Inventory of the Carabid Beetle Fauna of the Gaoligong Mountains, Western Yunnan Province, China: Species of the Tribe Trechini (Coleoptera: Caraboidea), with Descriptions of Four New Genera, One New Subgenus and 19 New Species. Author Deuve, Thierry Institut de Systématique, Evolution, Biodiversité, ISYEB - UMR 7205 - MNHN, CNRS, UPMC, EPHE, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Sorbonne-Universités, 57 rue Cuvier, CP 50, F- 75231 Paris cedex 05, France. Author Kavanaugh, David H. Department of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences, 55 Music Concourse Drive, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA 94118, U. S. A. Author Liang, Hongbin Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China * Corresponding author: David H. Kavanaugh (dkavanaugh @ calacademy. org) text Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 2016 2016-10-14 63 12 341 455 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.13155283 0068-547X 13155283 4C790FE0-B735-4592-8827-EEF83C663CB1 Trechus ( Trechus ) shibalicus Deuve and Kavanaugh, sp. nov. ( Figs. 24 , 16d , 40b , 42b , 46–48 ) TYPE MATERIAL .— Holotype , a male, in IOZ, labeled: “CASENT 1017532”/ “ CHINA , Yunnan , Fugong County , Lishadi Township , 8.5 km above Shibali on Shibali Road , north bank of North Fork of Yamu He , N27.18416° / E98.72026° ,”/ “ 3100 m , 8 August 2005 Stop #DHK-2005-067A D.H. Kavanaugh , H.B. Liang , D.Z. Dong , & J.F. Zhang collectors”/ “ HOLOTYPE Trechus shibalicus Deuve & Kavanaugh, sp. nov. designated 2016” [red label] . Paratypes (a total of 43): 1 male and 3 females (in IOZ , CAS ) labeled: same as holotype , except first label “CASENT 1017531” and “CASENT 1017533” to “CASENT 1017535”, respectively ; 1 male (in CAS ) labeled: “CASENT 1014204”/ “ CHINA , Yunnan , Fugong County , Lishadi Township , 11.5 km above Shibali on Yaping Road , N27.20676° / E98.71763° ,”/ “ 3290 m , 8 May 2004 Stop #DHK-2004-040 D.H. Kavanaugh , C.E. Griswold , Liang H.-B., Li X.-Y., & Zhu B.-X. collectors” ; 1 male (in IOZ ) labeled: “CASENT 1018365”/ “ CHINA , Yunnan , Fugong County , Lishadi Township , headwaters of North Fork Yamu He just E of Shibali Yakou , 3450 m ,”/ “ N27.21034° / E98.70141° , 7 August 2005 , Stop# LHB-05-52, H.B. Liang & J.F. Zhang collectors” ; 1 male (in IOZ ) labeled: “CASENT 1018605”/ “ CHINA , Yunnan , Fugong County , Lishadi Township , headwaters of North Fork Yamu He just E of Shibali Yakou , 3450 m ,”/ “ N27.21034° / E98.70141° , 12 August 2005 , Stop# LHB-05- 54, H.B. Liang & J.F. Zhang collectors” ; 1 male (in CAS ) labeled: “CASENT 1018844”/ “ CHINA , Yunnan , Fugong County , Lishadi Township , Shibali area , 2535 m , N27.16536° / E98.78003° , 4-17 August 2005 ,”/ “Stop# DHK-2005-059 D.H. Kavanaugh , H.B. Liang , P. Paquin , & D.Z. Dong collectors” ; 1 female (in CAS ) labeled: “CASENT 1020015”/ “ CHINA , Yunnan , Fugong County , Lumadeng Township , second cirque S of Shibali Yakou , 3675 m ,”/ “ N27.20244° / E98.69526° , 17 August 2005 , Stop# DHK-2005-093, D.H. Kavanaugh collector” ; 2 males and 2 females (in CAS , IOZ ) labeled: “CASENT 1020903” to “CASENT 1020904” and “CASENT 1020905” to “CASENT 1020906”, respectively/ “ CHINA , Yunnan , Fugong County , Lishadi Township , Shibali Yakou , 3612 m , N27.21231° / E98.69575° , 7 August 2005 ,”/ “Stop# DHK-2005-066, D.H. Kavanaugh , H.B. Liang , P. Paquin , & D.Z. Dong collectors” ; 1 female (in CAS ) labeled: “CASENT 1021290”/ “ CHINA , Yunnan , Fugong County , Lishadi Township , 0.5 km NE of Shibali Yakou , N27.21447° / E98.70064° ,”/ “ 3460 m , 12 August 2005 , Stop# DHK-2005-077, D.H. Kavanaugh , P. Paquin , & D.Z. Dong collectors” ; 6 males and 5 females (in CAS , IOZ ) labeled: “CASENT 1022286” to “CASENT 1022291” and “CASENT 1022292” to “CASENT 1022296”, respectively/ “ CHINA , Yunnan , Fugong County , Lumadeng Township , 8.5 km above Shibali on Shibali Road , North Fork of Yamu He ,”/ “ N27.18416° / E98.72026° ,”/ “ 3100 m , 5 May 2004 , Stop #LHB-04-023 Lian H.