Catalogue of squat lobsters of the world (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura-families Chirostylidae, Galatheidae and Kiwaidae) Author Baba, Keiji Author Macpherson, Enrique Author Poore, Gary C. B. Author Ahyong, Shane T. Author Bermudez, Adriana Author Cabezas, Patricia Author Lin, Chia-Wei Author Nizinski, Martha Author Rodrigues, Celso Author Schnabel, Kareen E. text Zootaxa 2008 2008-10-15 1905 1 1 220 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.1905.1.1 1175­5334 5134587 Munida compacta Macpherson, 1997 Munida compacta Macpherson, 1997: 605 , fig. 2 ( Indonesia , 246–694 m ). — Baba, 2005: 261 (key, synony- mies). Type data: holotype , ovigerous female, MNHN Ga 3949 . Type locality: Indonesia , 8°42´S , 131°53´E , 356–368 m . Munida compressa Baba, 1988 Munida compressa Baba, 1988: 91 , figs 33, 34 ( Moluccas off W coast of Halmahera, South China Sea off SW Luzon, off Hong Kong , off SW Formosa , and Japan (Tosa Bay), 180–545 m ). — Macpherson, 1993a: 427 (SW of Luzon and S of Mindoro, 224–668 m ). — Macpherson, 1997: 606 ( Indonesia , 439–459 m ). — Wu et al. , 1998: 111 , figs 22, 26A–C (Taiwan). — Komai, 2000: 354 (list). — Baba, 2005: 99 , 261 (key, synonymies, off Zamboanga and Arafura Sea, 293–390 m ). Type data: holotype , male, USNM 150347 . Type locality: Moluccas off W coast of Halmahera , 545 m . Munida congesta Macpherson, 1999 Munida congesta Macpherson, 1999a: 415 , figs 2, 3d, 4a ( Vanuatu , 536–566 m ). — Macpherson, 2004: 256 ( Fiji and Tonga , 464–777 m ). — Baba, 2005: 261 (key, synonymies). Type data: holotype , ovigerous female, MNHN Ga 4374 . Type locality: Vanuatu , 19°23´S , 169°29´E , 536–566 m . Munida constricta A. Milne Edwards 1880 Munida constricta A. Milne Edwards, 1880: 52 (Phare Morro, St Kitts, Nevis , Mominique, St Lucia, Cariacou, and Grenada , 282–774 m ). — A. Milne Edwards & Bouvier, 1894a: 256 (key). — A. Milne Edwards & Bouvier, 1897a: 40 , pl. 3, fig. 5 (St Lucia, Phare Morro, St Kitts, Mominique, Cariacou, and Grenada , 382–774 m ). — Chace, 1942: 34 , fig. 14 (north coast of Cuba , and off St Vincent, 714–849 m ). — de Melo-Filho & de Melo, 1992a: 516 ( lectotype designation, St Lucia, 760 m ). — de Melo-Filho & de Melo, 1992b: 766 , figs 17 ( Brazil , 630 m ). — Boschi, 2000: 97 (list). — de Melo-Filho & de Melo, 2001b: 1144 , figs 8, 9 ( Brazil , 277–835 m ). — Navas et al. , 2003: 191 , figs 3, 4 ( Colombia . Caribbean Sea, 482– 490 m . — de Melo-Filho, 2006: 6 (Caribbean Sea, Brazil ( Sao Paulo ), 277–835 m ). Type data: lectotype , male, MNHN Ga 534 (designated by de Melo-Filho & de Melo, 1992a ) . Type locality: St Lucia, 13º53´N , 60º58´W , 760 m . Munida cornuta Macpherson, 1994 Munida cornuta Macpherson, 1994: 459 , figs 12, 13c ( Kiribati , 600 m ). — Macpherson, 2004: 256 ( Fiji and Tonga , 371–586 m ). — Baba, 2005: 261 (key, synonymies). Type data: holotype , male, MNHN Ga 2620 . Type locality: Kiribati , 600 m . Munida crassa Baba, 1982 Munida crassa Baba, 1982a: 107 , fig. 3 (East China Sea W of Tokara-gunto and W of Osumi-gunto, 770–950 m ). — Baba in Baba et al. , 1986: 169 , 289, fig. 120 (Okinawa Trough, 680–770 m ). — Baba, 2005: 261 (key, synonymies). Type data: holotype , ovigerous female, NSMT-Cr. 6180. Type locality: East China Sea W of Osumi-gunto , 770–800 m . Munida curvimana A. Milne Edwards & Bouver, 1894 Munida curvimana A. Milne Edwards & Bouvier, 1894a: 256 ( Morocco , off cape Spartel, Madeira, Blanco Island). — A. Milne Edwards & Bouvier, 1900: 287 , pl. 29, figs 12–17 ( Morocco , off Cape Spartel, Madeira, Blanco Is., 60–120 m ). — Bouvier, 1940: 173 (compilation). — Holthuis & Gotlieb, 1958: 75, fig. 14 (Haifa Bay, E Mediterranean, 48–59 m ). — Forest & Gantes, 1960: 349 ( Agadir , Morocco , 60–130 m ). — Nunes-Ruivo, 1961: 10 , fig. 3, pl. 1, fig. b (Portuguese coast, 80–110 m ). — Neves, 1967: 268 (Cascais, Portugal , 80 m ). — Zariquiey Álvarez, 1968: 283 , fig. 102 (compilation). — Miyake & Baba, 1970: 76 (Canary Islands, 150–200 m ). — Neves, 1977: 193 , fig. 11b ( Portugal , 80–110 m ). — Koukouras et al. , 1992: 224 (list, Aegean Sea). — González Pérez, 1995: 160, fig. 96 (no record). — d’Udekem d’Acoz, 1996: 55 (Aegean Sea, shallow waters). — Koukuras et al. , 1998: 716 (Aegean Sea, 100–250). — d’Udekem d’Acoz, 1999: 163 (compilation). Type data: syntypes , MNHN Ga 790–792; 3 syntypes , USNM 22906 . Type locality: Morocco , off Cape Spartel , Madeira , Blanco Island , 60–120 m .