Systematic Revision Of The Phorusrhacidae (Aves: Ralliformes) Author Alvarenga, Herculano M. F. Museu de História Natural de Taubaté. Rua Colômbia, 99, CEP 12030 - 520, Taubaté, SP, Brasil. Author Höfling, Elizabeth Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo, Caixa Postal 11.294, CEP 05422 - 970, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. text Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 2003 2003-12-31 43 4 55 91 journal article 10.1590/S0031-10492003000400001 1807-0205 4900701 Genus Paraphysornis Alvarenga, 1993 Type Species – Physornis brasiliensis Alvarenga, 1982 . Included Species – Only the type species. TABLE 3. Measurements of Physornis fortis (cm). Numbers in brackets are estimates on incomplete bones.
Mandible FM-P13340 FM-P13619
Length of the mandible on the dorsal surface (11.0) 11.3
Width of the base of the symphysis 7.0 (7.5)
Height at the base of the symphysis (5.9)
Atlas FM-P13340
Condyloid fossa (maximum width) 3.82
Smallest transverse diameter of the diaphysis 5.8
Maximum distal width 14.8
Tarsometatarsus MACN-A52-185
Maximum proximal width 10.5
Proximal dorsoventral diameter 6.7
Width of the diaphysis on the level of the fracture (Fig. 13) 5.4
Falanx 1, digit IV, left foot MACN-A52-188
Length of the axis 6.3
Maximum proximal width 4.5
Maximum distal width (3.2)
* Measurements from Loomis (1914) of the specimen (w/n.) in Amherst College, Massachusetts. Distribution – Upper Oligocene or the Lower Miocene of Southeast Brazil . Diagnosis – Maybe the smallest of the Brontornithinae , the size being comparable to that of a smaller-sized Brontornis burmeisteri ( Figs. 1B and 2B ). The mandibular symphysis is longer and narrower than in the remaining Brontornithinae ( e . g . Alvarenga, 1993: Fig. 1 ), being, however, proportionally wider and shorter than in the Phorusrhacinae . The cotyles of the tarsometatarsus are slightly quadrangular, especially the inner one ( e . g . Alvarenga, 1993: Fig. 2 ).The lateral edge of the hypotarsus expands until very near to the lateral part of the lateral cotyle, not forming the lateral crest characteristic of Physornis .