Taxonomic revision and cladistic analysis of ghost spiders of the genus Tafana Simon, 1903 (Araneae: Dionycha, Anyphaenidae), with the descriptions of twelve new species Author De Oliveira, Luiz Fernando M. 06C42876-2925-4007-A19D-053BD0058F25 Laboratório de Coleções Zoológicas, Instituto Butantan - Av. Vital Brazil, 1500, 05503 - 900, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. & Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo, Rua do Matão, 321, 05508 - 090, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Author Brescovit, Antonio Domingos D5B81D79-AFAE-47B1-8A6E-DAB448A24BCC Laboratório de Coleções Zoológicas, Instituto Butantan - Av. Vital Brazil, 1500, 05503 - 900, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. text European Journal of Taxonomy 2021 2021-03-31 742 1 77 journal article 7531 10.5852/ejt.2021.742.1291 62f9dc57-bade-4fbc-8af7-f92ff107593c 2118-9773 4655404 23424EC3-8440-4C72-AD9E-C1EC3087F7CA Tafana kunturmarqa sp. nov. DF812485-CC76-40AF-A647-C36685CAEB9F Figs 14 , 32I , 35 Diagnosis Males of Tafana kunturmarqa sp. nov. resemble those of T. straminea and T. ruizi sp. nov. by having the retrolateral tibial apophysis conical, but differs by having the embolus short and the apophysis at the base of the embolus larger ( Fig. 14C–E ). Females resemble those of T. straminea and T. ruizi sp. nov. by having the epigynal plate with atrial septum, but differ by having the secondary spermathecae above the primary spermathecae, rounded, and fertilization ducts smaller than primary spermathecae ( Figs 14F–G , 32I ). Etymology The specific name, a noun in apposition, is a tribute to the Pre-Colombian language ‘Quechua’, originated in the central Andes. The meaning of the expression ‘Kuntur marqa’ in this language is ‘Condor’s nest’. Material examined Holotype COLOMBIA1 ♂ ; Cundinamarca Departament , La Calera ; [ 4°43′11″ N , 73°58′12″ W ]; 30 Jun. 1978 ; C. Hernandez leg.; ICN-Ar . Paratype COLOMBIA1 ♀ ; same collection data as for holotype; ICN-Ar . Other material COLOMBIA Boyacá 1 ♀ ; Santa Maria ; [ 4°51′36″ N , 73°15′46″ W ]; 9 Jun. 2000 ; G. Amaty leg.; IBSP 258327 . Description Male ( holotype , ICN-Ar) COLOR. Exemplar probably discolored. Carapace orange, darker in cephalic region ( Fig. 14A ). Labium, sternum and endites reddish brown. Chelicerae reddish brown. Legs I–IV yellow, darker at tarsi. Abdomen yellow with dark longitudinal spots ( Fig. 14A ). MEASUREMENTS. Total length 8.1, carapace length 3.6, width 2.6. Clypeus height 0.08. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.1, ALE 0.14, PME 0.14, PLE 0.14; AME–AME 0.06, AME–ALE 0.08, PME– PME 0.2, PME–PLE 0.2, ALE–PLE 0.02. Chelicerae 1.8 long, with three promarginal teeth and four retromarginal denticles. Fig. 14. Tafana kunturmarqa sp. nov. (A, C–E=holotype, ♂, ICN-Ar; B, F–G =paratype, ♀, ICN-Ar). A . Habitus, dorsal view. B . Habitus, dorsal view. C . Left palp, ventral view. D . Left palp, retrolateral view. E . Left palp, dorsal view. F . Epigynum, ventral view (arrow indicating character). G . Vulva, dorsal view. Abbreviations: A= atrium; ABE=apophysis of base of the embolus; AS =atrial septum; CD= copulatory ducts; Ch =character; CO=copulatory opening; E =embolus; FD =fertilization ducts; H =hood; LL =lateral lobes; MA= median apophysis; RTA=retrolateral tibial apophysis; S1= primary spermathecae; S2 =secondary spermathecae; T =tegulum; VTP=ventral tegular process. Scale bars: A–B= 3.5 mm; C–E=0.66 mm; F =0.4 mm; G = 0.25 mm. LEG MEASUREMENTS. I—femur 2.6 / patella 1.4/ tibia 2.53 / metatarsus 2.1 /tarsus 1.0 /total 9.63; II— 2.5/ 1.1/ 2.2 /2.0 / 0.9/ 8.7; III—1.9 / 1.0/ 1.2/ 1.6/ 0.6/ 6.3; IV—2.5/ 1.22 / 2.3/ 2.6/ 0.7/ 9.32. LEG SPINATION. I—tibia v1-1-0, metatarsus v2-0-0; II—tibia v0; III—tibia p0-0-1, r0-0-1, metatarsus v2- 0-2, p0-0-1; IV—tibia v1-2-2, r1-1-0, metatarsus v2-1-2. PALP. Retrolateral tibial apophysis conical with apex lightly curved; cymbium with retrolateral projection; short embolus; ventral tegular process near the median apophysis; sperm duct in vertical position with secondary loop reaching the apex of the tegulum; median apophysis long and curved at the apex ( Fig. 14C–E ). ABDOMEN. Length 4.2, epigastric furrow 0.9 from tracheal spiracle, spiracle 1.8 from base of spinnerets. Female ( paratype , ICN-Ar) COLOR. Exemplar probably discolored. Coloration as in males of this species ( Fig. 14B ). MEASUREMENTS. Total length 7.8, carapace length 3.4, width 2.9. Clypeus height 0.08. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.12, ALE 0.14, PME 0.14, PLE 0.14; AME–AME 0.04, AME–ALE 0.06, PME– PME 0.16, PME–PLE 0.14, ALE–PLE 0.02. Chelicerae 2.1 long, with three promarginal teeth and four retromarginal denticles. LEG MEASUREMENTS. I—femur 3.2/ patella 1.5/ tibia 3.42 /metatarsus 3.1 / tarsus 1.2/ total 12.42; II— 3.0/ 1.5/ 3.0 /2.8 / 1.1/ 11.4; III—2.2/ 1.1 /1.5 / 1.9/ 0.6/ 7.3; IV—3.0 /1.22 / 2.61 / 3.1/ 0.8 /10.73. LEG SPINATION. I—tibia v1-1-1, metatarsus v2-0-0; II—tibia v0-1-1; III—tibia v1-2-2, metatarsus v2-0-2; IV—tibia v1-2-2, p0-1-0, r1-1-0. EPIGYNUM. Hood circular and sclerotized; epigynal plate posterior region covered by cuticle; atrial septum present; lateral lobes sinuous. Internally, copulatory ducts narrow; primary spermathecae oval and large; secondary spermathecae rounded and large, with short fertilization ducts ( Figs 14F–G , 32I ). ABDOMEN. Length 4.3, epigastric furrow 0.8 from tracheal spiracle, spiracle 1.8 from base of spinnerets. Distribution Known only from Colombia ( Fig. 35 ).