A Review of the Australian Species of Thevenetimyia Bigot, 1875 (Bombyliidae, Bombyliinae, Eclimini), with Description of Four New Species and the Pupal Case of T. longipalpis (Hardy) Author Li, Xuankun Author Rodrigues, Paula Fernanda Motta Author Lamas, Carlos José Einicker Author Yeates, David K. text Records of the Australian Museum 2018 2018-05-30 70 3 331 375 http://dx.doi.org/10.3853/j.2201-4349.70.2018.1678 journal article 10.3853/j.2201-4349.70.2018.1678 2201-4349 5237395 4D83F929-371B-4BFF-A271-54CE7B13C5A1 Thevenetimyia infuscata Li and Yeates , sp. nov. Figs 10–11 Holotype , Australia , ACT, nr Bendora Hut , Brindabella Ra. , 35°25'S 148°48'E [original label has 35.25ºS 14.48ºE , an apparent lapsus] 20 Jan 1997 , M. G. Jefferies , ANIC 29-038916 . Paratypes : 1♂ , same data as holotype, ANIC 29-038917 ; 1♂ , ACT, Gibraltar Falls , 5 Jan 1985 , M. G. Jefferies , ANIC 29-038918 . Diagnosis . Medium-sized Thevenetimyia , wing membrane mostly infuscated, anterior part darker than posterior, without distinct margin; costa without small spines; scutum with two rows of small short spines and few separate spines around; ejaculatory apodeme large. Description . Male . Body length 11.3–12.0 mm, wing length 10.5–11.1 mm . Head. Head about 1.7× wider than long, mostly blackish with thick pale pruinescence and covered in admixed white to blackish brown hairs. Eye narrowly separated, by 0.2× width of ocellus. Frons slender and long, upper triangular section small, lower triangular section pale, middle narrow part about 0.7× length of frons. Ocellar tubercle slightly raised, black to dark brown with grey pruinescence, with blackish brown hairs. Face with thick pale pruinescence and with few brown hairs on laterodorsal area, parafacial area dark brown and bare. Gena with thick pale pruinescence and long white hairs. Clypeus swollen, with thick pale pruinescence and long white hairs. Occiput with long white hairs except dorsal margin admixed with brown to black hairs. Posterior eye margin slightly sinuous. Antennae blackish brown; scape and pedicel with thin pale pruinescence and black hairs, hairs on ventral face of scape longer, hairs on pedicel short. Scape 2.8× as long as wide, and 2.9× as long as pedicel, uniform from base to apex. Pedicel 1.0× as long as wide. Flagellum 5.6× as long as wide, 1.2× as long as scape+pedicel (1.7× as long as scape), conical and slightly laterally compressed, one-segmented with apical style ( Fig. 10c ). Palp thin and long, extending beyond oral cavity, black with blackish brown hairs, two-segmented, with palpal pit. Mouthparts slender, 2.7× as long as eye length (1.6× as long as head length), labella thin and filiform ( Fig. 10f ). Thorax. Integumental colour of scutum and scutellum mostly black with sparse grey pruinescence, pruinescence more dense around margins. Scutum and scutellum with admixed long white scales, and dark yellow and black hairs. Three pale yellow notopleural setae present, postalar setae absent. Scutum with two rows of small short spines and few separate spines on anterior half. Pleura and coxae black with thick pale pruinescence, anepisternum, dorsal half of katepisternum and metepisternum with long white scales, and mediotergite with dense white hairs and setae, anepimeron, meron and laterotergite bare. Legs. Legs brownish yellow, mostly covered with blackish brown scales, except base half of femora admixed with white scales, posterior face of fore and mid femora with admixed white and brown hairs. Other hairs and bristles on legs short and blackish brown to black. Fore tibia 2.6× longer than fore basitarsus, mid tibia 2.0× longer than mid basitarsus, hind tibia 1.9× longer than hind basitarsus. Wings. Wing membrane mostly infuscated, anterior darker than posterior, the area around crossvein r-m , and vein R 4 darker. Cell r 5 widely open; cell br much longer than cell bm , crossvein r-m arising a little over half way from the base of cell dm ; crossvein m-m long, and 2.0× as long as crossvein r-m ; cell cup open ( Fig. 10d ). Costa without small spines. Haltere stem dark yellow, knob blackish brown. Figure 10. Thevenetimyia infuscata Li and Yeates , sp. nov. ♂: (a) dorsal; (b) lateral; (c) flagellum; (d) wing; (e) head, dorsal; (f) head, lateral; (g) head, frontal; (h) head, profile. Scale bars = 1 mm (a, b, d–h); = 0.1 mm (c). Abdomen. Integumental colour of tergites black with thin pale pruinescence, except lateral margin dark yellow with thick pale pruinescence. Tergites mostly covered with black scales, short black hairs and white hairs. Tergite 1 covered with long white scales and hairs, admixed with some black hairs. Tergites 2 to 5 with dense white scales on posterior and lateral margins, tergites 6 to 8 with brownish yellow scales on lateral margin and tergite 6 admixed with more brownish yellow scales on posterior half. Sternites with dark brown integumental colour except posterior margins yellow, with thick grey pruinescence and white hairs. Genitalia. Epandrium wide and short, posterior margin slightly convex ( Fig. 11d ). Hypandrium present, constricted in the middle. Gonocoxal apex slightly narrower than the base in dorsal view, ejaculatory apodeme large ( Figs 11a, b ); gonocoxal apodeme strong and incurved; lateral ejaculatory process strong, 2.0× longer than wide, apex not expanded; inner apex of gonocoxite rounded, elongate and broad; outer apex of gonocoxite rounded; dorsal bridge with long lateral hollow ( Fig. 11c ); gonostylus slender and pointed dorsally, 3.0× longer than wide. Figure 11. Thevenetimyia infuscata Li and Yeates , sp. nov. ♂ genitalia: (a) genital capsule, dorsal; (b) genital capsule, ventral; (c) genital capsule, lateral; (d) epandrium, dorsal; (e) epandrium, lateral. Scale bars = 0.1 mm. Female . Unknown. Remarks . Thevenetimyia infuscata Li and Yeates , sp. nov. is similar to Thevenetimyia furvicostata ( Roberts, 1929 ) , but differs in having the mostly infuscated wing, the costa without small spines, the scutum with two rows of small short spines, and the ejaculatory apodeme is large. Distribution . ACT. Etymology . This specific name refers to the infuscated wing of the species.