The Old-World genus Ceratothripoides (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) with a new genus for related New-World species Author Mound, Laurence A. Author Nickle, David A. text Zootaxa 2009 2230 57 63 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.190287 11283f68-477e-48cf-baf9-98f5a5f44ea8 1175-5326 190287 Ceratothripoides Bagnall Ceratothripoides Bagnall, 1918a : 201 . Type-species C. brunneus Bagnall , by monotypy. Diagnosis: Antennae 8-segmented, segments III–IV with forked sensorium and many microtrichia, segment I with pair of dorso-apical setae. Head with three pairs of ocellar setae; two setae comprising pair I usually arising one in front of the other ( Fig. 7 ) (side-by-side in funtumiae ); ocellar setae pair III arising within ocellar triangle; compound eyes with no pigmented facets (in cameroni and claratris with 4 or 5 weakly pigmented facets); maxillary palps 3-segmented. Pronotum with two pairs of posteroangular setae, 3–4 pairs of posteromarginal setae. Mesonotum with median setae close to posterior margin, anterior campaniform sensilla present or absent. Metanotum reticulate, median setae at anterior margin ( Figs 1, 5 ), campaniform sensilla present or absent. Prosternal ferna entire, basantra without setae; mesothoracic sternopleural sutures complete, mesofurcal spinula present, metafurca spinula absent (except funtumiae ). Forewing first vein with about 7 setae basally, 2 setae distally; second vein with complete row; discal seta present or absent on clavus. Tergites without ctenidia, median setae (S1) far apart, VI–VII with setae S3 much smaller than S4; tergite VIII posterior margin with complete comb of microtrichia ( Figs 2, 6 ); X with dorsal split. Sternites III–VI with 3 pairs of marginal setae, VII with S1 and S2 arising well in front of posterior margin. Male sternites III–VII with 2 or more rows of small pore plates ( Fig. 4 ); tergite IX with median setae slender or slightly stout ( Fig. 10 ). Generic relationships. Many of the characters listed above, particularly the presence of a pair of dorsoapical setae on the first antennal segment, are shared with the species of Pezothrips , also with the legumeflower associated species of the genera Megalurothrips , Odontothrips and Odontothripiella . Nearly all of these species are endemic to the Old World. In contrast to the legume-flower thrips, the species of Pezothrips and Ceratothripoides have numerous small pore plates ( Fig. 4 ) on the sternites of the males ( Mound, 2009b ). The character states of the first antennal segment and the male sternal pore plates also occur in species of the Trichromothrips genus-group ( Masumoto & Okajima, 2005 ), but males in that group usually have paired drepanae on abdominal tergite IX. The systematic relationships of the nine species currently listed ( Mound, 2009a ) in Pezothrips continue to be problematical. The type species, P. frontalis (Uzel) , has no comb on tergite VIII, whereas this is present laterally in P. kellyanus (Bagnall) , but complete and long in P. dianthi (Priesner) . Eight of these nine species are reputed to have setae S1 on sternite VII closer together than their length, although this is not true of P. kellyanus . However, all nine have setae S2 on sternite VII arising at the margin, in contrast to the condition in the species of Ceratothripoides .