Six new species of Orthochirus Karsch, 1892 from Iran (Scorpiones Buthidae) Author Kovařík, František Author Navidpour, Shahrokh text Euscorpius 2020 312 1 41 journal article 6071 10.5281/zenodo.4648532 10168f0c-fedd-466b-ac34-d221df8dfb8c 1536-9307 4648532 12025A0B-A642-417A-8E4B-70D40CEC53FD Orthochirus semnanensis sp . n . ( Figures 154–178 , 226 , 228 , 233 , Table 3 ) 0025-4DC4-A669-F9C90F28FA42 TYPE LOCALITY AND TYPE DEPOSITORY. Iran , Semnan Province , Garmsar , Ghasre-Bahram , 36º22'N 54º23'E ; FKCP . TYPE MATERIAL ( FKCP ). Iran , Semnan Province , Garmsar , Ghasre-Bahram , 36º22'N 54º23'E ( Locality No. SE-61, Fig. 233 ), VI.2011 , 2♂ ( holotype and paratype ), leg. Saeed Adibi. ETYMOLOGY. Named after the province of occurrence. DIAGNOSIS ( ). Total length 27–30 mm of males. Trichobothrium d 2 at pedipalp femur dorsal surface absent. Moderate tibial spurs present on third and fourth legs. Pectinal teeth number 21–23 in males. Movable finger of pedipalps with 8–9 rows of denticles, 6 ID and 0–1 OD. Dorsal carinae on pedipalp patella present and smooth. Metasoma V dorsal surface mesially smooth with only several fine granules present. Metasoma I with 10 carinae, metasoma II–III with 6–8 carinae, metasoma IV–V with 2–4 carinae. Ventral carinae of metasoma II–III consist of a row of large granules. Metasoma IV–V ventrally and laterally with punctation developed, spaces among punctae smooth; metasoma II–III ventrally and laterally sparsely granulated and bumpy with punctation present. Entire tergites roughly granulated. Sternite VII densely granulated, with granulated wide carinae developed. Pedipalp, metasoma and telson very sparsely hirsute, rather glabrous. Tarsomere I of legs with 5–8 bristles long in males. Ratio length/width of metasoma V 1.14 in males. Pedipalp femur length/width ratio 3.9–4 in males. DESCRIPTION. Total length of adult males 27–30 mm . Measurements of the carapace, telson, segments of the metasoma and segments of the pedipalps are given in Table 3 . For habitus, see Figs. 154–155 . Coloration ( Figs. 154–155 ). Carapace, tergites, metasoma and femur of pedipalps and legs are black. Patella of pedipalps and legs brown to black. Pedipalp chela reddish brown with yellowish brown tip of fingers. Tarsomeres of legs are yellow to yellowish brown. Sternite VII black, other sternites reddish brown to black with yellow median area in posterior margin of sternites IV–VI. Telson reddish brown to black. Mesosoma and carapace ( Figs. 160–163 ). Mesosoma with a median carina and is roughly granulated. Carapace without carinae, roughly granulated except smooth interocular area. The seventh sternite granulated and with four wide granulated carinae, the other sternites are smooth in the middle, granulated in anterior and lateral parts. Pectinal teeth number 21–23 in males. Metasoma and telson ( Figs. 156–159 , 226 ). Metasoma I with 10 granulated carinae. Metasoma II–V lacks lateral carinae, ventromedian and ventrolateral carinae are present on metasoma I–III, ventrolateral carinae are also developed on metasoma V, dorsolateral carinae are present on metasoma I–III and reduced to absent on metasoma IV–V. Ventral carinae of metasoma II–III consist of a row of large granules. Metasoma I granulate laterally, other segments laterally smooth; granulation absent on dorsal surfaces of all metasomal segments except several fine granules on metasoma V dorsal mesially. Punctation on metasoma IV–V ventrally and laterally developed; spaces among punctae are smooth. The entire metasoma and telson are glabrous; short, thin setae might issue from some punctae. Telson shallowly punctate and lacks granules. Figures 130–134 . Orthochirus masihipouri sp . n . , holotype female, metasoma IV–V and telson lateral (130), metasoma and telson, lateral (131), ventral (132), and dorsal under white light (133) and UV light (134). Scale bar: 10 mm (131–133). Figures 135–136 . Orthochirus masihipouri sp . n . , holotype female, carapace and tergites (135), and sternopectinal region and sternites (136) under UV light. Pedipalps ( Figs. 168–178 ). Trichobothrium d 2 on the dorsal surface of pedipalp femur is absent; trichobothrium e 1 is situated between trichobothria d 3 and d 4 . Femur of pedipalp with five granulated carinae. Patella has seven smooth carinae, and the chela has smooth carinae which may be discernible throughout the length of the fixed finger. The entire pedipalp only very sparsely hirsute. Movable fingers with 8–9 rows of denticles, 6 ID and 0–1 OD. Legs ( Figs. 164–167 ). Moderate tibial spurs present on third and fourth legs. Femur with four partly granulated carinae; patella with five rather smooth carinae; tibia smooth. Patella with only a few bristles. Tibia with bristles on the outer side of legs I–II. Tarsomere I of first to third legs with bristlecombs composed of 5–8 long bristles; fourth legs lack bristlecombs. Tarsomeres I–II of all legs with two rather irregular rows of bristles. Measurements . See Table 3 . AFFINITIES. The described features distinguish O. semnanensis sp . n . from all other species of the genus. They are recounted in the key below. O. semnanensis sp . n . differs from all species of the region by absence of OD on pedipalp movable finger ( Fig. 177 ), the character typical for O. scrobiculosus (Grube, 1873) which is cited mainly from Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan .