Stenomastigus Leleup (Staphylinidae, Scydmaeninae): status of subgenus Acanthostigus Leleup and revision of species with elongated male protrochanters Author Jałoszyński, Paweł text Zootaxa 2012 3153 39 56 journal article 45704 10.5281/zenodo.279590 8d6d953e-f55c-424a-86a4-243e544540b4 1175-5326 279590 Stenomastigus allaeri Leleup ( Figs. 14 , 43, 44 , 45–49 , 64 , 69 ) Stenomastigus ( Acanthostigus ) allaeri Leleup, 1968 : 100 . Material studied . Paratypes : 3 33, 3 ƤƤ, Republic of South Africa , Natal , Estcourt District, Champagne Castle ( RMCA ). FIGURES 43–44. Dorsal habitus of male (43) and female (44) of Stenomastigus allaeri Leleup. Scale bars: 1 mm. FIGURES 45–53. Aedeagus in abparameral (45, 50), right lateral (46, 51), parameral (47, 52) and left lateral (48, 53) views; and apical part of long paramere in left lateral view (49). 45–49, S. allaeri Leleup. 50–53, S. basilewskyi Leleup. Abbreviations: sp, short paramere. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Revised diagnosis. Male: Body ( Fig. 43 ) yellowish-testaceous, with slightly darker head and pronotum; protrochanters ( Fig. 14 ) with projecting distal margin forming slender rod slightly broadening apically, projection as long as remaining part of trochanter; profemora ( Fig. 19 ) in lateral view with shallow ventral subapical emargination and nearly straight dorsal margin; aedeagus (Figs. 29, 30, 45–49) in abparameral view with weak constriction between basal capsule of median lobe and base of copulatory piece, in left lateral view long paramere with slender proximal part gradually narrowing towards apex, nearly evenly curved and with rounded, very short and broad parameral tooth weakly standing out from the silhouette of paramere. Female ( Fig. 44 ): body pigmented as in male; elytra with deep basal impression adjacent to pronotal base; in lateral view apex of elytra located clearly above middle of elytral height (indistinguishable from female of S. kochi , see Remarks). Distribution. Republic of South Africa , Natal . Remarks. Females of this species cannot be distinguished from S. kochi and species identification is possible only when females have been collected together with males in the same locality. The key provided by Leleup (1968) is incorrect and the illustration showing the elytra of S. kochi in lateral view (Fig. 126 in Leleup, 1968 ) is misleading. In fact the female of S. kochi has the elytra in lateral view identical to that of S. allaeri and very similar to that illustrated by Leleup in his Fig. 125.