Inventory of the Carabid Beetle Fauna of the Gaoligong Mountains, Western Yunnan Province, China: Species of the Tribe Trechini (Coleoptera: Caraboidea), with Descriptions of Four New Genera, One New Subgenus and 19 New Species. Author Deuve, Thierry Institut de Systématique, Evolution, Biodiversité, ISYEB - UMR 7205 - MNHN, CNRS, UPMC, EPHE, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Sorbonne-Universités, 57 rue Cuvier, CP 50, F- 75231 Paris cedex 05, France. Author Kavanaugh, David H. Department of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences, 55 Music Concourse Drive, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA 94118, U. S. A. Author Liang, Hongbin Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China * Corresponding author: David H. Kavanaugh (dkavanaugh @ calacademy. org) text Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 2016 2016-10-14 63 12 341 455 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.13155283 0068-547X 13155283 4C790FE0-B735-4592-8827-EEF83C663CB1 Trechus ( Trechus ) indicus Putzeys, 1870 ( Figs. 16b , 17 , 41a , 44 , 45–48 ) Trechus indicus Putzeys, 1870:175 . Holotype , lost (see Jeannel 1923 , footnote p. 416). Type locality: eastern India . Trechus ( s. str. ) indicus Putzeys : Jeannel, 1927:157 , 158 (in part) Trechus ( s. str. ) macrops Jeannel, 1927:157 , 160 (in part). Type locality: China , Yunnan . Synonymized by Jeannel (1935: 275) . Trechus macrops Jeannel : Andrewes, 1935 63, 67. Trechus indicus Putzeys : Jeannel, 1935:275 . Trechus indicus Putzeys : Deuve, 1988:80 . Trechus ( s. str. ) indicus Putzeys : Uéno 1977:181 . Trechus ( s. str. ) macrops Jeannel : Uéno & Yin, 1993:354 . These authors considered T. macrops as a distinct species. DIAGNOSIS .— Adults of this species ( Fig. 17a ) can be distinguished from those of all other species in the region by the following combination of character states: size large for genus (BL = 4.2 to 5.0 mm); fully-winged; eyes markedly large, tempora very short, joined to neck region at nearly a right angle; frontal furrows angulate at midlength; right mandible as in Fig. 16b ; mentum and submentum not fused; mentum with medial tooth simple, triangular; antennae with antennomeres 3 and 4 subequal in length, antennomere 2 slightly shorter; pronotum transverse (ratio PW/PL = 1.43), with lateral margins not sinuate posteriorly, straight just anterior to basal angles, the latter small and rectangular, lateral explanation very wide basally, basal margin slightly convex medally; elytra oblong, lateral discal striae effaced, only the medial four or five striae distinctly impressed, recurrent stria markedly impressed; preapical seta absent or vestigial, two discal setae present, inserted in stria 3 at anterior one-fifth and at middle, respectively; median lobe of male aedeagus ( Fig. 17b ) not arcuate, with apex slender, ventrally hooked, endophallus with two elongate, projecting sclerites, one apically tapered, the other apically lobate. COMMENTS .— Uéno (1977:182) correctly pointed out that this widely distributed species, with members fully-winged, is morphologically varied across its range. In particular, the preapical seta tends to be absent from members of eastern populations. The many specimens we examined from localities in the study area confirm his observation. Among them, the prepical seta is absent from most specimens. If present, the seta is very small or vestigial, and only present unilaterally in most such cases. This led Uéno (1999a:215) , while reporting the presence of this species in the Gaoligong Shan for the first time, to consider the eastern populations, including those in the study area, as a separate species, T. macrops Jeannel. HABITAT DISTRIBUTION .— Members of this species have been found in a variety of microhabitats at elevations ranging from 1230 to 2486 m . They have been collected in daytime from under stones on the shaded and open banks of small to large streams, along roadcuts, and in closed canopy forest. At night, they have been found active on open sandy beaches and floodplain flats of larger streams ( Fig. 41a ) and on the ground along roadcuts. In almost all of the localities where specimens of T. indicus were founded, they were the only trechine collected. However, they were found syntopic with specimens of Agonotrechus xiaoheishan at Xiaoheishan Forest Reserve in the southern part of the study area. Uéno (1999a) reported that specimens of this species (which he recorded as Trechus macrops Jeannel ) were found in the same area as specimens of Agonotrechus yunnanus and Epaphiotrechus fortipes (Uéno) comb. nov. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION WITHIN THE GAOLIGONG SHAN .