Penottus bisinuatus sp. n. is very long, reaching the 5th abdominal sternite; such a long rostrum is longer than that of all the described species of Penottus . P. bisinuatus sp. n. is apparently similar to P. minicystus Guilbert, 2007 from Laos , sharing the visible median carina on the pronotal disc, but differs from it by its fourth antennal segment longer than first two together (shorter in P. minicystus ).