Lamiinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Panama: new species, new records, and new synonymy
Heffern, Daniel
10531 Goldfield Lane, Houston, TX 77064, USA.
Nascimento, Francisco Eriberto De L.
Biodiversity Laboratory, Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana - Unila, Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brazil.
Santos-Silva, Antonio
10531 Goldfield Lane, Houston, TX 77064, USA. & Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. & 10531 Goldfield Lane, Houston, TX 77064, USA.
journal article
Pseudosparna rileyi
sp. nov.
Figs 9–13
Integument mostly black; ventral mouthparts reddish brown, except palpomeres blackish with yellowish-brown apex; anteclypeus brownish; labrum brown posteriorly, yellowish-brown anteriorly; antennomere IV dark brown basally, black on apical quarter, yellow on remaining surface. Trochanters yellowish; femoral peduncles yellowish, except brownish ventral surface of metafemoral peduncle.
Frons densely, shallowly, minutely punctate; with abundant pale-yellow pubescence not obscuring integument on inferior half and close to eyes, dense yellow pubescence on center of superior half, except glabrous median groove, and with abundant dark brown pubescence superiorly between yellow and pale-yellow pubescent areas; with one long, erect dark-brown seta near eyes. Vertex with dense yellow pubescence except glabrous median groove between antennal tubercles, area close to prothorax, and narrow, longitudinal band on apex of yellow pubescent area. Antennal tubercles with abundant blackish pubescence not obscuring integument. Area behind upper eye lobes with abundant yellow pubescence close to eye, partially obscuring integument, pubescence sparser, more yellowish-brown on central area close to eye, glabrous close to prothorax. Area behind lower eye lobes with abundant pale-yellow pubescence not obscuring integument close to eye, pubescence more yellowish-white inferiorly, glabrous close to prothorax. Genae 1.10 times longer than lower eye lobe; with abundant yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, except glabrous apex; with a few long, erect dark-brown setae interspersed. Wide central area of postclypeus with abundant pale-yellow pubescence not obscuring integument close to frons, almost glabrous close to anteclypeus; with long, erect dark-brown setae interspersed. Sides of postclypeus glabrous. Labrum with moderately sparse yellowish-white pubescence on posterior 2/3, glabrous on anterior third, except fringe of yellowish-brown setae on anterior margin; with long, erect setae interspersed on pubescent area, setae dark brown with yellowish apex. Gulamentum glabrous, except sparse yellowish pubescence on intermaxillary process. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.27 times distance between outer margins of eyes; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.60 times distance between outer margins of eyes. Antennae 2.55 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at basal third of antennomere VI. Scape with abundant blackish pubescence not obscuring integument, pubescence bristly ventrally, and long, erect blackish setae ventrally, setae distinctly more abundant on apical third and longer than maximum diameter of scape. Pedicel and antennomeres III with abundant blackish pubescence not obscuring integument, pubescence bristly ventrally; with sparse, long, erect blackish setae interspersed ventrally. Antennomere IV with moderately sparse, both brown and whitish pubescence on basal dark integumental area, abundant blackish pubescence not obscuring integument on dark integumental apical area, with short, erect yellowish-white setae interspersed, and abundant whitish pubescence on remaining surface, with short, erect whitish setae interspersed; ventral surface and apex of dorsal surface with a few long, erect blackish setae interspersed. Antennomeres V–XI with abundant blackish pubescence not obscuring integument, with short, both decumbent and erect whitish setae interspersed; apex of V–VI with a few long blackish setae directed backward. Antennal formula based on length of antennomere III: scape = 1.20; pedicel = 0.10; IV = 0.82; V = 0.69; VI = 0.67; VII = 0.62; VIII = 0.67; IX = 0.67; X = 0.64; XI = 0.59.