— Fig. 17c . We examined a total of 86 specimens ( 45 males and 41 females ) from the following localities: Fugong County : Lumadeng Township (Lumadeng, 1230 m , N27.02606° / E98.86269° , 23 April 2004 , D.H. Kavanaugh collector [ 1 female ; CAS]). Gongshan County : Dulongjiang Township (Bapo, 1412 m , N27.73902° / E98.34975° , 3 November 2004 , H.B. Liang collector [ 1 male ; IOZ]; Bapo area, Dulong Jiang at Mulangdang, 1355 m , N27.75256° / E98.34745° , 4 November 2004 , H.B. Liang collector [ 1 male ; IOZ]; 0.6 km N of Dizhengdang village on Dulong Jiang, 1880 m , N28.084427° / E98.32652° , 29-30 October 2004 , D.H. Kavanaugh , D.Z. Dong & G. Tang collectors [ 9 male and 8 females ; CAS, IOZ]; Dulong Jiang at Elideng village, 1640 m , N28.000287° / E98.32145° , 3 November 2004 , D.H. Kavanaugh , D.Z. Dong & G. Tang collectors [ 13 male and 8 females ; CAS, IOZ]; Dulong Jiang at Xianjiudang village, 1580 m , N27.94092° / E98.33340° , 4 November 2004 , D.H. Kavanaugh , M.A. Dixon, D.Z. Dong & G. Tang collectors [ 1 male and 7 females ; CAS, IOZ]; 0.2 km S of confluence of Dulong Jiang and Muke Wang, 1450 m , N27.84125° / E98.33979° , 7 November 2004 , D.H. Kavanaugh , V.F. Lee & D.Z. Dong collectors [ 1 female ; CAS]; 0.5 km N of Kongdang, 1500 m , N27.88111° / E98.34063° , 25 October 2004 , D.H. Kavanaugh , H.B. Liang, D.Z. Dong & G. Tang collectors [ 1 female ; CAS]; Moqie Wang at Gongshan-Dulong Road Km 91, 1550 m , N27.89934° / E98.34999° , 6 November 2004 , D.H. Kavanaugh & H.B. Liang collectors [ 2 males and 4 female ; CAS, IOZ]). Longling County : Longjiang Township (small stream 1.2 km SSE of Km 23.5 on Route 23.5, 2020 m , N24.2888° / E98.76001° , 25 May 2005 , D.H. Kavanaugh , H.B. Liang & D.Z. Dong collectors [ 1 male ; CAS]; Xiaoheishan Forest Reserve, 2067 m, N24.83671° / E98.76185° , 28 May 2005 , H.B. Liang, K.J. Guo & H.M. Yan collectors [ 3 males ; CAS, IOZ]); Zhen’an Township (Bangbie village, 1540 m , N24.81306° / E98.83306° , 30 October 2003 , H.B. Liang & X.C. Shi collectors [ 1 male ; IOZ]). Longyang County: Bawan Township (Baoshan-Tenchong Road Km 24 at Nankang Yakou, 2130 m , N24.82583° / E98.77222° , 26 October 2003 , H.B. Liang & X.C. Shi collectors [ 1 female ; IOZ]; Bawan-Tengchong Road at Km 40- 41, 2404 m , N24.93750° / E98.75083° , 12 October 2003 , H.B. Liang & X.C. Shi collectors [ 1 male ; IOZ]; Bawan-Tengchong Road at Km 41, 2486 m , N24.93750° / E98.75083° , 11 October 2003 , H.B. Liang collector [1; female; IOZ]; Bawan-Tengchong Road at Km 42-46, 2290 m , N24.95361° / E98.74222° , 14 October 2003 , H.B. Liang & X.C. Shi collectors [ 1 female ; IOZ]; Luoshuidong area at Sancha He, 2300 m , N24.94833° / E98.75667° , 26-31 October 1998 , D.H. Kavanaugh & C.E. Griswold collectors [ 1 female ; CAS]). Tengchong County: Jietou Township (Zhoujia-po village, 1740 m , N25.33222° / E98.67611° , 24 October 2003 , D.Z. Dong collector [ 1 male ; CAS]); Qushi Township (Longchuan Jiang at Xiaojiangqiao, 1445 nm , N25.23944° / E98.63722° , 21 October 2003 , H.B. Liang & X.C. Shi collectors [ 1 male ; IOZ]); Shangying Township (Bawan-Tengchong Road Km 46-51, 2220 m , N24.95722° / E98.73667° , 17 October 2003 , H.B. Liang & X.C. Shi collectors [ 1 male ; IOZ]); Bawan-Tengchong Road Km 48-51 at Dahaoping Forest Station, 2014 m , N24.97556° / E98.73000° , 18 October 2003 , H.B. Liang collector [ 6 males and 6 females ; CAS, IOZ, MNHN]; Bawan-Tengchong Road Km 65, beside Longchuanjiang, 1335 m , N24.04167° / E98.67306° , 19 October 2003 , H.B. Liang & X.C. Shi collectors [ 1 male and 1 female ; CAS IOZ]; Bawan-Tengchong Road Km 65 at Longwenqiao, 1285 m , N25.02396° / E98.67675° , 20 October 2003 , H.B. Liang & X.C. Shi collectors [ 1 male ; IOZ]); Wuhe Township ( Xiaoheishan Forest Station, 2025 m , N24.82889° / E98.76000° , 29 October 2003 , H.B. Liang collector [ 1 male and 1 female ; CAS, IOZ]). FIGURE 16. Trechine right mandibles, ventral aspect. a. Agonotrechus xiaoheishan sp. nov. b. Trechus indicus Putzeys with dentition enlarged. c. Trechus gongshanensis sp. nov. d. Trechus shibalicus sp. nov. e. Pseudepaphius gonggaicus Deuve with dentition enlarged (China, Sichuan Province, Moxi Township, NE slope of Gongga Shan). f. Trechepaphiopsis uniporosa sp. nov. with dentition enlarged. g. Epaphiotrechus fortipesoides sp. nov. with dentition enlarged. h. Trechepaphiama gaoligong sp. nov. Scale lines = 0.5 mm. FIGURE 17. Trechus indicus Putzeys ; a. Dorsal habitus (CASENT1016115). b. Median lobe of aedeagus of male (CASENT1015874), left lateral aspect. c. Map of locality records (red circles) for T. indicus in the Gaoligong Shan region. Scale lines a, b = 0.5 mm, c = 100 km. Members of this species have been collected in both northern and southern parts of the study area and on both eastern and western slopes of the Gaoligongshan. We have recorded this species from Core Areas 1, 3, 6, and 7. The absence of records from Core Areas 2, 4 and 5 is likely the result of inadequate sampling. OVERALL GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION .— Fig. 45 . This species is widely distributed along the southern edge of the Himalayan Mountains and Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) Plateau from eastern Afghanistan to Sichuan Province , China . Attainment and maintenance of this broad geographical range is no doubt facilitated by the flight capability of members of this species.