Complete mitochondrial genome and taxonomic revision of Cardiodactylus muiri Otte, 2007 (Gryllidae: Eneopterinae: Lebinthini) Author Dong, Jiajia Author Vicente, Natallia Author Chintauan-Marquier, Ioana C. Author Ramadi, Cahyo Author Dettai, Agnès Author Robillard, Tony text Zootaxa 2017 4268 1 101 116 journal article 33051 10.11646/zootaxa.4268.1.6 97360f20-c368-4646-b2d0-865ae53e60da 1175-5326 579936 36BC08B9-DDFC-47C3-97E9-B92AC8FBB498 Cardiodactylus muiri Otte, 2007a ( Figs 1–4 ) Cardiodactylus muiri Otte, 2007a: 349 –2007b: 30 (confirmation of depository)— Robillard et al. 2014 : 68 (redescription). Synonym name . Cardiodactylus buru Gorochov & Robillard, 2014 , in Robillard et al. 2014 : 25. New synonymy. The differences between C. buru and C. muiri in male genitalia described in Robillard et al. (2014) are clearly present in specimens of the same populations in the newly examined material from New Guinea and Kai Islands. These differences must then be considered as intraspecific variation of C. muiri ; C. buru is consequently a junior synonym of C. muiri . Type material. Male holotype : Indonesia : Malaka Province , Ceram , Piroe [ Seram I. , Piru ], II.1909 , F. Muir ( BPBM ) [not examined]. Type locality. Indonesia , Seram Island , Piru. Distribution. Indonesia , Maluku islands ( Ambon , Seram, Buru ), Kai Islands, South-west part of New Guinea (surroundings of Kumawa and Kaimana). FIGURE 1. Habitat of Cardiodactylus muiri Otte, 2007 . A, dead tree trunk in Kumawa (Papua, Indonesia); B, C, male sitting on dead tree (A) during the day. FIGURE 2. Tree trunk with males of Cardiodactylus muiri Otte, 2007 engaged in singing activity during late afternoon in Kumawa forest (Papua, Indonesia). Red circles mark males’ positions; height ca. 4 m. New records: Indonesia , West Papua : Nouvelle-Guinée [New Guinea], Kumawa, -4.0646111 133.037111 ( KUM 3 ), 82 m , forêt littorale sur karst [littoral forest on karst], ligne de crête, 13–15.XI.2014 , T. Robillard : 1 male (LEN2014-TR606), jour [day], tronc chandelle [trunk of dead tree], molecular sample C158 (MNHN-E0- ENSIF4179); 1 female (LEN2014-TR582), nuit [night], litière [leaf litter], vidéo ponte dans racine 8 PM [video of oviposition in root] (MNHN); 1 female (LEN2014-TR583), nuit, litière, vidéo ponte dans racine 8 PM (MNHN); 1 juvenile (LEN2014-TR569), nuit (MNHN). Nouvelle-Guinée, Kumawa, -4.0688333 133.036444 (KUM2), 27 m , forêt littorale karstique sur pente, jour, tronc chandelle, 11–17.XI.2014 , T. Robillard: 1 male (LEN2014-TR625) (MZB); 1 male (LEN2014-TR587), enregistrement appel en captivité [recording of calling song in captivity] Take Pap 122 (MNHN-EO-ENSIF4403) ; 1 juvenile (LEN2014-TR595), jour, litière (MNHN); Nouvelle-Guinée, Kumawa, -4.0518611 133.066083 (KUM5), 87 m , forêt sur pente en amont de la rivière, 16–17.XI.2014 , T. Robillard: 1 male (LEN2014-TR657), enregistrement appel en semi-captivité Takes Pap 142-143 ( MNHN-EO- ENSIF 4404 ) ; 1 male (LEN2014-TR654), enregistrement appel en semi-captivité Takes Pap 140-141 ( MNHN-EO- ENSIF 4405 ); Nouvelle-Guinée , Kumawa , -4.0555 133.066333 ( KUM 4 ), 47 m , forêt littorale karstique sur pente, 16.XI.2014 , T. Robillard : 1 male (LEN2014-TR617), molecular sample C160 (MZB); 1 female (LEN2014- TR655), mort élevage (MZB); 1 female (LEN2014-TR615), nuit, tronc de pandanus h= 1.80 m (MZB); 1 female (LEN2014-TR616), nuit, tronc de pandanus h= 1.80 m (MNHN); Nouvelle-Guinée, Kaimana, -3.643667 133.757028 ( KAI 3 ), 200 m , forêt littorale sur pente, 19.X.2014 , 1 female (LEN2014-TR54), jour, plante, molecular sample C150 (MNHN-EO-ENSIF4164). Indonesia , Kei Eil. [ Kai Islands ], Gn. [ Gunung ] Daab [ Pulau Kai-besar ], 1922, H. C. Siebers : 4 males, #79, #131, #112, #121; 1 female #138 (MNHN); 1 male , #131, identified Cardiodactylus haani Ss [ Saussure ] by Lucien Chopard (MZB-ORTH10475). Life history traits and habitats. C. muiri lives in dense forested habitats on tree trunks of various sizes or on dead trees still standing ( Fig. 1 ). Groups of singing males (three or more) distant by ca. 50 cm to one meter, are commonly found during afternoon on large tree trunks above three meters high ( Fig. 2 ). They sit on the bark surface and sometimes in crevices of the bark or of epiphytes. Songs were not heard during night, even when habitats with singing males heard during the day were visited after sunset. It could indicate that the species is diurnal or crepuscular and that the formed couples hide at night for mating. However, the species seems to have a low-light preference, given that light intensity under forest cover is limited during afternoon and in the confined habitats ( Fig. 1 ). Females are found ovipositing during early night in the leaf litter or in roots near the ground ( Fig. 3 ). Calling song. The calling song of C. muiri ( Fig. 4 ) consists of only one long syllable. The song bouts are rather irregular, which disqualifies them as echemes. At 26 °C (MNHN-EO-ENSIF4405, measurement of 28 syllables) the call duration is 38 ± 11.4 ms (mean ± SD), with a period of 4.78 s ± 3.83 s , giving a syllable duty cycle of 8%. The dominant frequency is 11.98 ± 0.24 kHz, which is rather low for the genus and corresponds to the third peak of the frequency spectrum, the two first peaks being little marked.