The Lower Pliocene marine gastropods of Santa Maria Island, Azores: Taxonomy and palaeobiogeographic implications Author Sacchetti, Claudia 0000-0002-3225-3139 Author Landau, Bernard 0000-0002-7768-8494 Author Ávila, Sérgio P. 0000-0002-3225-3139 text Zootaxa 2023 2023-05-24 5295 1 1 150 journal article 53396 10.11646/zootaxa.5295.1.1 82286fdc-a858-447c-9980-da2e8985d19c 1175-5326 7965273 F3A52660-70B8-439F-A7A0-F45ADC975EA5 Cancellaria parcestriata Bronn in Reiss 1862: 27 , pl. 1, fig. 7. Cancellaria parcestriata Bronn Mayer 1864: 68 , pl. 7, fig. 51 ( 56 in text; lapsus ). Type material. Single specimen, height 10.0 mm, width 6.5 mm, Pinheiros , Santa Maria Island , Azores ; whereabouts unknown ( Beu 2017:165 ) . Original description. Ein an der äussern Lippe etwas unvollständiges Exemplar hat bei wenig mindrer Gr̂sse ganz die Form der C. scrobicularia Ĥrnes, ihr hohes Gewinde mit 6 Umgängen, deren rechtkantig Treppen f̂rmigen Absätze, und die 5-6 Rippen auf jedem Umgange; dagegen ist die Oberfläche fast glatt, indem nur 4-5 und auf dem letzten Umgange 6 sehr feine Spiral-Linien auf dem Gewinde ausserhalb deren Kante zu unterscheiden sind, welche am Nabel verschwinden, der nur durch einen engen seichten Spalt angedeutet ist. Die Zahl der Spindel-Falten nicht genau erkennbar. Der letzte Umgang beträgt 2 / 5 von der Gesammt-Länge, seine Dicke ̧ber die Hälfte derselben. Von C. Geslini Bast. Unterscheidet sich diese Art durch etwas gestrecktere Form, schmälere vertiefte Naht Flächen, gr̂bre Rippen und feinre Streifen [ A specimen with a somewhat incomplete outer lip has, with slightly smaller size, the shape of C. scrobicularia [ sic ] Ĥrnes, with its high spire with 6 whorls, its rectangular stepped suture, and 5-6 ribs on each whorl; on the other hand, the surface is almost smooth, in that only 4-5 on the last whorl and 6 very fine spiral lines on the thread outside its edge can be distinguished, which disappear at the umbilicus, which is indicated only by a narrow shallow gap. The number of columellar folds is not exactly recognizable. The last whorl is 2 / 5 of the total length, its thickness over half of the same. This species differs from C. Geslini Bast. by its slightly more elongated shape, narrower deeper suture coarser ribs and finer cords.]” (Bronn in Reiss 1862: 27 ). Latin description. Testa imperforata , oblongo-turrita, subscalariformi, solidula; spira longiuscula, acuta, anfractibus 6 (embrionalibus 2 laevibus) carinatis, parce et obsolete spiraliter striatis, superne plano-concavis; costis longitudinalibus validis, fere rectis, distantibus, ad angulum carinae acutis, subspinosis; ultimo anfractu spiram aequante; apertura satis parva , subovata; columella biplicata .” ( Mayer 1864: 68 ). Discussion. Cancellaria parcestriata Bronn, 1862 was based on a small single specimen from Pinheiros that is most likely a juvenile. The drawing given by Bronn in Reiss (1862 : pl. 1, fig. 7) is more likely to be representative of the species than that given by Mayer (1864 : pl. 7, fig. 51), in which the aperture is most ‘uncancellaria-like’. Judging by Bronn in Reiss’ figure, the specimen is likely to represent a Scalptia Jousseaume, 1887 species like S. scrobiculata (Ĥrnes, 1854) (see Harzhauser & Landau 2012 : figs. 9 D 1 -D 3 ), a similarity already pointed out by Bronn in Reiss (1862: 27) . However, the shell in Bronn’s species is imperforate. Mayer (1864: 68) said his new taxon had characters between C. acutangularis and C. uniangulata . The former, Gulia acutangulata ( Faujas, 1817 ) from the Atlantic Lower Miocene of the Aquitaine Basin of France , is a much larger shelled species, with a less angular shoulder. The latter, Tribia uniangulata ( Deshayes, 1830 ) , known from the Atlantic and Mediterranean Pliocene ( Landau et al . 2006c ), differs in having a less horizontal subsutural platform. The dorsal view looks very much like a small specimen of Trigonostoma bellardii ( De Stefani & Pantanelli, 1880 ) , widespread in the Mediterranean Pliocene, but that species has a deep umbilicus. We hesitate to speculate further based on the original illustrations and no further specimens are available to us. Distribution. Lower Pliocene: Atlantic, Santa Maria Island, Azores (Bronn in Reiss 1862 ; Mayer 1864 ).