A Review Of The Genus Arocatus From Palaearctic And Oriental Regions (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Lygaeidae) Author Gao, Cuiqing Author Kondorosy, Előd Author Bu, Wenjun text Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 2013 2013-08-30 61 2 687 704 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5352740 2345-7600 5352740 BBAC4FCE-495F-44AB-B249-13F56FACF695 Arocatus roeselii ( Schilling, 1829 ) ( Figs. 4G ; 2D–F ) Lygaeus roeselii Schilling, 1829: 60 . Syntype (s): Poland ; lost. For detailed synonymy includinginfrasubspecific taxa, see Péricart (2001: 38). References . Stichel, 1957: 82 (keyed, redescription, figures, host plant, distribution, interspecific variability); Stichel, 1959: 314 (listed); Slater, 1964a: 25 (catalogue); Putshkov, 1969: 75 (redescription, habitus, larva, distribution, habitat, biology); Misja, 1973: 146 ( Albania record); Péricart, 1999a: 167 (redescription, intraspecific variability, larva, biology, distribution); Friess, 2000: 68 (host plant); Péricart, 2001: 38 (catalogue); Protić, 2001: 23 ( Slovenia , Croatia , Bosnia & Herzegovina , Serbia and Macedonia records); Bianchi & Štepanovičová, 2003: 75 (distribution); Aukema et al., 2013: 354 (catalogue). Diagnosis . — Dorsum of body with very short, decumbent hairs. Body red with head, antennae, scutellum and legs black. Posterior lobe of pronotum with large black M-shaped spot. Corium with black median spot, apical half red. Majority of thoracal sterna, round sublateral spots on abdominal sterna black. Connexivum red. Hemelytral membrane translucent, dark brown. Material examined . — AUSTRIA : 1 male , Wien , 17 Dec. [18]83 ( HNHM ) ; CROATIA : 1 male , Plavisevica , on Alnus , coll. Ujhelyi , 1909 ( HNHM ) ; 1 male , Zagreb , 21 Feb.1900 , coll. Langhoffer ( HNHM ) ; HUNGARY : 2 males , 1 female , Kecskemét , coll. G. Horváth , 1 Sep.1923 ( HNHM ) ; 1 female , Budapest , Városliget , coll. Csiki , 10 Mar.1894 ( HNHM ) ; 1 female , Magyaróvár , coll. Révy , 20 Nov.1938 ( HNHM ) ; 1 male , Pinnye , coll. Streda , Mar.1921 ( HNHM ) ; ITALY / SLOVENIA : 1 female , Görz [= Gorizia], coll. Hensch ( HNHM ) ; RUSSIA : Daghestan : 1 male , Caucasus , Derbent ( HNHM ) . Host plants . — Reported on Alnus incana , Alnus glutinosa and plane trees ( Platanus sp. ) ( Friess, 2000 ; Nau & Straw, 2007; Rieger, 2008 ). Distribution . — Asia : Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan , Georgia, Syria , Turkey ; Africa : Algeria , Tunisia ; Europe : Albania , Austria , Belgium , Bosnia Herzegovina , Bulgaria , Croatia , Czech Republic , France , Germany , Hungary , Italy , Liechtenstein , Luxembourg , Macedonia, Netherlands , Poland , Portugal , Romania , Russia (Central European Territory, North European Territory, South European Territory), Serbia , Slovakia , Slovenia , Spain , Switzerland , Ukraine ( Misja, 1973 ; Péricart, 2001 ; Protić, 2001 ; Aukema et al., 2013 ). Comment . — For discussion concerning species trenning of longiceps and roeselii see discussion under A. longiceps .