A REVIEW OF THE GENUS ENCHODELUS THORNE, 1939 WITH DESCRIPTIONS - OF SPECIES FROM INDIA Author MAQSOOD AHMAD Section of Nematology, Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India Author M. SHAMIM JAIRAJPURI Section of Nematology, Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India text Records of the Zoological Survey of India 1980 1980-01-01 15 1 42 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.8145041 a130b034-7d5d-420a-95cb-b366326a0f34 8145041 Enchodelus (Paraenchodelus) zonatus Jairajpuri & Loof, 1968 Fig.9. A-H. | L l J-l. â L YÑ' Dimensions 7 ‘l’ -- Î 77 - 7 lull"! 35-39, b 4.6-,:28- Females Females () L rnrn a = Zi.53 -.59 D - == _ 460- 3 5.8ö 0 36; í lo' I @ CEE IIIIII - ı-ı 9, 9 V =46-48, G1= 9- l 7, G 2 =10-19. Description Female Body slender, ventrally curved upon fixation. Cuticle finely striated, 3 μm thick on body, 10- 14 μm on tail. Dorsal, ventral and lateral body pores are not visible. Lip region set off from the body by a constriction, 1 /3rd as wide as body at base of oesophagus, about twice as wide as high. Amphids cup-shaped with slit-like apertures occupying about 2/3rds of lipwidth. Odontostyle 34-35 μm or 2 times of lip-width, its aperture about 1 /20th of its length. Guiding ring 1.2- 1.3 lip-widths from anterior end. Odontophore rod-like, 38-39 μm or about one odontostyle length with small knobs atlits base. Basal expanded part of oesophagus occupying about 40% of neck length. Location of oesophageal gland nuclei and their orifices as given in Table III Nerve ring surrounding anterior slender part of oesophagus at ‘40% of neck length. Cardia hemispheroid, 11- 15 μm surrounded by intestinal tissues. An oesophago-intestinal disc present. Rectum about one anal body-width long, prerectum 7-8 f-Ioaann na Innn' ao rm-fıım ... nes aa ... ng as “can... Vulva a transverse slit, vagina about one half of body-width deep with cuticularization around it. Gonads amphidelphic. A well developed sphincter present between uterus and oviduct. Sperms not seen in any part of uterus or oviduct. Tail 1.9-2.2 anal body-widths long, straight, conoid with blunt tip and two caudal pores on each side. Male Not found. Habitat and locality Soil around roots of pinus, Pinus sativus from Tang Marg, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir. Remarks Enchodelus éonatus was described by Jairajpuri & Loof (1968) on a single female from soil around roots of apple from Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir The present specimens were also collected in Srinagar. They agree fairly well with the description of E. zonatus as given by Jairajpuri & Loof. However, they have a longer body (1.73 mm), more posterior vulva (V=46) and indistinct hemizonid. The location of oesophageal gland nuclei and their orifices, which were not described earlier, are given in Table lll. The gonads have also been studied in detail. The values in parentheses are of the holotype specimen of E, zonatus as given by Jairajpuri & Loof.