A review of the genus Scrobipalpa Janse, 1951 (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) in the Afrotropical region Author Bidzilya, Oleksiy V. text Zootaxa 2021 2021-11-19 5070 1 1 83 journal article 2814 10.11646/zootaxa.5070.1.1 1f9abb22-5370-4d38-bcd1-5595a8ec8e59 1175-5326 5712529 C503CE0D-7175-4D9C-8FF6-85A046A872B3 Scrobipalpa ethiopica sp. nov. Figs 86 , 193 Type material . Holotype , Athiopien , 14–15.i.1996 , Simien Mts. , 3100 m , leg. W. Mey & K. Ebert (gen. slide 444/07, O. Bidzilya ) (MFN-00096) ( MfN ). Diagnosis . Scrobipalpa ethiopica sp. nov. is a large species with a pale forewing mottled with brown and a brown oblique fascia at the base. The forewing pattern separates the new species from the somewhat externally similar S. incola , S. concreta and S. biljurshi . The female genitalia are distinguished by the broad trapezoidal extension of the anterior margin of segment VIII. The latter character could indicate a possible relationship of the new species with S. aptatella , S. kasyi and S. ergasima , which differ externally. However, in the absence of a male, the placement of this species near S. apatella remains provisional. Description. Adult ( Fig. 86 ). Wingspan 21 mm . Head, thorax and tegulae creamy white, frons light, nearly white, tegulae with a few brown scales at base; labial palpus weakly upcurved, palpomere 2 about 3 times broader than palpomere 3, cream, with diffuse light brown basal and medial annualations, inner surface cream, palpomere 3 narrow, acute, about 2.5 times shorter than palpomere 2, cream, mottled with brown on outer surface; forewing light cream, mottled with brown in fold, along termen and veins, indistinct brown spots in cell, base dark brown, diffuse dark oblique fascia from 1/4 of costa to fold, black dot at 2/3 of dorsum, cilia light grey; hindwing and cilia nearly white. Male genitalia. Unknown. Female genitalia ( Fig. 193 ). Papillae anales subtriangular, sparsely covered with short setae; apophyses posteriores about 3 times as long as apophyses anteriores; segment VIII nearly twice as wide as long, anterior margin projecting anteriorly forming broad trapezoid extension, subgenital plates smooth, weakly sclerotized, indistinctly wrinkled ventromedially, with paired longitudinal medial folds from base of apophyses anteriores extending posteriorly to 2/3 length and with ventromedial transversal folds; ventromedial depression narrow, membranous, outer edge of segment VIII with small triangular tooth at base of apophyses anteriores; apophyses anteriores comparatively thick, widened basally, about as long as segment VIII; ductus bursae narrow, weakly widened towards entrance of rounded corpus bursae, colliculum as broad as long; signum with broad basal plate, distal sclerite narrow, pointed, curved at base, positioned near entrance of ductus bursae. Biology. The holotype was collected in mid-January at an altitude of 3100 m . Distribution . Ethiopia . Etymology. The species name refers to the type locality in Ethiopia .