-B., Li X.-Y., & Zhu B.-Q. collectors” ; 1 female (in CAS ) labeled: “CASENT 1023606”/ “ CHINA , Yunnan , Fugong County , Lishadi Township , 11.5 km above Shibali on Shibali Road , N27.20676° / E98.771763° ,”/ “ 3290 m , 6 May 2004 Stop #DHK-2004- 036 D.H. Kavanaugh , C.E. Griswold , Liang H.-B., & Zhu B.-X. collectors” ; 9 males and 4 females (in CAS , IOZ , MNHN ) labeled: “CASENT 1023743” to “CASENT 1023745” and “CASENT 1023747” to “CASENT 1023752” and “CASENT 1023753” to “CASENT 1023756”, respectively/ “ CHINA , Yunnan , Fugong County , Lishadi Township , 8.5 km above Shibali on Shibali Road , North Fork of Yamu He , N27.18416° / E98.72026° ,”/ “ 3100 m , 7 May 2004 Stop #DHK-2004- 038A D.H. Kavanaugh , C.E. Griswold , Liang H.-B., & Zhu B.-X. collectors” ; 1 male and 3 females (in CAS , IOZ ) labeled: “CASENT 1023775” and “CASENT 1023776” to “CASENT 1023778”, respectively/ “ CHINA , Yunnan , Fugong County , Lumadeng Township , 8.5 km above Shibali on Shibali Road , North Fork of Yamu He ,”/ “ N27.18326° / E98.72002° , 3100 m , 7 May 2004 Stop #DHK-2004-038B D.H. Kavanaugh collector”. All paratypes also bear the following label: “ PARATYPE Trechus shibalicus Deuve & Kavanaugh, sp. nov. designated 2016” [yellow label] . TYPE LOCALITY .— China , Yunnan , Fugong County , Shiyueliang Township , 8, 5 km above Shibali on Shibali Road , North Fork of Yamu He , N27.18416° / E98.72026° , 3100 m . DERIVATION OF SPECIES NAME .— The species epithet, shibalicus , is derived from the name of settlement, Shibali, at and near which specimens of the type series were collected, and the Latin adjectival suffix, -icus , meaning belonging to or pertaining to. DIAGNOSIS .— Adults of this species ( Fig. 24a ) can be distinguished from those of all other species in the region by the following combination of character states: size small (BL = 3.3 to 3.5 mm ), apterous; body color reddish brown; tempora glabrous, short and distinctly convex; pronotum transverse (ratio PW/PL = 1.44), basal angles rectangular or slightly acute and sharp; elytra with striae finely punctate, lateral striae more or less effaced, recurrent stria abruptly interrupted at slight convexity at posterior end of stria 7, two typical discal setae present, preapical seta present and inserted in a discal, forward position near apical one-fourth of elytra on interval 3 next to stria 2; male aedeagus with sagittal aileron present but reduced, apical lamella slender with blunt apex, endophallus with a distinct scaly area. FIGURE 24. Trechus shibalicus sp. nov. ; a. Dorsal habitus (CASENT1017532). b. Median lobe of aedeagus of male (CASENT1017532), left lateral aspect. c. Map of locality records (red circles) for T. shibalicus in the Gaoligong Shan region. Scale lines a, b = 0.5 mm, c = 100 km. DESCRIPTION .— Size small, BL = 3.3 to 3.5 mm . Body color dark brown and shiny, elytra slightly reddish near sutural and lateral margins, appendages paler reddish yellow, palpi paler yellow. Body surface smooth. Head. Short and thick, eyes slightly convex, their diameter slightly greater than length of tempora, the latter glabrous and distinctly convex. Frons not flattened; frontal furrows deep, broadly rounded, not attenuated posteriorly. Two pairs of supraorbital setae present, the anterior pair insert- ed in foveae. Clypeus with four setae. Labrum with six setae, anterior margin distinctly concave. Right mandible as in Fig. 16d . Mentum and submentum not fused. Mentum with median tooth bifid apically, half as long as lateral lobes. Submentum with six setae anteriorly. Gula wide. Genae with a single seta ventrally on each side. Antennae rather short, with about 1.5 to 