Revision Of The Early Oligocene Flora Of Hrazený Hill (Formerly Pirskenberg) In Knížecí Near Šluknov, North Bohemia Author Kvaček, Zlatko Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Albertov 6, CZ - 128 43 Praha 2, the Czech Republic; e-mail: kvacek @ natur. cuni. cz; Author Teodoridis, Vasilis Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Education, Magdalény Rettigové 4, CZ - 116 39 Praha 1, the Czech Republic; e-mail: vasilis. teodoridis @ pedf. cuni. cz; Author Zajícová, Jana Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Albertov 6, CZ - 128 43 Praha 2, the Czech Republic; e-mail: jana. zajicova @ natur. cuni. cz. text Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B 2015 2015-10-31 71 1 - 2 55 102 journal article 10.14446/AMNP.2015.55 2533-4069 13182943 Acer palaeosaccharinum STUR Pl. 18, Fig. 6–7 1867 Acer palaeosaccharinum STUR , p. 177, pl. 5, fig. 8. 1961 Acer palaeosaccharinum STUR ; Knobloch, p. 284, pl. 1, fig. 11, pl. 9, fig. 3, 5–8, 10, pl. 9, fig. 6–7. Knobloch (1958) described leaf forms which he assigned to Acer palaeosaccharinum STUR as follows (translation from Czech): “Leaves 3–5 lobed, base rounded to subcordate, margin widely simple to double dentate with teeth of different size. Venation palmate, basal veins at 40–50°, secondary veins craspedodromous, only slightly bent, tertiary veins forming polygonal fields.” The blades are 16 to 76 mm long and 18 to 85 mm wide. The epidermal structure was not preserved. D i s c u s s i o n. This species prevails in the Knížecí leaf assemblage. As noted above, aberrant leaf forms of Acer palaeosaccharinum can be misinterpreted as A. angustilobum . M a t e r i a l s t u d i e d: Leaf impressions, NM-G2814, NM-G2872, NM-G2874, NM-G2875, NM-G2876, NM-G2879, NM-G2880, NM-G2900, NM-G8605, EK several impressions not numbered.