On the Neotropical spider Subfamily Masteriinae (Araneae, Dipluridae) Author Passanha, Victor Author Brescovit, Antonio D. text Zootaxa 2018 2018-08-30 4463 1 1 73 journal article 29380 10.5281/zenodo.1441911 2bc1e4d3-59c5-4f54-91da-3daf478277d6 1175-5326 1441911 20E7F0F5-7592-47CE-B67F-36DE0124E76F Masteria amarumayu n. sp. ( Figs 16 , 17A–B , 30B , 32 ) Types . BRAZIL . holotype , paratype , Rio Preto da Eva ( 2°41'42.62"S ; 59°44'49.65"W ), Amazonas , 07- 26.I.2015 , E. G. Costa leg., deposited in IBSP 167147 and 167148. Additional material examined . BRAZIL , Amazonas : Manaus, Reserva Florestal Adolpho Ducke ( 2°57’42”S ; 59°55’40”W ), 1♂ , 4.IV.1994 , Equipe SMNK leg . (SMNK 3603); 1♂ , 10.I.1991 , Equipe SMNK leg . (SMNK 8627); 1♂ , 02.X.1991 , Equipe SMNK leg . (SMNK 8626); 1♂, 16.X.1991 , W. Paarman leg. (MCN 22004); 1 immature, 31.III. 1 998, H. Höfer leg. (MCN); 1♂, 1♀, 06.V.2002 , E. P. Fagundes leg. (IBSP 167149; 167152); 1 immature, no data, T. Gasnier leg. (IBSP 167 151); 1♀, 1995, A. M. C. Martins leg. (IBSP 111292 ); INPA (3°08’S; 60°01’W), 1♂, 1♀, 1998, J. Adis leg. (IBSP 111325 ); Campus da Embrapa ( 2°54’04”S ; 59°58'’41”W), 30.III.1998 , Höfer leg. ( IBSP 16 7150). Etymology . From the Indian language Queshua , it is the name given to the Amazonas River before its discovery by Europeans and it means “the snake mother of the world”. Diagnosis . Males of Masteria amarumayu n. sp. resemble those of M. colombiensis , M. downeyi , M. lewisi , M. yacambu n. sp. , M . mutum n. sp. and M. aguaruna n. sp. in the piriform palpal bulb. They differ from M. colombiensis , M. downeyi , M. lewisi , M. yacambu n. sp. and M. aguaruna n. sp. in the median concavity in the distal area of embolus ( Fig. 16B, D ), and from M. mutum n. sp. in lacking the basal spine of metatarsus I ( Fig. 16C , 30B ). Females are related to M. colombiensis , M. mutum n. sp. and M. aguaruna n. sp. by having bilobed spermathecae, with the triangular ectal lobe with large glands on basis and ental lobe connected to ectal lobe. They differ from M . colombiensis in the elongated ental lobe and, from M . mutum n. sp. and M . aguaruna n. sp. in the more tapered and higher ectal lobe ( Fig. 16E–F ). FIGURE 16. Masteria amarumayu n. sp. (male, SMNK 8626, female IBSP 167152). A –D , male. A Male eyes, dorsal view; B Bulb, ventral view; C Prolateral processes of tibia I (left leg, prolateral view); D Embolus tip; E , F Female genitalia. Abbreviations: P2, Process 2; P3, Process 3. Scale bar: A 50µm; B, C 100µm; D 20µm; E, F 100µm. FIGURE 17. Masteria spp. A, B. Masteria amarumayu n. sp. (IBSP 167152) body coloration in alcohol, dorsal view (female). B body coloration in alcohol, ventral view (female). C , D Masteria aguaruna n. sp. (IBSP 167154). Female carrying eggsac on chelicerae and body coloration in live specimen. Peru, Loreto, Iquitos, San Juan Bautista, Zungarococha. Scale bar: A , B , C , D 1mm. Photo: Rafael P. Indicatti. Description. Male (SMNK 8626). Color: Carapace, legs and abdomen whitish. Total length 3.07. Carapace 