On the Neotropical spider Subfamily Masteriinae (Araneae, Dipluridae) Author Passanha, Victor Author Brescovit, Antonio D. text Zootaxa 2018 2018-08-30 4463 1 1 73 journal article 29380 10.5281/zenodo.1441911 2bc1e4d3-59c5-4f54-91da-3daf478277d6 1175-5326 1441911 20E7F0F5-7592-47CE-B67F-36DE0124E76F Siremata lucasae n. sp. ( Figs 44 , 45 ) Types . BRAZIL . holotype , paratype , Reservas do Km 41, Projeto Dinâmica Biológica de Fragmentos Florestais ( PDBFF ), ( 03°06’07”S ; 60°1’30”W ), Manaus , Amazonas , VIII.1999 , H. F. Cunha leg., deposited in IBSP 167213 and 167214, respectively. Additional material examined . BRAZIL , Amazonas : Manaus, Reserva Colombo ( 03°06’07”S ; 60°1’30”W ), 3♂ , 1♀ , 26.X.2001 , ( IBSP 13818 ) ; 13♂, 08-30.XI.2001 , A. A. N. Rego leg. (IBSP 13819); Reservas do Km 41, Projeto Dinâmica Biológica de Fragmentos Florestais ( PDBFF ), ( 03°06’07”S ; 60°1’30”W ), 3♂ , 1♀ , VIII.1999 , H. F. Cunha leg. ( IBSP 167215 ) ; Reserva Florestal Adolpho Ducke ( 2°57’42”S ; 59°55’40”W ), 1♂ , no data, Equipe SMNK leg. ( SMNK 8634 ) . Etymology . In honor of arachnologist, Dr. Sylvia Marlene Lucas, from the Instituto Butantan, for her many contributions to the study of Mygalomorphae. Diagnosis . Males of Siremata lucasae n. sp. resemble those of S . valteri n. sp. in the elongated palpal bulb ( Fig. 44C ), but differ in the absence of a medial ventral megaspine on tibia I and the large number and length of the retrolateral spines on the palpal tibia ( Fig. 44E ). Females are more similar to those of S. valteri n. sp. as they have spermathecae with long ducts; but differ in the presence of a dense glandular region ( Fig. 44B–D ). Description . Male (IBSP 13819). Legs II, III and IV of female ( paratype IBSP 167 214) are lost, as the specimen damaged.Color: Carapace in dorsal and ventral views and legs orange, abdomen in dorsal view brown, in ventral view whitish. Total length 3.67. Carapace 1.82 long, 1.50 wide. Abdomen 1.85 long. Fovea 0.10. Clypeus 0.03. Ocular tubercle 0.25 long, 0.35 wide. Eyes: anterior row straight, posterior slightly procurved ( Fig. 44A ). ALE 0.15, PME 0.04, PLE 0.14. Basal segment of chelicerae with 13 prolateral teeth, and 15–18 smaller mesobasal teeth, in irregular row. Labium 0.16 long, 0.32 wide. Sternum 0.94 wide, 1.00 long. Palp: femur 0.94/ patella 0.54/ tibia 0.72/ tarsus 0.50/ total 1.73; Legs I: femur 1.69/ patella 0.60/ tibia 1.50/ metatarsus 1.25/ tarsus 0.94/ total 5.98; II: 1.41/ 0.69/ 1.16/ 1.00/ 0.91/ total 5.17; III: 1.35/ 0.60/ 1.10/ 1.10/ 0.79/ 4.94; IV: 1.72/ 0.72/ 1.57/ 1.54/ 1.00/ 6.55; Leg formula 4123; Spination: palp: femur d1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1, v2-2 -2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2, p1, patella d2ap, tibia d1b, v1-1 -1, p1; Legs I: patella v1-1 , p1, tibia v1-1 -3ap, p1, metatarsus v1-1 -1; II: femur p1, r1, patella d1, v2- 3 ap, p1, r1, tibia v1-1 -3ap, p1-1-1, r1, metatarsus v1-1 -1, p1; III: femur p1, r1, patella v1-2 ap, p1-1, r1, tibia d1b, v1-1 -3ap, p1-1, r1-1-1, metatarsus d1-1, v2-2 -3ap, p1-1, r1-1-1; IV: femur p1, r1, patella d1, v1-1 , p1-1, r1, tibia d1b, v1-1 -1-3ap, p1-1-1-1-1-1, r1-1-1-1-1, metatarsus d1-2ap, v2-1 -1-3ap, p1-1-1, r1. Tibia I without megaspines. Short palpal tibia 1.5 times length of cymbium, basally dilated, with row of ventral and dorsal elongated setae, tibia with 20–25 long and tapered spines retrolaterally ( Fig. 44E ). Cymbium with retrolateral depression ( Fig. 44C ), four apical spines. Palpal bulb elongated with short tegulum, long embolus, twice as long as tegulum, with wide base and tapering distally, with basal groove ( Fig. 44C ). PLS: basal, medial and apical, 0.63 0.63, 0.60 long. FIGURE 44. Siremata lucasae n. sp. (male and female, IBSP 167215). A Male eyes, dorsal view; B Female genitalia, dorsal view; C Palpal bulb, retrolateral view; D Female genitalia, dorsal view; E Retrolateral grouped spines on palpal tibia, retrolateral view. Abbreviations: BG, basal groove. Scale bar: A 200µm; B , C 100µm; D 200µm; E 100µm. Female ( Paratype ). Color: as in male. Total length 4.25. Carapace 1.75 long, 1.72 wide. Abdomen 2.50 long. Fovea damaged. Clypeus 0.03. Ocular tubercle 0.22 long, 0.38 wide. Eyes: as in male. ALE 0.16, PME 0.06, PLE 0.12. Basal segments of chelicerae with 13 prolateral teeth, and 10–18 smaller mesobasal teeth, in irregular row. Labium 0.22 long, 0.44 wide. Sternum 0.94 wide, 1.04 long. Palp: femur 1.19/ patella 0.63/ tibia 0.97/ tarsus 0.97/ total 3.76; Legs I: femur 1.79/ patella 0.97/ tibia 1.57/ metatarsus 1.35/ tarsus 1.07/ total 6.75; legs II, III and IV lost. Spination: palp: femur p1, patella v1-2 ap, p1, r1, tibia v1-1 -3ap, p1-1-1, tarsus v1 ; Legs I: femur p1, patella v1-3 ap, tibia d1b, v1-1 -1-3ap, p1-1-1-1-1-1, metatarsus v1-1 -1-1; legs II, III and IV lost. Palpal claw with 13 teeth. Spermathecae bilobed, ectal lobe with long and slender ducts, half length of ental lobe, large and sparse glands in ducts and denser on base. ( Fig. 44B–D ). PLS: basal, medial and apical 0.82, 0.75, 0.79 long. Variation . 4 males : total length 3.07–3.67. Distribution . Brazil , Manaus, Amazonas ( Fig. 45 ).