Two new species of Ptychopteridae and Trichoceridae from the Middle Jurassic of northeastern China (Insecta: Diptera: Nematocera) Author Liu, Luxi Author Shih, Chungkun Author Ren, Dong text Zootaxa 2012 3501 55 62 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.282475 8fc1b222-03c5-4825-bc8e-44bb0132e8c1 1175-5326 282475 Eoptychopterina postica sp. nov. ( Figs. 1 , 2 ) Diagnosis: Crossvein m-m between M2 and M3+4; The apical part of R3 curving anteriorly; length of R4 and R5 4.5 times as long as dR4+5. Description: Body: A well-preserved male adult of ventral view, body stout. Head round and significantly narrower than thorax. The left antenna preserved, short, with 11 segments. The right antenna is not preserved, instead a partial leg is preserved extending anteriorly from the left side of the head. Eyes large, ommatidia clearly visible. Thorax subovoid. Abdomen length 5.9 mm , width 2.8 mm with eight visible segments. Male genitalia with harpagones preserved. Head and body fuscous. Wing: Membrane densely pubescent, especially anteriorly and apically, both wings with distinctly darker area along Costa, M-stem and R3 and transparent spot area at discal cell and its surroundings ( Fig. 1 A). Wings longer than body. The right wing (length 14.7 mm , width 5.8 mm ) longer and narrower than the left wing (length 13.7 mm , width 6.5 mm ; see Discussion), about 2.5 and 2.1 times as long as wide respectively. Sc long, nearly threefifths of the wing length, and terminating at C proximal to furcation of R4+5. Stem R thick and strong; Rs strongly bent in its two-thirds toward medial veins; R1 long and with a slight bend at R2, dR1 nearly five times as long as R2; R3 longer than R2+3, and shorter than R4, The apical part of R3 curving anteriorly. R4+5 bent at r-m, r-m longer than bR4+5, dR4+5 two times as long as bR4+5; R4+5 ramified symmetrically, R4 as long as R5, R4 and R5 4.5 times as long as dR4+5. Stem vein M weak, M with three branches; dM1+2 slightly longer than bM1+2; M1 smoothly curved at base, and obviously longer than M2; Crossvein m-m connecting M2 and M3+4. CuA distinctly bent at m-cu, and straight beyond it. A1 strongly curved to wing margin ( Fig. 1 A, B, and C). FIGURE 1. Eoptychopterina postica sp. nov. , holotype, CNU-DIP-NN2011001. A. Photograph, habitus; B-C. Line drawing; B. Habitus; C. Left wing. Scale bars = 2 mm. FIGURE 2. Eoptychopterina postica sp. nov. , paratype, CNU-DIP-NN2011002 p/c, photographs. A. Habitus of part; B. Habitus of counterpart. Scale bars = 2 mm. Material: Holotype , male, CNU-DIP-NN2011001, A well-preserved body with wings ( Fig. 1 ); Paratype , CNU-DIP-NN2011002 p/c ( Fig. 2 ). Etymology: The species name refers to crossvein m-m slightly distal to M1+2 forking. Remarks: This new species resembles Eoptychopterina camura Lukashevich, Coram et Jarzembowski, 2001 , and Eoptychopterina elenae Ren et KrzemiƄski, 2002 but can be easily distinguished from the former in having larger body; longer Sc (three-fifths as long as the wing length); dR4+5 twice as long as bR4+5 and position of m-m between M2 and M3+4 and from the latter in the apical part of R3 curving anteriorly; length of R4 and R5 shorter (length of R4 and R5 4.5 times as long as dR4+5) and the position of m-m. It differs from Eoptychopterina antica Hao, Ren et Shih, 2009 mainly in wing densely pubescent; length of R4 and R5 4.5 times as long as dR4+5; crossvein m-m connecting M2 and M3+4 and the apical part of R3 curving anteriorly.