A REVIEW OF THE GENUS ENCHODELUS THORNE, 1939 WITH DESCRIPTIONS - OF SPECIES FROM INDIA Author MAQSOOD AHMAD Section of Nematology, Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India Author M. SHAMIM JAIRAJPURI Section of Nematology, Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India text Records of the Zoological Survey of India 1980 1980-01-01 15 1 42 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.8145041 a130b034-7d5d-420a-95cb-b366326a0f34 8145041 X. Enchodelus (Nepalus) maximus Baqri & Jairajpuri, 1974 (Fig. 99 I‘ -.1 l Dimensions Female L: 2.60 mm 9 a =41 › b: í in 6.0 g C ==43 a V =49 ’ G 1 = 15, G,.= 1 s. Description Female Body ventrally curved in posterior half when fixed and tapering slightly in neck region. Cuticle finely striated, its thickness 011 body 5 μm and on tail tip 23 μm. Dorsal, ventral and lateral body pores not visible. Lip region distinctly set off from body, about 1 /4th body-width at base of oesophagus. Amphids cup-shaped, irregulary curved slitlike apertures occupying about 3/4th of corresponding body-width. Fig. 9. _ A-E Enchodelus (Paraenchodelus) zonatus (A) Head end. (B) Head end showing amphid. (C) Expanded part of oesophagus, (D) Posterior female sexual branch. (E) Female tail end. F - J Enchodelus (Nepalus) maximus (F) Head end. (G) Head end showing amphid, (H) Expanded part of oesophagus, (I) Posterior female sexual branch, (J) Female tail end. TABLE 3 Location of oesophageal gland nuclei and their orifices in Enchodelus Species .
Subgenus Enchodelus Rotundus n. subg. Paraenchodc
E. (E.) E. (E.) ‘I H I H A4 - \A4 -; I-I M. l II A41 u “ x \; rw. nx 14 l -I \ 14 - \l. | ¶ ¬ k ld. . nx I P \ \A. I II' 1.7 - r \
macrodorus mi crodoroides dístinctus parateres satendri tlıorııei COIISH‘
00 63 - 65 v 67: -ı 7! 7H Q lv. u ı-ı ¡n hl-hH v: vv ÁÁ" 11 uu ı-Ifi - f .. 69.2 7 |
DN 57 -7.’! ı ı v, ı v ¬¬ ¬¬ li-II z .. z. ¬¬ ı I (h l.mv 'll -¶ "'l Il-Ifi ff f .. _ll'\ “ IA I' I \ J _ IIJ ¬: v ıv-. ı ¬¬ l (1.; 7 S
DO-DN ¬ 1 1 1 l k LL k..... zfv -- v ı- a 1 ¬ H I k I. f. f i ... v ... fi n l H f.. ... v A ı- ı- Ll-H H.. ı 4, « a a f- l) _ ' f f f ı.. ı. q -. I` J H. JH.:
SIN: n; nn r vv ÖÖ-ÖÖ vv ....) -1 / n; /ÉFÖLÎ AN LU nn nm ÖU`ÖÁ v .. -vn A-x 1 / v Ö'Ö v. É « ı ¬¬ f v ÖÉ. “ 3 80
s._ \1. _. v 87 1 - z 90v 1 77 1 - v 85., v 83.3 4.4 v 82..- v 84ı. 1 78v-v =84 1 84.6 80
s, \1 nn 4 n:- ¬ Vl 4-\ -¶ '\ I Il.. I ı.J. ı : \ 1 nn)U-\ _ HH uu uu nn n VII I lufl. nn nn HK _\- lll uu “ / V n ¬ n ¬ X (H 4 uJ " /.I n. 1 - HI H l |. _I 94
5,0 ı 935 4.4 - 1 u 967. 1 88 vv - v 89: 9 1! \.. 6 v 1 90v - ı 92 1. v 84= ı-ı94| 92.3 cm
lus n. subz- Nepalus n. subg.
ı› \ l.) CHIS 1 1.4:‘. (px \.|..I longlaens 1:‘ (p\ \. l ZONGIHS 1:‘ (N \ \ 1 v-¡ ÍÍIUXIÍTIUS
4 75.3 63 - 68 62.7
80 67-73 65.9
7 4.6 3.7- 6 (I
7 85.2 76-82.5 78.8
B 85.5 77-83 79.3
79 -94 82
3 80-95 82.7
Odontostyle 54 μm or 3% head-widths long, its aperture about 1 /20th of its length. Guiding ring 2.3 head-widths from anterior end. Odontophore about equal to odontostyle length, linear with moderately developed fianges at its base. Maximum width of flanges Gum. Basal expanded part of oesophagus occupying about 37% of neck length. Locations of oesophageal gland nuclei and their orifices as given in Table III. Nerve ring surrounding the anterior slender part of oesophagus at 43 % of neck length from anterior end of body. Cardia founded, surrounded by intestinal tissues. Prerectum 5% and rectum about one anal body-width long. Vulva a transverse slit. Vagina extending about 2/5th of width across the body, encircled at proximal end by cuticularization and at distal end by sphincter. Gonads amphidelphic. Uterus divided into a proximal glandular and a distal muscular part. Oviduct and uterus distinctly separated by sphincter. Spindle-shaped sperms present in uterus and oviduct. Ovaries refiexed; oocytes arranged first in single, then in ñnııhla rnws. Tail about two anal body-widths long, conoid, ventrally curved with rounded terminus and with 2 caudal pores on each side. Male Not found.
Habitat and locality Soil around roots of deodar, Cedrus deodara from Naggar (altitude approx. 1,825 m) district Kulu, Himachal Pradesh. Remarks The above Observations are based on a female specimen from the Nematode Collection of Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University, which was studied in detail.