2 antennomeres extended posteriorly beyond basal pronotal margin; antennomeres 2 and 3 about equal in length, antennomere 4 slightly shorter. Pronotum transverse (ratio PW/PL = 1.44), greatest width slightly anterior to middle, slightly narrowed posteriorly, lateral margins rounded, abruptly sinuate just anterior to basal angles, the latter rectangular or slightly acute and sharp. Disc convex; median longitudinal impression distinctly impressed, slightly widened and deepened in the median basal area, the latter also with several longitudinal rugulae and delimited laterally by short, oblique furrows. Basal foveae distinct, small and rounded. Lateral margination narrow and slightly widened basally, lateral border slightly reflexed, lateral grooves distinctly impressed. Single midlateral setae on each side inserted near anterior one-third; single basolateral seta on each side, inserted at basal angle. Elytra. Ovoid, humeri distinct but rounded. Disc convex; striae finely punctate, striae 1 to 4 distinctly impressed, the more lateral striae more or less effaced, stria 6 barely perceptible, stria 7 and 8 indistinct. Scutellar striole short but deeply impressed. Recurrent stria distinct, abruptly interrupted at slight convexity at posterior end of stria 7. Basal setiferous pore present at common origin of striae 1 and 2. Two discal setae present and inserted next to stria 3, one at anterior one-fourth and one near middle of elytra. Preapical seta present and inserted in a prediscal position on interval 3 next to stria 2 in forward position more than twice as far from apex as from sutural margin\. Legs. Short, protibiae with longitudinal furrow. Male protarsomeres 1 and 2 dilated and apicomedially toothed. Abdomen. Abdominal ventrites glabrous, except for a single paramedial seta on each side, and ventrite VII of males apically with one pair of paramedial setae, of females with two pairs. Male aedeagus. Median lobe ( Fig. 24b ) with base moderate in size, sagittal aileron present but reduced, shaft moderately thick subbasally, apical lamella narrowed, moderately elongate, with blunt apex; endophallus only faintly sclerotized but with a distinct scaly area. HABITAT DISTRIBUTION .— Members of this species have been found in a variety of microhabitats over a broad elevational range, from 2535 to 3675 m . They have been collected in daytime from under stones in thickets of bamboo (various elevations) ( Fig. 42b ), in subalpine forests of scattered Abies and Rhodondendron mixed with bamboo thickets (at 3290 m ), in rocky open areas cleared by snow avalanches but shaded by 3 meter high herbaceous cover ( 3100 m ) ( Fig. 40b ), in meadows adjacent to bamboo and Rhodondendron thickets ( 3400 m ) and along roadcuts through such thickets, and on talus and vegtetated slopes in a glacial cirque ( 3675 m ). At the lowest record- ed elevation ( 2535 m ), one specimen was collected under a stone along a roadcut on moist, shad- ed ground. At both highest and lowest elevations, they were the only trechine encountered; but they were found syntopic with specimens of Trechus shiyueliang , Trechus pseudoqiqiensis , Trechepaphiopsis unisetulosa sp. nov. , and Trechepaphiopsis unipilosa sp. nov. at one or more mid-elevation ( 3100 to 3290 m ) sites. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION WITHIN THE GAOLIGONG SHAN .— Fig. 24c . We examined a total of 44 specimens ( 23 males and 21 females ), all from Fugong County on the eastern slope and crest of the northcentral part of the Gaoligong Shan (see Type material above for exact collection data). These localities are all in Core Area 3 . OVERALL GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION .— This species currently is known only from Fugong County in the northcentral part of the Gaoligong Shan, in western Yunnan Province , China .