The Philippine Coraebini Bedel, 1921 (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Agrilini) Part 6: new and resurrected genera and new species Author Bellamy, C. L. text Zootaxa 2005 1038 23 40 journal article 50985 10.5281/zenodo.169782 c7836294-1a24-4553-95f8-01d7de6d6731 1175­5326 169782 Sibuyanella boudanti sp. nov. ( Figs. 5, 6 ) Description of male holotype . Elongate­ovoid, subcylindrical, transversely convex dorsally and ventrally; broadly rounded anteriorly and moderately attenuate posteriorly; length 19.0 mm, width 4.7 mm , widest at about pronotal midpoint; dorsal coloration dull grey­green, epipleura with blue­green reflection; ventral surface and legs black; head punctate; pronotum with punctures in striae appearing as contours on elevations; elytra irregularly areolate­rugulose; ventral surface punctate medially and on majority of visible surface of abdominal ventrites; lateral thoracic sternites and lateral portion of abdominal ventrites 1 and 2 imbricate; head, and pronotum with dense white setae concentrated in depressed areas; elytra white setae concentrated in irregular, moderately large foveae and a few irregular lateral longitudinal striae; ventral surface with sparse covering of short white recumbent setae. Head with large eyes, inner margins slightly diverging dorsally; transverse groove entire above antennal cavities; antennal cavities separated by distance slightly greater than individual width; frontoclypeal distal margin broad, moderately arcuately emarginate; genal projection acute, with transverse depression at base dorsally, to receive basal antennomeres in repose; antennomeres slender; 1 recurved; 2 elongate, longer than 3; 3 slightly expanded distally; 4 and 5 subserrate; 6–10 serrate, wider than long, 11 oblong. Pronotum with anterior margin moderately arcuate medially; posterior margin strongly bisinuate on either side of prescutellar transverse median lobe; lateral margins widely arcuate, widest anterior to midpoint, lateroposterior angles strongly obtuse, diverging; margins crenulate; disc with feeble elevations: one just posterior to anterior margin medially; wide medial elevation strongly converging posteriorly to prescutellar lobe width with short longitudinal groove and one small elevation on either side; one short carina extends anteriorly from posterior margin on either side. Scutellum a short trapezoid with arcuate sides and acuminate angles. Elytra slightly narrower opposite humeri than widest portion of pronotum; lateral margins subparallel from humeri to about posterior 2/3, then gradually narrowing to separately rounded apices; distribution of setose foveae as in Fig. 5 ; apical margin finely serrate; epipleuron wide anteriorly, gradually narrowing, extending to lateroposterior angles. Pygidium not visible from above beyond elytral apex. Prosternum short, with stout, thickened anterior margin; process with wide carinate lateral margins, bisinuate anterior to rounded apex; metacoxal plate with posterior margin trisinuate; abdominal ventrites 1+2 much longer than 3+4+5; 3 and 4 subequal in length; 5 longer than 4, slightly narrowing to wide transverse apex. Femora fusiform; tibiae narrow; metatibiae with setal comb on distal 2/3 of outer margin; tarsomeres 1–4 each short, with large ventral pulvillus; 5 elongate; narrowly separated bifid claws. Genitalia as in Fig. 6 . Variation. The female paratype is slightly larger: length 20.0 mm, width 5.1 mm ; otherwise there is no significant variation from the holotype . Specimens examined. Holotype ɗ (TLCS): PHILIPPINE ISLANDS , Bohol Island , native collector; 1 Ψ paratype (CLBC): same data. Etymology. The species epithet is selected to honor Jean­Louis Boudant, a French relief worker and purveyor of Philippine insect specimens who communicated some of the specimens described in this paper to Mr. Lander.