1.41 long, 1.10 wide. Abdomen 1.66 long. Fovea 0.07. Clypeus 0.02. Ocular tubercle 0.16 long, 0.25 wide. Eyes: six, posterior row slightly recurved ( Fig. 16A ). AME Absent, ALE 0.10, PME 0.04, PLE 0.10. Basal segment of chelicerae with 10 prolateral teeth, and 10-12 smaller mesobasal mesobasal teeth. Labium 0.22 long, 0.22 wide. Sternum 0.63 wide, 0.79 long. Palp: femur 0.82/ patella 0.41/ tibia 0.69/ tarsus 0.44/ total 2.36; Legs I: femur 1.25/ patella 0.57/ tibia 1.12/ metatarsus 0.82/ tarsus 0.72/ total 4.48; II: 1.19/ 0.41/ 0.88/ 0.82/ 0.63/ total 3.93; III: 0.94/ 0.47/ 0.69/ 0.79/ 0.66/ 3.55; IV: 1.32/ 0.53/ 1.16/ 1.16/ 0.72/ 4.89. Leg formula 4123; Spination: Legs I: patella v1- 3 ap, tibia v1-1 -1-1-1, r1, metatarsus v1-1 -1; II: femur p1, patella v1-3 ap, p1, tibia v1-1 -1-3ap, p1, metatarsus v1-1 - 1; III: femur p1, r1, patella v1-3 ap, p1, r1, tibia d1-1-1, v1-1 -3ap, p1, r1-1, metatarsus d1-1-1, v2-2 -3, p1-1-1, r1; IV: femur p1, r1, patella v1-3 ap, p1, r1, tibia v1-1 -1-3ap, p1, r2-1, metatarsus d1-1, v2-2 -2-3, p1-1-1, r1-1-1. Tibia I: P1 absent, P2 a short spine below P3, and P3 a rounded spine with strong and projected base. Metatarsus I with basal depression associated with prolateral processes of tibia I ( Fig. 16C , 30B ). Palpal tibia 2.5 times length of cymbium, with dorsal and ventral row of elongated setae, without spines or grouped setae. Cymbium as long as wide, with five apical spines. Bulb piriform short embolus, one-third length of tegulum, with curved tip ( Fig. 16B, D ). PLS: basal, medial and apical, 0.44, 0.41, 0.53 long. Female (IBSP 167152). Color: Carapace in dorsal view yellowish, carapace in ventral view, legs and abdomen whitish ( Fig. 17A–B ). Total length 3.23. Carapace 1.60 long, 1.13 wide. Abdomen 1.63 long. Fovea 0.10. Clypeus 0.02. Ocular tubercle 0.16 long, 0.25 wide. Eyes: six, posterior row slightly recurved. AME absent, ALE 0.11, PME 0.05, PLE 0.08. Basal segment of chelicerae with 10 prolateral teeth, and 10-12 smaller mesobasal teeth. Labium 0.22 long, 0.25 wide. Sternum 0.75 wide, 0.91 long. Palp: femur 0.94/ patella 0.50/ tibia 0.72/ tarsus 0.72/ total 2.88; Legs I: femur 1.22/ patella 0.63/ tibia 1.07/ metatarsus 0.79/ tarsus 0.69/ total 4.40; leg II lost; III: 1.04/ 0.44/ 0.79/ 0.88/ 0.66/ 3.81; IV: 1.41/ 0.57/ 1.22/ 1.13/ 0.72/ 5.05. Spination: palp: femur p1, patella v1-1 , p1, tibia d1b, v1-1 , p1, tarsus v1 b; Legs I: femur p1, patella v1-3 ap, tibia v1-1 -1-3ap, metatarsus v1 b-1-1; leg II lost; III: femur p1, r1, patella v1-3 ap, p1, r1-1, tibia d1-1-1, v1-1 -3ap, p1, r1-1-1, metatarsus d1-1, v1-2 -3ap, p1-1, r1; IV femur p1, patella v1-3 ap, p1, r1, tibia v1-1 -1-3ap, p1, r1-1-1, metatarsus d1, v1-2 -3ap, p1-1, r1-1. Palpal claw with 17 teeth. Spermathecae bilobed, ectal lobe triangular, with thickened basis, ental lobe joined to ectal lobe by short duct ( Fig. 16E–F ). PLS: basal, medial and apical, 0.44, 0.41, 0.50 long. Variation . 4 males : total length 3.07–3.67. Distribution . Known only from Manaus, state of Amazonas , Brazil ( Fig. 32 ).