Systematics of the Protohermes costalis species-group (Megaloptera: Corydalidae) Author Liu, Xingyue Author Hayashi, Fumio Author Yang, Ding text Zootaxa 2007 1439 1 46 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.175948 02bb7dce-7590-4f45-8aa9-c6280f2e8b36 1175-5326 175948 Protohermes yunnanensis Yang & Yang ( Figs. 23 , 142–148 ) Protohermes yunnanensis Yang & Yang, 1988 . Zool. Res. 9 (1): 48. Type locality: Yunnan (Yunxian, Shuangjiang, Jinghong, Yongping, Anning, Xinping, Fengqing, Yimen, Tengchong, Gejiu). Diagnosis . Head immaculate; pronotum with two narrow, dark markings on each side; male ninth sternum with truncate posterior margin. Body length 30–31 mm (male) and 38–43 mm (female); forewing length 31–39 mm (male) and 48–50 mm (female), hindwing length 35–36 mm (male) and 40–43 mm (female). Head ( Fig. 142 ) yellow, without post-ocular spine; vertex without markings. Compound eyes brown; ocelli yellow, darkly margined medially. Anttenae black with scapes and pedicel yellow. Mouthparts yellow or yellowish brown; mandible with distal half black. Thorax yellow. Pronotum ( Fig. 142 ) with two narrow blackish markings on each side. Meso- and metanota each with posterolateral corners pale brown. Thoracic pilosity yellow, much longer on meso- and metathorax. Legs pale yellow with dense yellowish short setae; apical 1/3 of fore tibiae, fore tarsomeres, and 2nd–5th mid and hind tarsomeres dark; tarsal claws reddish brown. Forewings ( Fig. 23 ) pale smoky brown, with 1 yellowish marking at base, 4–5 mostly connected yellowish markings at middle and 1 round yellowish marking on apical 1/3; costal cellules with brownish stripes; veins pale yellow except basal anal veins and veins on apical half pale brown. Hindwings almost hyaline; veins pale yellow except pale brown veins at tip. Rs 10- branched, last branch trifurcate; 10–12 crossveins between R1 and Rs; M1+2 5 to 6-branched, M3+4 3 to 4- branched; 1A 3-branched. Abdomen dark with yellowish short setae. Male ninth tergum ( Fig. 143 ) subquadrate, with parabolic anterior margin and truncate posterior margin. Ninth sternum ( Fig. 144 ) broad with curved lateral margin and truncate posterior margin; central portion inflated. Ninth gonostylus ( Fig. 145 ) unguiform and slightly curved dorsomedially. Tenth tergum ( Figs. 143–144 ) short and subcylindrical, ventrally with one well developed tufted tubercle near posteromedial corner; posterolateral corner slightly and acutely produced; tip slightly incised and densely setose. Tenth sternum ( Fig. 146 ) arched, anteriorly elevated at middle; posterior incision extremely small and V-shaped, forming two triangular processes; lateral lobes digitiform with distal half rather narrowed and apparently incurved. Female eighth sternum ( Figs. 147–148 ) strongly sclerotized, subtriangular in lateral view, posterior margin elevated with moderately developed median incision, forming pair of obtuse processes; ninth segment ( Fig. 147 ) laterally inflated in one pair of large subquadrate sac-like lobes; ninth gonocoxite valvate and membranous with one digitiform process at tip; tenth tergum short, with posterior margin medially incised, leaving one subtriangular upper and one round lower lobe. Materials examined. Holotype ɗ, CHINA : Yunnan, Yunxian, 1100 m , 20.VI.1980 , Ming Zhang ( CAU ). Paratype 1 without genitalia, CHINA : Yunnan, Tengchong ( CAU ). Ψ, CHINA : Yunnan, Weishan, Weibaoshan, 1800 m , 24.VII.2003 , Kunjie Chen ( CAU ); 2 ɗ 2 Ψ, CHINA : Sichuan, Xichang, Lushan, 2280 m , 5.VIII.1974 ( IZCAS ). Distribution . China (Sichuan, Yunnan). Remarks . After our examination of the types of this species, we found that the male genitalia of the holotype as well as the appearance are rather different from its original description. However, the features of the four male paratypes differ greatly from the original description. So, based on the four male paratypes of P. yunnanensis and some other material, we established a new species, P. triangulatus , as described above. Redescription of P. yunnanensis was made based on the holotype male and some other materials from Sichuan and Yunnan. Protohermes yunnanensis appears to be closely related to P. costalis in having the same pattern of markings on head, thorax and wings, but the general body coloration in P. yunnanensis is much paler than P. c o s t a - lis . In addition, P. yunnanensis is unique in the form of the male ninth sternum with the truncate posterior margin. In P. c o s t a l i s , the male ninth sternum has a deep trapezoidal posterior incision.