Systematics of Phasia Latreille (Diptera: Tachinidae) Author Sun, Xuekui Author Marshall, Stephen A. text Zootaxa 2003 2003-08-29 276 1 1 320 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.276.1.1 1175­5334 5019510 4177F6E7-B276-438E-8E49-EE5ECD84D351 3.4.11 Phasia kudoi Sun , sp. nov. (Figures I­28, II­10.4) TYPE MATERIAL Holotype , JAPAN , Hokkaido , Toyotaki, Sapporo, 22.v.1988 , [with pupa], S. Kudo (BLKU); allotype , same as holotype (BLKU). DESCRIPTION Body length: 6.5 mm . MALE: HEAD. Head compressed anteriorly. Eyes separated by a distance 0.5 times as wide as ocellar triangle. Fronto­orbital plate black; greyish yellow pruinose; 7­8 rows of hairs laterally (not reaching to eyes). Frontal vitta black, pruinose. Frontal vitta at base of antennae 0.9 times as wide as fronto­orbital plate anteriorly. Ocellar setae present but fine; outer vertical setae present (hair­like); inner vertical setae absent. Face black with grey pruinosity. Parafacial brown to black, grey or yellow pruinose, haired (on upper part), 2 times as wide as first flagellomere. Lower margin of face projecting, visible in profile, orange yellow or brown, grey pruinose. Vibrissa well differentiated; intervibrissal distance 0.9­1.0 times distance between vibrissa and eye on same side; facial ridge with bristles on lower 2/5. Gena brown to black with grey pruinosity; hairs white; height 0.14 times eye height. Lunule black and shining; sublunular bulla indistinct. Antenna black; first flagellomere 1.2 times as long as pedicel; arista thickened on basal 0.2. Length of oral opening 2.1 times its width. Occiput flattened, white pruinose; hairs white and black. Palpus yellow. THORAX . Mesoscutum thinly pruinose (brown), without black longitudinal vitta, with fine black hairs. 0+1 acrostichal seta; 0+1 dorsocentral seta; 2 postpronotal setae; presutural supra­alar seta present, strong; 1 postsutural intra­alar seta; 2 notopleural setae; 1 supra­alar seta; 2 postalar setae. Pleuron thinly grey pruinose; hairs black, white and yellow; and without scale­like setae. Anepimeral setae strongly; black. 1 katepisternal seta. 7­ 9 meral setae. Scutellum black; brownish grey pruinose, with two pairs of marginal setae; apical setae present and distinct; discal setae randomly arranged, not in rows. Subscutellum not very prominent. WING . Lower calypter brown to black. Wing base without scalelike setae. Tegula black. Basicosta yellow. Wing pictured, white with light brown infuscation, narrow; petiole of apical cell 0.16­0.18 times as long as preceding section of R 4+5 ; M meeting R 4+5 at acute angle. Halter brown. LEGS . Fore femur black; hairs black. Fore tibia black, without bristles, apically with 1 p and 1 d . Fore tarus black. Fore claws brown, apex black, 1.2 times as long as fifth tarsomere. Pulvilli brown. Mid femur black; hairs black. Mid tibia black, with 1 v , apically with 1 ad , 1 a , 1 av , 1 pv , 1 v and 1 d . Hind femur black; hairs black; scale­like setae absent. Hind tibia black, with 5­6 pd and 4­ 5 ad . ABDOMEN . Abdominal tergites black; pruinosity brownish yellow; longitudinal vitta absent. Relative length of abdominal tergites I+II:III:IV:V = 1.4:1:1:1.2; relative width I+II:III:IV:V = 0.5:1:1:0.8. Hair spots indistinct. TERMINALIA . Syncercus slender, with a notch posteriorly. Surstylus longer than cercus, strongly arched dorsally. Ejaculatory apodeme small, knob­like. Hypandrium shorter than phallapodeme. Pregonite as long as postgonite, haired dorsally. Postgonite pointed. Phallus broad, slightly longer than phallapodeme, without hairs dorsally. Dorsolateral process membranous; ventrolateral process well sclerotized, strongly bent ventrally. FEMALE . Wing hyaline. Eyes separated by a distance as wide as single ocellus, not touching. Anterior spine­like setae of hind tibia absent. Sternite VII (sheath) longer than sternite VI, plate­like, broad apically, bent, apex directed ventrally, almost smooth ventrally. Ovipositor bent downward. HOST Unknown. ETYMOLOGY This specific name is a patronym in honour S. Kudo, who collected the type material. NOTES It is very difficult to separate females of P. kudoi and P . aurulans , but the male of Phasia kudoi Sun differs from Phasia aurulans Meigen in lacking a distinct golden yellow pruinose spot on the mesonotum, and in characters of the terminalia.