The Neotropical cuckoo wasp genus Ipsiura Linsenmaier, 1959 (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae): revision of the species occurring in Brazil Author Lucena, Daercio A. A. Author Kimsey, Lynn S. Author Almeida, Eduardo A. B. text Zootaxa 2016 4165 1 1 71 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4165.1.1 849dbc61-4869-4aad-9b10-27e0fef420a8 1175-5326 267533 2D809845-D7A0-4612-BB9E-0A4AC2BF8890 Ipsiura tropicalis Bohart, 1985 ( Figs 179–184 ) Ipsiura tropicalis Bohart, 1985 : 719 . Holotype Ƌ [examined]: MEXICO: Morelos, Cuernavaca (BME). Neochrysis ( Ipsiura ) amaurotica Linsenmaier, 1985 . Holotype Ƌ [not examined]: BRAZIL (NMLS). Synonymized by Kimsey & Bohart (1991: 511) . Neochrysis ( Ipsiura ) tropicalis : Linsenmaier 1997 : 266 . Neochrysis ( Ipsiura ) tropicalis amaurotica : Linsenmaier 1997 : 266 . Diagnosis. Ipsiura tropicalis most closely resembles I. spiculella Bohart. It can be distinguished by the following combination of characters: T3 with distinct lateral whitish spot (narrow, obsolescent in I. spiculella ), prepit swelling sloping gently (absent in I. spiculella ), pit row represented by large, deep foveae; TFC almost complete medially (medially interrupted in I. spiculella ); aedeagus lobes acute apically (blunt in I. spiculella ), and S2 spots medium-sized, touching medially (large spots, slightly separated medially in I. spiculella ). Female description. Body ( Fig. 179 ). Length: 6.8 mm. Coloration: head predominantly green blue, with bluish highlights on vertex; F1 brownish green; mesosoma metallic green, with purplish blue stripe on pronotum, broad purplish blue band on dorsum of mesoscutum; metasoma metallic green, with bluish purple transverse stripes on dorsum of T1 and T2; T3 with bluish highlights dorsally, with lateral whitish spot; wing membrane light brown, with brown veins; femora and tibiae greenish; tarsi brown, basitarsi brownish green. Head: TFC slightly interrupted medially ( Fig. 180 ); F1 longer than broad, 1.3× as long as F2; scapal basin densely covered with silvery pubescence. Mesosoma: fore femur without ventral tooth-like projection or flattened area on outer surface of distal margin, diameter of distal area about one-half diameter of proximal area; fore wing with short M distal to discoidal cell, R1 shorter than stigma (as in Fig. 190 ); dorsal surface of pronotum wider than head; lower lateral pronotal surface irregularly punctate anteriorly, with distinct posterior area delimited by transverse ridge; metanotum rounded, without differentiated surface; mesopleural lower posterior margin carinate, with indistinct tooth-like projections. Metasoma: T3 with four obtuse distal teeth ( Fig. 181 ), pit row with large, deep foveae, prepit swelling low, sloping gently; S2 spots medium-sized, touching medially ( Fig. 182 ). Punctation: fore femur with tiny, sparse punctures on outer surface; dorsal surface of T3 with definite, deep punctures; dorsal surface of T1 and metanotum with largest punctures. Male. Same as female, except for the characteristic shape of S2 spots as shown in Fig. 182 . Genital capsule ( Fig. 183 ): gonostylus slightly longer than cuspis; digitus narrow; cuspis shield-like, broad basally; gonostylus setose apically; aedeagus lobes sharp, pointed apically. Variation. The holotype and specimens from the Central America and north South America are primarily greenish blue. Additionally, specimens from those localities have a broad cuspis basally (as in the Fig. 183 ). On the other hand, the South American specimens are predominantly green (as in the Figs 179–181 ), and also have the slenderer cuspis instead, but we had considered that these features do not form a pattern. Body length 6.4–6.9 mm. Hosts. Unknown. Distribution. Argentina ( Salta , Tucumán ); Bolivia ( Santa Cruz ); Brazil (AM, BA, ES, MG, MT, PA, PR , RR, SC, SE, SP); Colombia ( Meta ); Costa Rica ( Guanacaste , San Jose ); Ecuador ( Napo , Santa Cecilia); Mexico ( Morelos , Oaxaca , Veracruz ); Panama ( Panamá Oeste); Surinam ( Paramaribo ); Venezuela ( Aragua ) ( Fig. 184 ). Remarks. Ipsiura tropicalis is the most common