Review of the genus Calamotropha Zeller (Lepidoptera: Crambidae: Crambinae) from China, with descriptions of four new species Author Li, Weichun Author Li, Houhun text Journal of Natural History 2012 2012-11-30 46 43 - 44 2639 2664 journal article 10.1080/00222933.2012.724719 1464-5262 5202189 Calamotropha abrupta sp. nov. ( Figures 1B and 2B ) Holotype Male , CHINA : [label 1, white] “Ruili Rare Botanical Garden ( 24 00 N , 97 50 E ), Yunnan Province / 1000 m , 5 August 2005 / coll. Yingdang Ren ”; [label 2, white] genitalia slide No. “LWC08356”; [label 3, red] “ Calamotropha / abrupta / Li and Li / Holotype . Paratypes One male, same data as holotype ; 1 male , Laiyanghe ( 23 04 N , 101 01 E ), Pu’er , Yunnan Province , 1700 m , 28 July 2007 , coll. Ping You. Diagnosis This species is closely related to C. indica Bleszynski, 1966 . It can be distinguished from the latter by the uncus bifurcated distally, the sacculus without dentation, and the vesica with a row of cornuti in the male genitalia. In C. indica , the uncus is not bifurcated, the sacculus bears many dentations in distal half, and the vesica has a cluster of cornuti. Description Adult ( Figure 1B ). Forewing length 8.5–10.0 mm. Frons and vertex white mixed with pale brown. Labial palpus with first and second segments orange yellow, third segment pale brown except white tip. Maxillary palpus orange yellow mixed with pale brown, white distally. Antenna pale brown and white alternately on dorsal surface, pale brown on ventral surface. Patagium yellowish white except pale brown laterally. Thorax and tegula yellowish white. Forewing pale brown mixed with orange yellow; median fascia pale brown, outcurve at about costal one-third and dorsal one-quarter, respectively, incurve at about dorsal one-third, armed with three small brown spots near middle; subterminal fascia pale brown, outcurve at about costal one-quarter, dorsal three-quarters with a row of brown dots; apex with an ovate spot, its costal half black, dorsal half white edged with black; terminal fascia orange yellow, dorsal one-third with three black dots; cilia pale brown, distal half golden. Hindwing and cilia pale yellow. Fore- and midlegs pale brown, hindleg orange yellow; tarsi of mid- and hindlegs white, with blackish brown spots on outer side. Male genitalia Uncus straight, distal one-quarter bifurcated ( Figure 2B ). Gnathos about twice as long as uncus, downcurved medially, blunt apically. Valva short and broad, apex truncate; costa arched; sacculus long and narrow, somewhat concave near middle ventrally. Pseudosaccus thumb-shaped. Vinculum broad basally, concave at middle apically. Phallus about twice as long as valva, slightly curved at basal one-third; vesica with 12 different-sized spine-like cornuti, arranged in one row. Female Unknown. Distribution China ( Yunnan ). Etymology The specific name is derived from the Latin abruptus = truncate, in reference to the truncate apex of valva in the male genitalia.