Maeridae, the Ceradocus group * Author Krapp-Schickel, Traudl text Zootaxa 2009 2009-10-08 2260 1 598 642 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.2260.1.32 1175-5326 5309853 Saurodocus hobbit Yerman & Krapp-Schickel, 2008 ( Fig. 25 ) Saurodocus hobbit Yerman & Krapp-Schickel, 2008: 64 , fig. 3. Material examined. Holotype , female, 2.2 mm , with one large egg (slide), AM P 77695 ( SEL /LZI-1-1); 1 unknown sex, AM P77696 ( SEL /LZI-1-1). Type locality . Mermaid Cove , Lizard Island , Queensland , Australia , Island ( 14°38.90' S 145°27.26’E ) . Description. Based on holotype , female, 2.2 mm , AM P77695. Head. Head with anteroventral corner rounded, without notch or slit; eyes round. Antenna 1 peduncle strong, without robust setae along posterior margin; flagellum lost, therefore accessory flagellum unknown. Antenna 2 peduncular article 2 gland cone not reaching to end of peduncular article 3; article 3 globular; article 4 longer than 5; flagellum with 12 articles. Mandible palp slender, article 1 without distal prolongation, articulation somewhat oblique; article 2 longer than article 3; article 3 longer than article 1, slim, subovoid with straight posterior margin, with 3 pectinate setae laterally. Maxilla 1 inner plate triangular, as broad as long, with 6 setae. Maxilla 2 inner plate with marginal and oblique setal row. Pereon. Gnathopod 1 coxa rectangular, narrow, anteroventral corner not produced; carpus triangular, shorter than propodus; propodus shorter than coxa, posterior margin rounded, palm defined by blunt corner. Gnathopod 2 coxa rectangular, narrow, anteroventral corner not produced; carpus triangular, shorter than propodus; propodus similar to that of gnathopod 1, but narrower, anterior and posterior margin with setae; dactylus inner margin with 2 incisions. Pereopods slender, with short setae, basis smooth; dactylus simple. Pleon. Pleonites quadrangular, without dentation. Epimera 2–3 posterodistal corner acute. Urosomites smooth. Uropod 1 peduncle a little longer than rami. Uropod 2 peduncle subequal to rami. Uropod 3 rami 7 x longer than broad, lanceolate, distally acute; outer ramus with fine serration on both margins. Telson quadrangular, deeply cleft, longer than broad, lobes distally with two incisions each having one short robust seta and 2–3 short fine setae; no lateral setae. Male (sexually dimorphic characters). Unknown. Habitat. Protected beach with patch reefs offshore, coarse coral sand with pieces of coral, 0.5–1.0 m. Probably interstitial. Remarks. This tiny specimen was carrying one large egg, thus was undoubtedly adult. Distribution. Australia . Queensland : Lizard Island ( Yerman & Krapp-Schickel 2008 , current study).