Systematics of the Protohermes costalis species-group (Megaloptera: Corydalidae) Author Liu, Xingyue Author Hayashi, Fumio Author Yang, Ding text Zootaxa 2007 1439 1 46 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.175948 02bb7dce-7590-4f45-8aa9-c6280f2e8b36 1175-5326 175948 Protohermes disjunctus sp. nov. ( Figs. 11 , 60–66 ) Diagnosis . Head yellow without any markings; pronotum with two pairs of widely separated black markings; wings with several yellowish markings; male ninth sternum with posterior margin slightly incised or even truncate; male tenth tergum acutely produced on posterolateral portion, ventrally with feebly developed tufted tubercle; female abdominal segment with pair of small lateral lobes. Body length 20–28 mm (male) and 27–32 mm (female); forewing length 24–33 mm (male) and 33–41 mm (female), hindwing length 21–29 mm (male) and 30–35 mm (female). Head ( Fig. 60 ) yellow without any markings; post-ocular spine absent. Compound eyes grayish brown; ocelli yellow, darkly margined medially. Antennae black, with scapes and pedicel yellow. Mouthparts yellow; mandible with distal half blackish to reddish brown. Prothorax ( Fig. 60 ) yellow; pronotum with two pairs of black markings near lateral margins, posterior pair much larger. Meso- and metathorax pale yellow. Thoracic pilosity pale yellow, much longer on meso- and metathorax. Legs pale yellow with short, dense, yellowish setae; foreleg with wide apex of tibiae dark, tarsi dark, tarsal claws reddish brown. Forewings ( Fig. 11 ) slightly grayish brown, with 1 large subtriangular yellowish marking at base, 1 large round and several small discrete yellowish markings at middle, and 1 round yellowish marking on apical 1/3; costal cellules with distinct brownish stripes. Hindwings slightly grayish brown except basal half hyaline, respectively with 1 round yellowish marking at middle and apical 1/3. Veins yellowish brown, much darker on apical half, but much paler in yellowish markings. Rs 8 to 10-branched, last branch bifurcate or trifurcate; 8 crossveins between R1 and Rs; M1+2 6-branched, M3+4 2-branched; 1A 3- branched. Abdomen yellowish brown. Male ninth tergum ( Fig. 61 ) subtrapezoidal, with arched anterior margin and nearly truncate posterior margin. Ninth sternum ( Fig. 62 ) subquadrate, broader than ninth tergum; lateral margins slightly arched; posterior margin slightly incised or even truncate; central portion apparently inflated. Ninth gonostylus ( Fig. 63 ) short, unguiform, strongly curved dorsomedially. Tenth tergum ( Figs 61–62 ) short, subcylindrical, its posterolateral corner distinctly and acutely produced, its ventral portion with one feebly developed tufted tubercle near posteromedial corner; its tip slightly incised and densely setose. Tenth sternum ( Fig. 64 ) arched, anterior margin slightly elevated, posterior margin produced into pair of roundly angled processes; lateral lobes somewhat thickened, digitiform, slightly incurved. Female eighth sternum ( Figs. 65–66 ) strongly sclerotized, subtriangular in lateral view, with posterior margin distinctly incised, forming pair of roundly produced processes; ninth segment laterally inflated in pair of small suboval sac-like lobes ( Fig. 65 ); ninth gonocoxite broad, feebly pointed posteriorly, with small digitiform processes at tip; tenth tergum short, with posterior margin medially incised, leaving one thick digitiform dorsal lobe and one semicircular ventral lobe. FIGURES 60–66. Protohermes disjunctus , sp. nov. 60. Male head and pronotum, dorsal view. 61. Male genitalia, dorsal view. 62. Male genitalia, ventral view. 63. Male ninth gonostylus, caudal view. 64. Male tenth sternum, ventral view. 65. Female genitalia, lateral view. 66. Female eighth sternum, ventral view. Scale lines = 1.0 mm. Type materials. Holotype ɗ, JAPAN : Iriomote Island, Urauchi-gawa, 23.V.1995 , Shin-ichi Suda ( CAU ). Paratypes : ɗ, the same data as holotype (HC); Ψ, JAPAN : Iriomote Island, Takana-gawa, 25.IV.1988 , Fumio Hayashi ( CAU ). Others material: JAPAN : 5 ɗ 2 Ψ, Iriomote Island, Takana-gawa, emerged from reared larvae in 1987, 1988, Fumio Hayashi (HC); 4 ɗ 3 Ψ, Ishigaki Island, Nagura-gawa, emerged from reared larvae in 1988, Fumio Hayashi (HC). Distribution . Japan (Ishigaki Island and Iriomote Island). Etymology . The specific epithet ‘ disjunctus ’ refers to the geographic distribution of the new species, which is endemic to the Ishigaki and Iriomote Islands of Japan . Remarks . Hayashi (1989b) assumed that this species (his Protohermes sp.) might be divided from P. c o s - talis during the separation of the Iriomote Island from Taiwan . However, considering the genitalia, P. disjunctus appears to be closely related to P. yunnanensis in having a similar male ninth sternum, but it can be easily separated from P. yunnanensis by the male tenth tergum with the feebly developed tufted tubercle and the small female sac-like lobes. In P. yunnanensis , the male tenth tergum is ventrally produced into one strongly developed tufted tubercle, and the female sac-like lobes are rather large.