species in South America. Material examined. MEXICO: Morelos , 5 mi East Cuernavaca 26.iii.1962 F.D.Parker / Holotype Ƌ (BME). Same data except 26–29.iii.1962 / Paratypes10♀ [BME]. Vera Cruz , Cordoba 6.vii.1966 J.S. Buckett , M.R & R.C. Gardner / Paratypes 2♀ [BME]. Vera Cruz, Minatitlán 8.ix.1961 , coll. R. & K. Dreisbach / Paratype 1Ƌ [BME] . Oaxaca , Palomarea 5.xi.1961 coll. R. & K. Dreisbach / Paratype 1Ƌ [BME] . COSTA RICA: San Jose coll. R. Bohart / Paratype 1♀ [BME]. Guanacaste , Hacienda Pacífica / Paratype 1Ƌ [BME] . PANAMA : Rio Trinidad , Pan 16.iii.12 / Paratype 1♀ [BME]. Additional material. ARGENTINA : Tucumán , El Solidad 16. ix.1969, 1 ♀, coll. L.A. Stange [BME]. La Soledad 11 . viii.1966, 1 ♀, coll. E. Bucher [BME]. Rio Nio 26 . iv.1966, 1 ♀, coll. L.A. Stange [BME]. Salta , Orãn Abra Grande 9 . ii.1967, 1 ♀, coll. R. Coolback [BME]. Orãn Abra Grande 18. iv.1969, 1 ♀, coll. C. Porter [BME]. Tartagal xi.1971, 1 Ƌ, coll. Manfredo Fritz [BME]. Tartagal 11 . viii.1973, 2 ♀, coll. C. Porter [BME]. Pocitos, 2♀, coll. Manfredo Fritz [BME]. BOLIVIA : Sunchal, 1♀ , coll. M. Fritz [BME] . BRAZIL : Amazonas , Rio Taruma Mirim 29 . xi.1991, 1 ♀, coll. M.V. Garcia [ INPA ]. Bahia , Jequié , campus UESB II 19 . ix.2005, 1 ♀, coll. J.C. Silva-Jr [ RPSP ]. Espírito Santo , Santa Teresa 12 . x.1964, 1 Ƌ, coll. C. Elias [ DZUP ]. Mato Grosso , Cáceres 16 . i.1985, 1 Ƌ, coll. C. Elias [ DZUP ]. Minas Gerais , Barbacena 24 . x.1905, 1 Ƌ, coll. A. Ducke [ MPEG ]. Patrocínio 5 . x.1965, 1 ♀, coll. C. Elias [ DZUP ]. Pará 8 . xi.1901, 1 ♀, coll. A. Ducke [ MPEG ]. Itaituba , Rio Tapajós 3 . ix.1902, 1 ♀, coll. A. Ducke [MPEG]. R. Arroyollos 21. iv.1903, 1 ♀, coll. A. Ducke [ MPEG ]. Faro 16 . vii.1903, 1 Ƌ, coll. A. Ducke [ MPEG ]. Óbidos 21 . xi.1904, 1 Ƌ 1♀ , coll. A. Ducke [ MPEG ]. Tefé 10 . vi.1906, 1 ♀, coll. A. Ducke [ MPEG ]. Lago Grande de Villa Franca 6 . i.1907, 2 Ƌ, coll. A. Ducke [ MPEG ]. Óbidos 20 . xi.1907, 1 Ƌ, coll. A. Ducke [ MPEG ]. Same data except 6 . x.1909, 1 ♀ [MPEG], 27. vii.1912, 1 ♀ [MPEG], 1906, 1Ƌ [MPEG], 20. xii.1904, 1 ♀ [BME], 1. i.1907, 1 ♀ [BME]. Paraná , Ponta Grossa 28 . iv.1988, 1 ♀, coll. Lev. Ent. PROFAUPAR [ DZUP ]. Roraima , Rio Uraricoera , Ilha de Maraca 2 . v.1986, 1 ♀, coll. J.A. Rafael, J.E.B. Brasil & L.S. Aquino [ INPA ]. Santa Catarina , Nova Teutonia 30. x.1963, 1 ♀, coll. Fritz Plaumann [BME]. Same data except 18 . x.1965, 1 ♀ [BME], x.1965, 1 ♀ [BME], xi.1965, 1 ♀ 1Ƌ [BME], xi.1966, 1 ♀ [BME], ii.1974, 1 ♀ [BME]. São Paulo , Araçatuba x.1961, 1 ♀, coll. J. Lane & Rabello [ MZUSP ]. Juquiá 1935, 1♀ , coll. J. Lane [BME]. Luis Antônio , Est. Ecol. Jataí 7 . xi.2007, 1 ♀, coll. N.W. Perioto [ RPSP ]. Same data except 11 . x.2007, 1 ♀ [LRRP], 15. x.2008, 1 ♀ [LRRP], 29. x.2008, 1 ♀ [LRRP], 30. ix.2009, 1 ♀ [LRRP], 5. xii.2007, 1 ♀ [LRRP], 24. x.2007, 1 ♀ [LRRP], 26. xi.2008, 1 ♀ [ LRRP ]. Ribeirão Preto, campus USP , 1♀ , coll. L.C. Rocha-Filho [ RPSP ]. Teodoro Sampaio , Parque Estadual Morro do Diabo , Sítio São Francisco –14 . iv.2012, 7 ♀, coll. P.R. Lopes [ RPSP ]. Sergipe , Canindé do São Francisco 25 . xi.2002, 1 Ƌ, coll. Débora Moura [LEBIC]. COLOMBIA : Meta El Porvenir 27. ii.1979, 1 Ƌ, coll. R. Wilkerson [BME] . ECUADOR : Napo , Limoncocha 25 . ix.1974, 1 Ƌ, coll. B.A. Drummond [BME]. Santa Cecília , Napo Pastaza 14 . vi.1967, 1 ♀, coll. J.D. Lynch [BME]. SURINAM : Samatraweg, Lelydorp 1964, 1Ƌ, coll. D.C. Geijskes [BME]. Paramaribo 21 . iii.1964, 1 Ƌ, coll. D.C. Geijskes [BME]. Same data except 10. iv.1964, 1 ♀ [BME]. Republier 28. ii.1963, 1 ♀, coll. D.C. Geijskes [BME]. VENEZUELA : Aragua , Cagua iv.1965, 2 ♀, coll. E. Doreste [BME]. El Limon 19 . ii.1960, 1 ♀, coll. M. Gelbes [BME]. FIGURES 179–184. Ipsiura tropicalis , ♀. 179. Habitus, lateral view. 180. Head, frontal view. 181. T3, postero-dorsal view. Scale bar = 1 mm. 182. Spots of S2, ♀ (above) and Ƌ (below). 183. Ventral view of genital capsule, digitus omitted on right side, scale bar = 0.5 mm. 184. Distribution, previous (red circle) and new (green square) records. Comments. The redescription above is based on a female from Brazil: São Paulo, Luis Antônio.