Revision Of The Early Oligocene Flora Of Hrazený Hill (Formerly Pirskenberg) In Knížecí Near Šluknov, North Bohemia Author Kvaček, Zlatko Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Albertov 6, CZ - 128 43 Praha 2, the Czech Republic; e-mail: kvacek @ natur. cuni. cz; Author Teodoridis, Vasilis Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Education, Magdalény Rettigové 4, CZ - 116 39 Praha 1, the Czech Republic; e-mail: vasilis. teodoridis @ pedf. cuni. cz; Author Zajícová, Jana Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Albertov 6, CZ - 128 43 Praha 2, the Czech Republic; e-mail: jana. zajicova @ natur. cuni. cz. text Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B 2015 2015-10-31 71 1 - 2 55 102 journal article 10.14446/AMNP.2015.55 2533-4069 13182943 Alnus gaudinii ( HEER ) KNOBLOCH et KVAČEK Pl. 15, Fig. 5–7 1859 Rhamnus gaudinii HEER , p. 79, pl. 124, fig. 4–15, pl. 125, fig. 1, 7, 13. 1961? Pterocarya aff. denticulata ( GÖPPERT ) SCHLECHTENDAL ; Knobloch, p. 264, pl. 11, fig. 10. 1961 cf. Alnus kefersteinii ( GÖPPERT ) UNGER ; Knobloch, p. 267, pl. 2, fig. 9, 11. 1976 Alnus gaudinii ( HEER ) KNOBLOCH et KVAČEK , p. 33, pl. 6, fig. 1, 3, pl. 7, fig. 1, 5, pl. 13, fig. 4, pl. 15, fig. 1–4, 7–8, 10–11, 15, 17, pl. 16, fig. 1–5, pl. 19, fig. 15, pl. 20, fig. 10, text-fig. 11–12. Leaves oblong to narrow ovate, incomplete in length, 23–30 mm wide, on margin simple serrate, teeth blunt, almost glandular, quite widely spaced, secondary veins eucamptodromous-semicraspedodromous, at angles of 30– 35°, partly looping, tertiary veins oblique or perpendicular, prominent, higher-order venation distinct. D i s c u s s i o n. Knobloch (1961) compared some alder leaf impresions from Knížecí with Alnus kefersteinii , which is based on generative organs, and erroneously compared some leaf impressions with the Juglandaceae (as? Pterocarya aff. denticulata ( GÖPPERT ) SCHLECHTENDAL ). Similar foliage occurs e.g. at Kundratice, from where the epidermal structure has also been obtained ( Kvaček and Walther 1998 ). M a t e r i a l s t u d i e d: Leaf impressions-compressions, NM-G8603a, b, EK 328–341.