Prothorax wider than long; anterior constriction narrow, well marked; sides slightly sinuous and divergent from anterior constriction to lateral tubercles, then convergent toward posterolateral angles; lateral tubercles moderately small, conical, located on posterior quarter. Pronotum with transverse, sinuous row of coarse punctures on posterior fifth and a few coarse punctures on center of anterior fifth; sides with dense, wide, longitudinal yellow pubescent band from anterior constriction to posterior row of punctures, reaching lateral tubercles of prothorax on posterior half, not reaching margins on anterior half, and moderately abundant, both yellowish and yellowish-white pubescence close to posterior margin; remaining surface with abundant blackish pubescence not obscuring integument; with a few long, erect dark setae on sides of posterior quarter. Sides of prothorax with abundant brown pubescence not obscuring integument close to pronotum and abundant whitish pubescence not obscuring integument close to prosternum, except glabrous anterior sulcus. Ventral surface of thorax with abundant grayish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, pubescence slightly sparser on central area of mesoventrite. Narrowest area of prosternal process 0.2 times procoxal width. Narrowest area of mesoventral process 0.22 times mesocoxal width. Scutellum with abundant blackish pubescence not obscuring integument.
Abundantly, coarsely punctate on anterior 3/4, coarse punctures absent on posterior quarter; apex truncate, slightly concave centrally; humeral carina slightly marked on anterior 3/4; with abundant dark-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, except narrow grayish-white pubescent band close to suture, from scutellum to posterior quarter; with long, erect black setae throughout.
Femora with abundant yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, except dark pubescence not obscuring integument on dorsal surface of femoral clubs. Protibiae with moderately sparse whitish pubescence dorsally and most of lateral surfaces, yellowish pubescence on remaining lateral surface, and abundant, bristly yellowish-brown pubescence on ventral surface, ventral pubescence appearing to be darker depending on light intensity and source; with a few long, erect blackish setae interspersed on sides of apical half and abundant, erect, moderately long blackish setae interspersed ventrally. Meso- and metatibiae with abundant dark pubescence not obscuring integument dorsally and laterally, and abundant, somewhat bristly yellowish-white pubescence ventrally, pubescence appearing to be darker or lighter depending on light intensity and source; with long, erect blackish setae interspersed, setae shorter ventrally; dorsal surface of mesotibiae with abundant, short, erect blackish setae on apical third, and bristly yellowish-brown pubescence on dorsal sulcus. Doral surface of tarsi with blackish pubescence not obscuring integument. Metatarsomere I 2.3 times II–IV together.
Ventrites with abundant yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, pubescence absent on central apex of ventrite 4 and darker on sides of ventrite 5; with long, suberect blackish setae interspersed on apical third of ventrite 5; apex of ventrite 5 subtruncate.
Dimensions (mm).
Total length, 7.00; prothoracic length, 1.20; anterior prothoracic width, 1.30; posterior prothoracic width, 1.45; maximum prothoracic width, 1.70; humeral width, 2.15; elytral length, 5.05.
Type material.
female from
La Quijada del Diablo
, Hwy. 10,
B.T. Raber
leg. (
, formerly
This new species is dedicated to Edward Riley, friend of the first author who has provided many specimens for study.
FIGURES 14–16.
Pseudosparna flaviceps
(Bates, 1863)
, female from Brazil, Amazonas, Reserva Ducke (MZSP 60854):
Dorsal habitus;
Ventral habitus;
Mermudes &
Monné, 2009
(Acanthocinini) has 18 species distributed from Central America to southern South
America (Roguet 2023)
Pseudosparna rileyi
sp. nov.
is similar to
P. flaviceps
(Bates, 1863)
Figs 14–16
), but the females differ as follows: Posterior third of ventral surface of scape with abundant, long, erect setae; ventral surface of antennomere III with moderately abundant, long, erect, slender setae (setae longer than diameter of antennomere); outer apical angle of elytra not spiniform; and meso- and metafemoral clubs stouter, especially in metafemora. In
P. flaviceps
, the posterior third of the ventral surface of the scape with sparse long erect setae, ventral surface of the antennomere III with sparse, short, thick, and erect setae (setae at most as long as the diameter of the antennomere), outer apical angle of elytra projected, usually spiniform, and meso- and metafemoral clubs are slender, especially the metafemora.